Take seeds, leave seeds- Landrace Edition

I sent out a kilo of seeds to folks, and didnt see a single grow of them, I do not have anymore, well except the last vial I kept for tissue culture…


I tried to germinate but failed :roll_eyes:, anyway I highly appreciate your generosity :pray:, wasn’t the last time you shared with us either … beer3|nullxnull

Still up:

Vvvvvvv Sheelavathi vvvvvvvV


If nobody wants the sheelavathi outright I’ll put together a combo pack to keep this thread moving. let me see what I have in the fridge for landrace that I can put together to sweeten the deal. Hope everyone’s doing well today. I need a bong hit. Let me check the fridge and ill edit this post with some more seeds. Okay I can split up some packs of generous oger’s that are still on my list to grow how about.

vvvv 5x Balochistan Black Tiger 5x South Africa Congo 5x (Zam x Kali) x PNG vvvvvv


@Upstate is working on some Nigerian Yuroba Bantu I sent him but not sure if there’s enough seeds to be sent out to folks like a freaker/co-op run. I already have the Aruba and Razavi Khorasan as my next Freakers run, so maybe I can give them a shot next year since I promised to send some seeds back to him as his pollination didn’t yield too many seeds. @Upstate feel free to correct me where I’m wrong!

I think he also posted some pics in one of the landrace threads, they look/sound amazing


Thanks for the info, this saved me from posting the 24 hour BUMP… sumo|nullxnull

Still up:


I’ll take these and leave Nepali Mountain Ganja (25 seeds) from RSC. This was a freebie from RSC and the reason for 25 seeds is they say the germination rate is about 50%. Read the complete description here.

And I’ll also include another Afghan mix (5 seeds) from my most recent purchase at Kwik seeds.
:canada: :green_heart:


I’ll take the Nepali mountain ganja and leave

Nong khai mango Thai


Which one did you mean @GREANDAL?

Still up


I pollinated the lowers heavy three times and didn’t manage to make more than 150 seeds. It’s possible these have fertility issues. The only other landrace I had problems making seed with was Moroccan, which also has small resin heads like the Nigerian Yoruba. …and that makes me suspect a distant relation.
I’ll be working with this one for sure. Needs a cure I’d guess for good flavors, but my buds won’t last long enough to get cured😁


I’ll take and leave x5 Manalí


Ill take the manali

and leave x5 Beldia


24 hours BUMP … sumo|nullxnull


Would I be correct in deducing that the 5x Beldia are regular photo seeds? So if germination success is 80% you’ll have 4 seeds sprout which on average could give you at least one girl. That makes hunting phenotypes easier.

Still available from @royal

5 x Beldia


I will say thank you to all that send seeds to me from this topic i get all of them :pray: thanks


yes regular photo - harvested last year

5 x Beldia

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I’ll snatch up those beldia and throw down vvvv 5 x south africa congolese regs vvv… love that moroccan hash thank you @royal


Congo is far from South Africa icon_e_confused|nullxnull, is it Congolese or what can you tell us about it? beer3|nullxnull

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I’ll take the south africa congolese and leave
Vvvv 5 Cambodian child vvvv

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First off I love this thread and the generosity and dedication of its contributors. I just wanted to say …These 5 seed trades would be better reserved for modern hybrids than landraces. These are genepools that need a good sift to see what they have to offer. I understand some people only have a few packs better to share than not too. But if you can share open pollinations of landraces with a good amount of males and fill up those pucks it would all be for the better for the future of these lines. Still up from movement 13
Vvvv 5 Cambodian child vvvv


Agree :arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:, specially if they come from repros where you’re supposed to have many seeds.

I wonder if Cambodian Child can be considered as a landrace … icon_e_confused|nullxnull