Taden Khan of Afghan Landrace Seeds

Nice, see you over there! :grin:


Unfortunately this has been my experience as well. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but just speaking honestly. I have personally introduced people to forums who I met through various social media accounts, who I know are local to unique areas, and have knowledge about all sorts of esoteric things from foreign cultures… and I invite them in… and something turns. They see the potential money at stake? Perhaps a few hundred dollars is worth more to them than you or I can imagine. They can get shady real quick. Just my experience.

I hate to sound racist or whatever else you might think, but when dealing with people from impoverished countries you really have to take everything with a grain of salt. It is true in our world too, but I think it is hard for us westerners to understand how different, and perhaps more desperate, many people are out there.


Yep same exact info I sent my money to but yet he is honest an doesn’t scamm people an has others in here helping him scam so be careful he is a scammer although people have gotten seeds from him he also scammed along the way.


I’m not worried about getting scammed. I don’t make big orders. Just lots of little ones to spread out the risk. I got extremely lucky recently with some rare Kazakhstan seeds. I ordered 10 seeds and got almost 100. The guy was so nice and understanding. He had to send it twice because my post office screwed up big time. You guys making big orders from places you’ve never bought before are the ones that get upset. Just only spend what you can afford to lose. Even if the source is totally legit you still could have problems with the mail that’s out of anyone’s control.


Talking about Taden an they other’s that lie for him it really sad to do this to people instead of just being honest to people am not here to cause any problems or or lie on people just what to let everyone know the truth about Taden an his scamming friends he has. So whatcha out they are everywhere.


That’s helpful of you. We need to know what’s real and what’s a scam. It’s always a good idea to approach any new source as a potential problem until you have some reports you can trust. Start off small with what you’re comfortable with and then go from there. Don’t go big with something that you don’t know about. First rule of buying something like that. You’re responsible for your own decisions in life


Yes would love to see someone besides someone that works with them that could show everyone these pure landraces.


I’ll pop them. That hash plant sounds good


I understand what you mean @Motaco

Just look at how big scene names / players act… they got that bag, they don’t care about you, and they weren’t starving or impoverished in the first place

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It’s a comment on the human condition, not race or nationality

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Que pues parceros?

I received tracking for a package coming from Pakistan, so I preemptively edited the title. I also received a video of the seeds I was receiving, and although it appears I am not receiving any black pishin, I am receiving 4 packs of seeds.


  1. Dark Knight
  2. Dead Animal
  3. Red Pomegranate
  4. Black Mazar.

I asked for clarification if he meant to say Black Pishin instead of Black Mazar, but was told that I’d get clarification once the seeds arrive.

They’ve passed US customs and should be here any day now.


That’s kool your package is showing up. Keep us posted please… I’ll assume these are from Taden Khan? OR The guy in Pakistan?


Correct. He also clarified that Dead Animal is Black Pishin, it’s even in the title of the video I posted.

I missed the delivery today so I’ll be picking up the seeds on Monday and attempt to edit the original post.


Did you order from Taden Khan or Pakistan Landrace Seeds? They are different from each other. I assume you mean Taden but it’s important to clarify on this because he’s been unable to send seeds out of the country for awhile now

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My bad, I thought I had quoted Krop Duster. These are from Taden Khan of Afghan Landrace seeds.

This thread is about Taden Khan only.


Do you know what country they were sent from?

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They were sent from Pakistan.




If you’re in the US then you got very lucky. Most packages are being sent back or refused at the moment