TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

In the group shot pic?

I think it’s either the sunshine daydream #1 or one of the peanut butter breath.

This is the peanut butter breath #1:

And this is @syzygy ’s sunshine daydream f2’s (bubbashine):

Are either one of those the one you were referring to?

Just fyi: I haven’t seen either of these flower out yet. This is my first run from seed with both. I have clones of each in case they are worth keeping (won’t know till after flower).

Speaking of the sunshine daydream. Hey @syzygy check this out. I had to bend the top cola of the SSDD over last night. Did it right before lights went out.

And when I checked on it this morning when lights came on, look at it:

It’s already growing hard toward the light again. That’s some impressive vigor!


Ah I see there is 2 next to each other both with big leaves lol. The pbb is what I was referring I believe but that bubbashine had amazing structure wow!

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Yeah it does.

Check out the structure on SSDD #2. This is with zero training. Just how it’s growing naturally.

Really excited to see these flower! I am a big sunshine daydream fan. I had a great pheno of it I kept around for years. Lost it when I went on vacation and had a friend babysit my mother plants. :cry:

So I’m really hoping to find something similar again. Got more SSDD seeds to hunt through still, so the search is just beginning! lol


Awesome looks great! I’ve never grown or tried ssdd :thinking: looks like a good one and great structure. Good luck hunting!


Thanks! Sunshine daydream is one of my all-time favorites. I had an old keeper pheno I kept a mom of for years (from Bodhi’s original f1 release). It was a buttery kush smelling pheno that I believe leaned more toward the BubbaShine (but I’m not sure since I have never grown bubbashine). I lost it when a buddy was taking care of it for me while I was away.

The high was like medicine for me. Just so calming for me. Made me feel this sense of peace and well-being, and made me more talkative + social too.

These f2’s were made by @syzygy and he very kindly gifted me some. This is my first time flowering these out. I have 3 females so far from this batch. But I also have lots more SSDD f2 seeds from @syzygy and @Knifeman to look through yet.

I also have a single sunshine daydream f1 seedling going. It’s smelling quite nice, but looks like it might be a male. So, if it is, it will be used to create lots of sunshine daydream crosses and more SSDD seeds.


I took a few pics while in the flower room today.

Here’s the Field Trip (bodhi) and Celestial Tremors (Katsu) at the start of week 8 of flower. First 2 pics are celestial tremors. Not as much purple this time around but I’ve been keeping the temps warmer at night. She will turn purple with lower nighttime temps.

The rest of the pics are of the two field trip plants.

And a few macro shots. I never really take macro shots. I was just playing around with my phone camera to see how well it took macros.


I also moved another peanut butter breath f3 seedling into flower.

Room’s filling up quick! I might be able to squeeze one more in, but everything else will have to wait for the celestial tremors and field trip to come down.


Dang, Teddy, I thought you had a medical condition or something when I read that… :upside_down_face:

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:rofl::rofl: that made me laugh

It is a weird strain name though, huh?

I usually just call it “platinum bubba” when people ask what it is, but that name is not really accurate since it’s actually “hotcakes x platinum kush” with hotcakes being bubba kush x French toast. So I figured I should call it by its proper name, at least online. It’s still “platinum bubba” when someone asks me in real life :joy:

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Ugh, I am so mad at myself…

I was working in the room yesterday and accidentally knocked over the Dog Walker Og clone I recently bought from Hoss’s charity auction here.

I didn’t think much of it at the time. A bit of dirt spilled out from the top but the clone looked perfectly fine, and the rapid rooter plug in the cup didn’t look like it got disturbed.

So today I check it and see it’s wilting like crazy. All I can think is that I must have damaged the roots? I really didn’t think just knocking it over would cause damage to the roots, especially after it survived a week in the mail! lol But obviously it must have done damage :man_shrugging::cry:

I’ve had plants do this before after replanting from my hydro machines into soil. Usually because the tap root got damaged when removing it from the net cups to plant in soil. Sometimes they recover after wilting like this, other times they don’t.

I am really hoping this one recovers, since I only have the 1 clone of this strain and I paid money for it.

It looks like some of the lower growth isn’t wilted. So I’m hoping worst case I just have to trim off the wilted top growth. But I’m going to give it a few days to recover first before doing that (unless it gets even worse).

@hoss8455 i may be hitting you up for another dog Walker clone! :cry::joy:

At least the LA pure kush clone is looking good!


I took clones off the Venom Breath female, as I plan to move it into flower in a week or so (as soon as the plants need the other light come down. Shouldn’t be more than a week).

And I found this:

3 leaf sites from the same node.


Here’s a few pics of the Field Trip and Celestial Tremors at the end of week 8 (day 56).

Celestial tremors:

You can see she’s starting to fade and change colors now. I’ve been letting the nighttime temps get a bit lower.
She looks a lot better in person than any of the pics I’ve taken.

And here’s the field trip:

I will probably let them go another week. All of them are still drinking like a gallon of water a day. I expect that to slow down very soon.


Here’s the Expert Mac 1. This is only the second time I’ve run this. I ran it the first time like a year ago. It was good. Not my favorite but it showed enough promise to run again. Then a bunch of stuff happened and I never got her back into flower. But now I need to make some decisions on some of the mothers I keep, so I’m trying to flower everything out and decide if I want to keep it or not. Some I already know are staying. The expert Mac 1 I’m not sure on yet.

She’s big! Smells way different than it did the first time I ran it a year+ ago. Much better smell this time. Smells kind of like some old school northern right now, but that could change. I was never even planning to flower this plant (it was an old mother that was overgrown. I put it in some used soil in a 3 gal. pot to get some healthier clones and decided to throw her in flower instead of the trash).

Here’s a couple quick pics of the Bodhi Tranquil elephantizer remix:

And my “mystery strain”:

This was one of the plants in that funky bag of soil. She’s still lighter green than I’d like, but it is what it is at this point.

Both of these strains will be getting their lower branches pollinated, hopefully tomorrow. With some BOG blue moon rocks pollen from @DougDawson. Thanks again Doug!!

The rest will be getting pollinated soon too.



Beautiful plants! Just a heads up that 90’s kush is just about ready to take some snips😉. Got to do some thinning and we’ll why waste!


Best of luck bud, hope you get what you want out of them. :v:

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Awesome! I’m excited!

And thanks!

Thank you!

And again, if you want to try any of the crosses please let me know. I’m hoping for some good stuff.

Everything I’ve made with my mystery strain so far has been really good (IMO anyway). The mom really shines through, at least with the 2 males I’ve used so far.

Figure like maybe 8 weeks and they’ll be ready.

It’s looking like wonderland in there. Time for me to pull up a chair!

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Shoot me your addy man I’ll let you know when they fly.

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Pollinated the first 2 plants with the blue moon rocks pollen today.

Did my mystery strain. The couple crossed I’ve made with her so far have been really good (IMO) so I have high hopes for this one!

And pollinated the tranquil elephantizer remix.

Hees the 2 plants getting prepped up for pollinating:

Then I just cover the plant with a plastic bag and leave the branches sticking out that I want to pollinate.

After pollinating (with a q-tip) I wait 10-15 minutes, then spray them down with water, wait a few more minutes and then move back into the flower room.