Taden Khan of Afghan Landrace Seeds

Thanks for the recommendation brother! They do seem like really good guys.


Keep us updated, glad to see positive feedback (on someone else, not the scammer lol)


Thank you very much @KropDuster, that’s the samw impression I got from this guy when we wrote with each other. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
It’s sad that you can’t trust most people nowadays, especially on the internet, so we should cherish it even more when someone is honest and loves what he does.

Have you had any issues with customs with both of your orders? I got mail from pretty much anywhere in the world and it went well most of the time, but I just would like to know what to expect. :laughing:

I’ll post here when I ordered from him and keep you updated. :slight_smile:


I’m in Canada and it’s pretty easy to get things into Canada. I just told him to not put anything seed related on the customs slip.

In Pakistan they attach the customs slip to the outside of the envelope. It’s the folded and stapled white piece of paper attached to the brown envelope.

Both got through just fine and Canada customs never even opened the (customs declaration) white paper attached to the main envelope.


Thats the Problem with those guys…you’ll never know what you end up with.
This people have nothing to loose.
Most are poor.
Thats why you pay 200 bucks for some plastic vial full of beans, and you just have to Trust what the Label is saying.
Man sorry but thats naiv.

Who knows what is in the Packs realy?
Is it the real Deal?
Remenber you can buy seeds by the Kilo in Pakistan for a couple of Dollars.
Dunno if I would Trust anything they have to offer.

Peace, god bless…


It’s all about your willingness to take risks. You will never get anything really special without taking a chance. I have sources all around the world. It’s like saying you can’t trust foreigners. I’ve found just the opposite. They have been some of the best sources for me. I am more cautious about Americans and Europeans myself.


Grow them out and let’s see if the stories line up. Their seed list was well written and has nice variety. I like that hash plant they have on there.


Your post gave me the last bit of motivation needed to order. :slight_smile: I’m definitely willing to take a risk for unique genetics. And regarding all the in-detail information he knew about the strains he sells, I can believe he made all that up. Plus, he’s basically sitting at the source of the least hybridised and tainted indica landraces in the world.
The contact with this guy (from pakistanlandraces, not the afghanlandraces with the many fakers / scammers) was very nice, he recommended me something for my needs. I had to change my order two times because there is so many to select from and I wish I could afford all of them. :laughing: But he was very patient and tried to find a good solution.

Now I have to wait and see what will happen. I ordered 5 seeds of Chilas Cherry (pure paki Indica) and 5 seeds of Pishin Black (hybrid of 2 afghanis, Maruf Indica line crossed with black Andarab and continued in Balochistan).
He told me average shipping time is 8 to 10 days, let’s see if that’s true. :thinking:
I’ll post as soon as I have new information, e.g. if I received a tracking number. :slight_smile:


Following this for sure. Can’t wait to find out what you turn up out of them


Watching from the other room :sunglasses:


I am growing out his Pishin Black right now. I dropped 4 seeds got 3 females and 1 male. They are big plants. They grow big right from the get go so if you’re growing them indoors keep that in mind.

I think for me shipping was closer to 2-3 weeks total.


Are you gona make a few of those! Love the look of those plants and want to add that to my little lineup I’m lining up


They look awesome, respect! :slight_smile: Do they turn purple or black later into flowering?
What do they smell like? The seller only told me that they have a very distinct and intense aroma, but not what exactly to expect. :thinking:

How long do you keep them in vegetative phase? I don’t want them to become too big but I also often read about several indica landraces and heirlooms, that they need their time to ripe so to say. It was highly advised against 12/12 from start or shortly after germinating. I read something about keeping them a minimum of 40 to 50 days in vegetative phase for Deep Chunk (iirc), is this also true for the Pishin Black?

Either way can’t wait to grow them myself :slight_smile:


I think he just started growing them? Probably needs some time to figure out the details of that strain. They look amazing and really vigorous


Ok my order from Pakistan arrived today! Everything was safe and undamaged . Shipping took exactly two weeks. These guys are the real deal. Highly recommended!!


As Chara said I just started to grow them.
I grow in coco coir. I add in a bit of dolomite lime. I use Green Rush nutrients.
As for veg I don’t really time my veg’s I just let the plant grow till I think it’s a good size to flower.
These plants are growing fast. The major fan leaves are much bigger than normal plants.

Now one has to remember these are all open pollinated land-races. They are not our stabilized North American strains. You get more variety / pheno types with land races due to how they breed them. In a field of plants they remove the weak males before they start to drop their pollen and leave to good looking males in place. Then when the growing season is done they identify the best looking females, that have already been pollinated by the best males, and they then harvest the seeds from those female plants. Each year they get variety and open pollinate.


That’s fabulous to hear! Folks looks like we have a good source for some special cultivars.


That’s very cool @Chara , hope you have good luck with growing them! :slight_smile:

And sorry for the questions you couldn’t answer yet @KropDuster , I think I misunderstood that you already had those seeds once before. :woozy_face:
But thank you for the infos either way, this gives me a good starting point for my own run with these beans. :blush:
It’s nice that there is much genetic variation in those seeds, I bet some people who are into breeding and have some experience with it and knowledge about selection can do wonders with them and find something truly unique and awesome inside! I’m super hyped about exploring these genetics already. I guess there’ll also be some interesting chemotypes among all of the plant phenotypes, because they haven’t solely been selected for the highest thc content by it’s farmers. More often than not a moderate thc level but more of secondary cannabinoids like cbd, cbn, cbdv and thcv will be more interesting amd also more enjoyable than only high thc but almost none other active ingredients due to heavy selection. That’s more like nature supposed it to be, I guess. :relieved:

I also paid my order yesterday evening and still am on contact with Muhammad from pakistanlandraces . I asked him for a photo of the order when he got everything together, he promised me to send me one and assured me that he’ll ship it as fast as possible in the next days. I can post it here and show it to you, too when I got the picture from him.

Maybe it’s time to open a new thread for paki landraces, so people can be better informed about where to order from and won’t get confused about who is trustable and who’s the scammer, now that quite a few of us have ordered there and can vouch for him. :thinking:


I agree with you 100%


@ossi_grower Done!