TC 1st ruderalis adventure

So I harvested the last auto and now it is drying.

This is the end of my 1st ruderalis adventure.

Autos are interesting, fast over all but they consume more power so…

Now I need to empty some room for new runs so I will wait until last weeks of flowering before I decide if I am going with autos next.

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Congratulations on your first autoflower success!
I find myself constantly wanting to play with autos. If you choose to continue, just load up your space! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::+1:

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Thank you, autos are nice, now I just need to pack some beans and finnish the photo plants that are now flowering.

I might prepare a 2nd grow space just 4 autos.
Might take some years just after get a solar installation on.

Meanwhile got to keep making runs and try other strains.

For me autos pros

  • faster to flower and harvest
  • just keep 16h shedule all time

-Higher power bill
-You manage growth by pot size instead of photo period.
-you need a bean per plant.

But if you have one grow space and need a continuous grow, autos are it.

Autos are like infant children. You have to really nurture them and pamper them when they are really young (first 21 days) and if you do so they will reward you for your time and effort on their behalf.


All flowering

3 criticals inside

One white widdow and one special queen 1 outside


Today I watered the ones inside…


So… Outside the sq1 is 1 week from harvest, the white widdow will take longer.

Inside is a sea of criticals and on their way flowering. I think I am going to have my best yeld so far…



It’s been a while, harvested the special queen, and been smoking it, like it very much.

This 3 criticals are doing fine:

Today I had 2 special queens and 1 white widdow germinating.

Since I have 1 ww left and almost done and 3 criticals ready in less than 3 weeks so… Here goes nothing…


These are some nice buds on the right…
I estimate more 1 week to harvest.


So… The one on the right was harvested few minutes ago, here before harvest

Very decent size buds, main cola over 40g, it is huge, a flask just for it.

Still watching the other two, will need few more days to a week but coming nice and as tomorrow I will have some fresh pop corn buds to hold until they are ready and this one to dry, I will let them rip a little longer, I need some end of the day couch lock.


Congratulations on your success!
I look forward to the next update with some finished flower shots. Good job. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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So… I harvested the 1st last week or so and ended up with 20grams of nice buds. Probably more 10 grams in pop corn buds that because they dry faste I smoke them before if needed.

The other 2 criticals are choped and drying and soon I will have the results but right now fimming or topping beats the yelds of just natural growth.

Amazing, next run that is already in process, I will top all 3 and will be amazed!

This was the best bud from 1st plant

Decent sized, compact, heavy.

More news soon.


Well, between 30 and 40g each plant and I am getting better.

Here is my stash for the next 3 months… Not brutal, may not last that much but it is home made with all the care and all organic stuff.

This post will close this thread since I have the 2nd half of 23 going.

Happy Grows!