TC 1st ruderalis adventure

It has been almost 6 weeks since I flipped my criticals and they look like this:

Strange to be so advanved in flowering but because of that I popped a Northen Lights auto from rqs.

My plan is to pop one every 3 weeks and by the time I reach 4 I will be harvesting the fist one and one harvest every 3 weeks.


Frosting up nicely :slight_smile:
Is that a scrog rope on the top part of the picture?

Yep, tried scrog but they didn’t stretched what I was hoping for. Next run, ruderalis will be in there.

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Taday being day 1


She’d make a perfect mother, you might have there a very early finisher!

Yeah that’s the thing with scrog, it needs to veg for quite a bit longer till you have at least 3/4 of the screen filled before you flip. Takes forever!

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LOL, you should read BOG’s Bonanza of Green
What you are describing is the basic concept of his perpetual grow schedule… and BONUS! It is scalable to any size. :+1:

I have been thinking about how cool it would be to run one of those perpetual grows with his genetics.


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Had no idea, just jumping into it because I don’t want to die dum and want to see what the autos are about and want to diversify a bit.

Because of their nature it is easy to do the perpetual run, mine will end after 4 Northern Lights and 3 Watermelons those are the auto’s I have to try along with my smaller but season runs because I am running 2 small places insted of one small place.

Hoping this thread to last 8 months at least.

1st step popping the seed, done.


Sounds like a good plan! Please keep us updated

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Hi hi… Day 2


Day 6

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Day 9, have been taking her to ts1000 closet that is where she is staying and here she is:


I am sorry but getting there and very jumpy about growing, I just germinated 2 seeds for the winter run that will run side by side with the ruderalis on the closet.
One is a Special queen and the other is one of mine critical seeds. (really love the critical strain).

Both germinated easy so I am on my way, I wish I could have free power and I would add one more growing space at home.

The Special Queen is going to be amazing, was my first strain and I remember the results, one year later I am back on it.

The Northen Lights Auto

The Special Queen on top and critical on the bottom.


2 weeks passed fast like helll and here she is:


Here she is and today is poping a watermellon auto to join this one.


Added watermellon auto with the bushy northern lights.

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Doing well except for the ph unballance, it looks like my tap water dropped ph levwl and I don’t need ph down.

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Here are the two amigas, watermellon on tje left and northen lights on the right, already flowering.


Update, Northen Lights is flowering but the rust spots remain stable so let it stay.
The watermellong still vegging but is small, today another watermellon seed in the napkin germinating.


I just removed some foliage from Northen Lights, Watermellon is becoming a beast.
And today I accidentally dropped a seed that was germinating and broke the root off, will it survive? Fingers crossed.

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So Northen Lights is flowering full speed and watermellon is starting to flower. Added 2 watermellons, one of the seeds broke the root while a seed so I am not expecting the world out of the one on the orange pot.