TC 1st ruderalis adventure

Oh oh… This plants of mine…
The Northen Lights is flowering with some irregular stains on leaves but I,'m not going to worry.

The watermellon is now catching Northen lights flowering phase and the 2 younglings are doing well.


I think I won’t enjoy much northen lights from the smell but may help me to sleep.

The watermellons have a nice sweet smell and yes they are fast but big drunks, probably twice the water on northern lights.

Today went to check the laydies and this autos are really good, a charm… While the photos are starting flowering the northen lights is almost ready, very nice thing.

It looks like Northen lights might be a better yelder than watermellon, now I m glad I have more seeds.

Unbelievable rate for the small buds to fatten and trics jus appeared kind of milky…

Way faster than photos.

I think this NL is ready by the weekend.


Well I needed to harvest the NL and I am resting much better.
I added 2 clones, one may survive and os feom a special queen.

I don’t know how long to harvest the 1st watermelon but is almost ready I think, O might wait a bit longer see if the buds swell.


That looks really good. But still a lot of white pistils. I think it will need 2 more weeks.
Once about 75% of them have turned orange/brown, it will be done.


Is that a rule? Because most buds I harvested was with most pistils white while the trics are milky.
But because I harvested the NL I can wait a bit more, I will see if they get more volume.

I always cut a sugar leave and look at it when I have lkle 10% of ambar trics I harvest but usually I am on a deadline and if I miss my stash go under and then not cheap to keep smoking.

Now with the perpetual autos on the closet and a pair of larger plants off the closet I think I will be fine from now on…

So I am waiting for the ambar trics to show and looking at the pistils but white pistils usually come ambar, red or brown after dried.

Still I admit my hurry harvesting may bring quality a bit down but save me some real money when my stash is short, thing I want to prevent from happening in future and so longer flowering time and more couch lock.

Merry Christmas to all


A rule? Nah. Just sort of a guideline. Most growers would probably go a wee bit longer.

But If most of your trichs are cloudy/milky it’s probably ok. And if you’re on a tight schedule just go for it.

I’ve done early harvests before too. It all works out. I find I personally like a bit more amber in my final product


Update, the NL have been chopped and there are the watermellons there, today poped a NL seed to keep it going.


So… The 2 big ones are Watermellon Autos, 1 Northen Lights already growing plus 2 Northen Lights seeds poping and a Special Queen 1 clone on the small orange pot.

This watermellons aren’t quite happy but I can’t figure that out, they are big drunk plants, need a lot of water.


Here the 2 watermellons, 3 northen lights and tje special queen clone


Well this ruderalis adventure is becoming something, here are they today

The watermelon on the right will be chopped in 2 or 3 days, it is a drunk fast strain and has this strange nodes.


The watermelons were nice and might be my favourite auto between that and northen lights.

Here are the 3 auto remaining, 3 Northen Lights.

I also have a big Special queen cloned from last one and topped, one white widdow and one unknown seed, very old and not sure if is male or female.


So… From 1 Northen lights, 2 watermelon, 1 critical and 1 special queen I extracted this bubble hash.

25um - 73um- 160um

True is that I yelded about twice I had my first bubble hash.
The 160um looks like crap, the othwr 2 are so fine!


Nice job on separating the trichs from the trash! :+1: :+1:

The 73 looks fantastic.
Perfect material for JoeCrowe’s freezer-dehydrated full melt bubble hash process.

It wins 1st place awards…



Thank you for your kind words, but the work was the cordless drill and the screen bags.

I think harvesting in the right time payoff, because after all I got a small chunk of green stuff that is fluffy.

Then I got more from the 73 than the 25um so I ended up making 2 balls, one of each and I am very proud of these 2, will save them for a special day.

1st time I just got like 1.5g of hash, this time is better and the 73 ball has so many oils, is amazing.

But you see kind of one hour to extract this is lame, my plants are usually small not much leaves with trics, this time 5 plants gave me like hash for 2 days stretched.

I will keep doing this so I can have a flask of hash balls - like I would wait that much! Let me go down on my stash and those will taste like honey!



Had to share this 2 balls.

I think I have figured it out, the usual hash I get is called pollen and comes from the 25um net, like a block and the best product in the 73 net may become temple ball like afeghan or Marrocos small eggs.

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So this ruderalis adventure is going on and to do again.

The 3 Northen Lights are flowering, on the corner I have a clone of last special queen, one unknown strain from over 15years ago and a white widdow.

Only the NL ane autos.

Thinking about get a fast as fuck pack from rqs.
I loved the watermelons.

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All right, waiting for this 3 autos to be ready.
I have the SQ1 clone on the corner and it is about time to switch to flowering but was hoping to do it after the autos being harvested.

I also have a smaller White widdow photo from seed and an unknown plant, this seeds are over 15 years old and came in a bud, probably someone stressed the plants on their 1st grow and yet sold the buds. I got this seeds and were the 1st I used to grow and 3 plants were female, the next 3 were males and now I tried the task of germinate a old seed.

I have no clue about the strain but looks primitive, with a lot of power.

Then I have my NL young buds coming…


Due to a topic that came up, I ended up defoliating the NLs.

That unknow seed is akward, I am running 18/6 and she looks like flowering but is too small and should be a photo, not auto.

Or is she telling me she is a girl?