TC 2022 Fall run

Hello folks,
New topic for a new run.
I am still one month from the end of spring run and I am packed with 5-6 plants for fall run.

There I have 3 clones I did before fliping the summer run and under the crappy light this is the result after one month vegging.

It is a crappy light that don’t make them grow but keep them alive and as you can see it is able to do some light burn so I took this ones under ts1000 today and let’s see the diference.

I am going to try scrog this time so I made a net and will install the hooks later today, was going to go with just 2 plants but in order to take advantage of the clones I probably will place 5 laydies in there scrogging, so wish me luck.

This is a 3x1ft base closet so… I thougt it was a 3x2 but after getting measurements fot the net it is a 1x3ft so instead of packing the closet with lights I will just use Mars Hydro Ts1000 this run.

Considering I was using 400w hps on the same room, I may get same yelds, cooler room and less power expenses.

Still 1 month to start so any tips are welcome.

I removed all damaged leaves from clones so now they are growing pretty.


So, I removed the ugly leaves and start training them, they are still recovering from light burn or overwatering so I will leave them alone for 2 days and then come back and check, like I wouldn’t come back in one day🤣


Here how they are doing, wanted 4 but maybe I will go with 2 criticals and one white widdow.


Try putting the other two WW’s in larger pots.

Just a suggestion. :woman_shrugging:t3:

If everything else is equal…feeding, watering, light, dark etc then that is the only difference I’ve made a note of. :crossed_fingers:t2:


The 2 on the sides are criticals but I am waiting and they are waiting for bigger pots.

The thing is over wet soil, no water ror 3 days and pots still heavy, let them sit if they die not a big trouble.

Now some one or 2 brown spots on widdow leaves, I might need to get CalMag today and feed them with it, that must be the problem since I have been growing with hps no worries and everytime I use Leds this happens so It must be a cal mag deficiency, any thougths?

I read that leds make the plants require some calmag and I don’t use or have any, maybe later today I will get it just to make sure.

On my summer run I have one plant 4 times the size of the right and left crits and same pot just to take advantage of the born plant and it is going very well without anything but under Hps Lamp.

So I up potted the widdow but some brown spots apearing so it is not related to the pot.

Defenitly going to get calmag and cannacure.

Big bummer, went to the growshop, closed for vacations and music festivals… Can some one deop the recipe for home made calmag?

Plants are getting worst so it isn’t a pot problem, not overwatering, really need to drop something there fast.

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I have this book marked but have never tried it.

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Well, I gathered some nice info and made a water bottle, no calcium available so Just added milk to the water, now waiting for effects to show.

Epsom salt works great for mag. Idk if I’d want milk in my pots :rofl: my kid spilled milk on my couch once. Stinky.Lol. I’m just joshing ya. I’m sure you don’t use enough to cause a problem

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Well advise from the lady in the shop, they were out of calcium nitrate so she told me to drop a spoon of milk after watering, it is full with calcium and other stuff plants like she said and I belived. 1 spoon it is.

So… Growing slowly and try to recover.

Some yellow and brown leaves been removed and I will start the nutes next watering and then they go flower.

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So… No winners this time but me, had my tap water with 8,5ph, that is why the leaves were getting brown.

How long to recover someone can tell?

Update, pic from yesterday.


How they grow, recovering from bad ph.


Doing well and improving colors.
Just waiting for me to harvest and empty the grow room and straight flowering.


Couldn’t wait so today is 1 week flowering, and they have pistils, all of them.
Look how bushy they got in 10 days under TS 1000.

If it wasn’t for the ph problem they are recovering they would be awesome.

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I managed to fit all 5 on the closet but put 2 appart with 150w hps lamp was going to be too tight:

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So I had 5 plants 3 with decent size and another two smallers ones.

Even that one of the smaller ones is showing very nice color and is full recovered from high ph water, I placed the 2 larger Criticals and one white widdow in the closet, and as a test I placed the other two outside the growroom with 150W Hps.

I will check the main diferences between HPS and LED will be 150w HPS vs 150w TS1000.

I am expecting better results from TS1000 because on first impression HPS has a darker yellow light, so 150w HPS is not comparable to the brightness of 150W LED, probably would place this Mars Hydro TS1000 on the 250w HPS because 400 W are a little brighter but also a lot of heat.

Watered the inside ones, looking nice.

The other 2 are on the race but light is weaker. Same wattage.

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