TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

Are you using HPS or something? Or LED?

I am using LED’s.


Venom breath #2

Venom Breath #1:

Black triangle x Counterfeit Kush tester for cannavore:


Dog Walker OG and LA pure Kush on day 22 of flower:

Dog Walker:


Both are stacking up nicely.

Weather here has been nice and mild lately too. 70’s and low humidity, which has made a big difference in the flower room temps.

Oh yeah… I finally bought a grow tent. Ended up getting a 5x5. So I’m going to use that to do the first round of open pollination for the sunshine daydream clones. I’m going to start by doing the open pollination with the 7 males and 7 females I have now. Then I’m going to do the bigger open pollination with the 14 clones and 12 sunshine daydream seedlings this fall. I’m hoping to get the seeds sprouted in the next month or so. I gotta get the SSDD clones into the tent for flower first.

I am planning to re-pot all the clones next week. I’m waiting on VermiCompost…

Ordered vermicompost from Sonoma Valley worm farms.
Really excited to give them a try. I heard Clackamas Coots recommend them on a vermicomposting webinar. He said they were one of only a few places he would buy castings from. The couple other places he mentioned had ridiculous prices ($80+ for 1/2 cu.ft + shipping in some cases too). This place had 1 cu.ft bags for $33 and free shipping on orders of $50 so I just bought two bags. Really excited to try them.

I want to start making my own again but until then I wanted to find a better source. We’ll see how they are…
Fingers crossed!

I also found an awesome local source for compost. It’s STA approved thermophilic zoo hoofed animal compost + alfalfa and straw bedding. Or they also have another compost that combines the above stuff with seaweed from local rivers/lakes and brewery/distillery waste all composted to USCC testing standards.

They are also letting me bring in my own bins to fill up instead of having to buy cubic yards, which is really cool. I only want like 6-10 cu.ft.


Day 32 of flower for the LA pure kush and Dog Walker OG:


Dog Walker OG:

Really liking the early smell coming off the DW.

Both are looking like good yielders.

And here’s a black triangle x counterfeit kush tester from Cannavore. Day 42 of flower:


Looking very well grown thus far I’d say. That dog won’t ever let ya down.


Thank you!

Yes, I’m super excited for both, but especially the dog Walker og. Ive heard lots of good things about it and am looking forward to getting to try it myself! (I’ve had LAPK before and know I like it)


Day 59 for the LAPK and Dog Walker OG. We had a brutal heat wave here that’s caused some issues for me with grow room temps being way too high (hitting 90-91°f). Heat and humidity levels outside were crazy. High 90’s with 80+% humidity. Even the central air was struggling. So that’s caused some new white pistil growth and a bit of fox-tailing/more fluffy/less compact bud growth.

The LAPK handled the heat better than the DWOG or the BTxCK.



Pic of both:

I am planning to hopefully have a new a/c until by next spring so I can run in the summer without these issues.

I think I actually also need a more commercial dehumidifier too. That’s a big part of my heat issue. It’s very humid where I live in the summer and the place I grow gets very humid as well. It’s only gotten worse too since he had a layer added to his roof. My current 70 pint dehumidifier just can’t keep up. It’s running 24/7 and not even maintaining 50%. It’s struggling to maintain 55% (and I need the humidity below 50% to avoid potential issues with mold). So it’s just constantly adding heat to the space.

I’ll be shutting down as soon as these are ready and totally rebuilding the space. I’m hoping to correct as many environmental issues as I can…

I used to have a much nicer, much more dialed in grow space but had to shut it down at the start of the pandemic and never got to reopen it. My “buddy” just ghosted me and kept all the equipment. So I’ve been using this other space and making-do as best as I could.
I have been saving up and hope to better optimize things soon. A rebuild should help as I plan to use proper walls instead of plastic (like they are now) and add better ventilation. I’ll take some pics of the build once I get to that point.


Oh yeah, I also finally got all the sunshine daydream f1 clones replanted. They were stuck in tiny solo cups for wayyy too long and were looking rough.

They are still recovering but look much happier now!

That’s not all of them. I’ll get more pics soon.

I am still figuring out exactly how/where I want to do this seed run. I did buy a 5x5 tent and have that but haven’t got it set up yet. Still trying to figure out the best spot to do it.

