TC 1st ruderalis adventure

I might want to make some clones of this unknown plant in case I like it.

@ReikoX, @Gpaw any ideas why it is growing pistils so early?

Could be too low light levels, root bound, or an auto. It looks a little more than pre-flowers to me though. :thinking:

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Well if you don’t know let’s wait and see, but the widdow next to her is regular and is smaller.

Will be on top of it.

Thank you! :relaxed:

I just recently had an experimental F1 auto show vigorous sex at day 18! I was shocked. Then this, as well as the other seven sisters had all shown be day 21. I’m on day 37, and five out of eight are in full flower. And they really haven’t even laced up their running shoes yet! I think. All other experiments(though not many) have had the strench between day 40 and 42. Time will tell.
Mind if I share? :smiley:



Beautifull sight.
I think Auto’s will start flowering by the size of the containers, I am using 7L pots meaning 1,8gal so they don’t grow much on me, like 2 ft tall.

But this strage one should be a regular seed and is old, that’s why it is so strange to me, never happened befor but I’m on top of her.

Sharing is a must my friend.

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Yeah, I’m in 5g with heavy LST. I’ve recently had to change my watering habits after noticing(too late I’m sure) that many pots were light fast. The droopy-ness was my first indication. Now that I believe that has been rectified, the drooping has now been reduced and appears to be downward clawing. Maybe to hot of N in the tea at the start of sexual expressions and prior to the noticing of the under watering. It might likely effect the strech. Part of me also wonders if it’s a light issue. Can’t be. New SF4000 25-27inches from canopy on 100% power for at least a week. I doubt its light-lacking. I’m playing it safe with a new fixture. :wink:
I regress…
I’m a “my own soil build, water only with a tea here or there, two quick checks during the day, sort a LIFTA, -though this changes throughout grows and moods kinda grower”. Rofl. :crazy_face:
…if you couldn’t tell. Maybe I shoulda payed more attention to avoid this, but meh.



Well the special queen got to the right size to flip so, I removed her from the closet and switched with the smaller ones.


As you can see one of NLs is getting smaller, one bud a day is the way!

This old seed of mine…

Is just flowering… I find it very hard but in a 15 years seed it be an auto, by that time I don’t recall any autos in the european banks.

I will leave it in the ruderalis closet, she belongs there anyway.

You can see the WW on the left of her and the small Criticals and this one is flowering… Or is it pre flower?


Time to water this drunk plants.

I think I will have something to celebrate on 420…

Meanwhile the alfa female plant from veey old seed is like that

Outside the autos is a special queen, 1st week flowering, daugter of previous one and already mother of 4.


All good

Nice plants with nice buds, waiting to harvest.

This is the odd one already showing trics.

Then the small criticals

And the mother special queen on the side


Well had to put the white widdow flowerig, was getting too big.

Would this one be all right to harvest?


There are generally three or four things I like to look for when making a determination to harvest.
First, 85+% orange pistils and curling inward.
Second, trichomes. Obviously this has been discussed.
Third, the water intake. Near the end of life most plants start drinking less and less.
And fourth, the fade. Just an overall observation of the whole plant. As it reaches senescence she’ll start to fade. This is essentially its “fall colors”. Starting to show light greens, yellow, red, uneven purples.
I hope some of y’all find this helpful. Lmk what you think! :v::smiley::+1:


Right, I usually don’t go for pistil colors, I go for the ambar trics, site the plants by this time are drinking less, but if I wait 2 much I might pass the right window, and autos are fast.
You can see some reddish on leaves tips too so it is better to check it on microscope, 100x and trouble settled.

Thanl you for all the reminders.

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I do the same. And yes, from my experience, some autos can be weird about trichomes. I’ve had ones barely showing any amber, to 50% basically overnight, lol.

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Key indicator!! :+1:


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One nla was chopped today, about 30% ambar trics.

This is the one I tought was ready, few more days

About hollow stems, compact on the bottom, hollow 3 nodes above:


Another pne bite the dust and same hollow stem stuff.

I only have one auto now!

Will be the end of this adventure to repeat of course, meanwhile the photos are going nice.

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So the nla were chopped and are drying or what’s left…

I have this unknown auto that is about 2 weeks to be chopped too:

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10 days pass like a thunder.

Well I uppotted the criticals as they wait to be flipped right at harvest of this unknown plant that is an auto.


Yesterday they were like this

Waiting to harvest the last auto to switch to 12.