As soon as I get this batch into flower for the open pollination I’ll be able to sprout the pack of sunshine daydream f1 seeds I have from @HorseBadorites !
Hopefully soon…

I want to have them ready for flower come September. My plan is to do all the female seedlings semsimilla along with the 7 f1 sunshine daydream females I already have (but haven’t flowered yet).
And then around the same time also do an open pollination clone run with all 26 SSDD f1’s, hopefully in the 5x5 tent if I can fit them all in there (thinking females in 1 gallon pots and males in 1/2 gallon pots).


Wow all your plants are just stellar!

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Looking good! 26 F1’s…I love the sound of that! SSDD isn’t going extinct anytime soon :+1:


Looking nice @TeddyNuggets Good call on waiting to pop that pack!

Are you worried about botrytis? I run a 70 pint dehuey drained to the outside 24/7, and the RH sits about 60% most of the summer with temps around 80°. The plants seem to like it, and I haven’t had a mold problem, as long as pm doesn’t count, it’s a mildew, right :rofl:. But that has nothing to do with RH, and is easily taken care of.

If you do need a bigger one, check out Santa Fe or Aprilaire. I’ve used them for whole house applications. Pricey, but they work.:slight_smile:


They look really good, bro.


Yea, I have had botrytis a handful of times over the years. But no, that’s not my main mold concern.

If the RH gets too high at this grow spot (I’ve used this place on & off over the years. It’s where I first started actually) I will occasionally get tiny bits of mold in some of the bigger bud clusters (like on the inner side of some of the smaller buds that make up a big cola, if that makes sense). I’m not sure what type of mold it is. It is a whispy white strand with a yellow head. It’s usually only in a handful of small spots on the biggest buds when it does happen. The only time it’s ever been an issue is during the high humidity in the summer.

I am planning to hopefully add air intakes that pull air from outdoors into the basement and run HEPA filters on the intakes + filters on all the grow room intakes + I want to build a big HEPA filter for the whole grow space or get one of those air sterilizing exchange type filters. I think that will help fix the issue. That and a better dehumidifier.

Thanks for the recommendations on dehumidifiers!


Hey @hoss8455 just out of curiosity how long do you usually flower the LAPK and dog walker og for?

Both are at day 61 today and they are looking like they’re getting close. Good amount of cloudy trichs but not many amber yet.

I was thinking of letting them go closer to 10 weeks but if you think they smoke better at 9 weeks I’ll take ‘em down sooner.

Oh, and as for the sunshine daydream open pollination, I am going to get them into flower in the next 2 weeks.

and @420noob @Bobgrows i ended up re-potting one of the extra ‘92 OG clones and I’m going to throw that into the SSDD f1 open pollination, just for fun.


I take both at 10. LA probably needs that last week more than the dog. I can’t remember if I’ve chopped dog at 63 before.

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Why not the 90s is solid af plant. Also I had one with 2 plants racked wig aphids but not a one went on the 90s. Fyi. Also I have 2 in flower and one outside and 3 more clones!


Thanks man! I’ll let them both go the full 70 then!

Sucks on the aphids. They can be a PITA.

That’s cool you have 3 more in flower! I can’t wait to flower this strain out. Everyone who’s had it has raved about how amazing it is. Sounds like a real winner!

I still have all 3 clones you sent me of that one. I got that bigger one I showed you the pic of. I think I’ll keep that one as the mother. Then I had 2 still in those little solo cups. I replanted one yesterday and the other is still in a solo cup. You should have seen how root-bound the one I transplanted yesterday was! lol They actually did surprisingly well in the solo cups for how long they’ve been in them (wayyyyy too long).

I wasn’t really sure what to do with the extras which is partly why I decided to throw one into the open pollination. It’ll also give me a sneak peek at what the flower/buds look like.


Ya see the aphids sucked but the fact they don’t seem to like the 90’s was what I was getting at. Aphid resistance is awesome. Wait @ndnchild had aphids and 90’s. @ndnchild did the aphids seem to bother your 90’s kush?

She is an amazing cut for sure! Very vigorous, can handle insane multiple stressors, and is amazing smoke! Oh ya the aphid resistance also. She is a keeper!


@420noob The 90’s Kush was safe in the veg room at the time and getting sprayed with MTA regularly so the aphids didn’t get a good shot at her. I did just take 5 cuttings. They’re in the cloner now and will hit the Danger Zone before long! :joy: