TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

Just a heads up will be shipping out Tuesday when I get into town will dm details!

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Sounds good. Thanks again man!

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So it looks like that dog walker OG clone is going to make it, and I don’t even think I’m going to have to top it.

Not out of the woods yet, but it should definitely at least survive, even if I end up having to trim off part of the top growth.

Propping that wilted growth up helped. I also misted it multiple times a day with water+microbes. I thought about trying to get it into a dome, but I didn’t have the room.

I am still super annoyed with myself though for damaging it. It definitely set things back WEEKS. It’s already been 4-5 days and it’ll probably be at least a week (or more) before it starts growing again. It was just starting to take off too before I knocked it over and damaged the roots.

Here it was a few days (or so) before I damaged it:

And here it was the morning after I knocked it over (and clearly damaged the roots):

You can see all of the top growth was wilting. None of it could support itself so I propped it all up.

@hoss8455 i really thought I was going to have to try and buy another one at your charity auction.
Now I can wait and buy something new/different instead! lol

The LA pure kush (bottom clone pictured) is doing great.
(1st picture is the most recent)

Edit - and here it is standing all on its own without touching any of the supports. She’s definitely going to make it. :open_mouth:‍:dash: phew lol

Impressed with the resiliency of this girl! :grin:


Field trip day 59:

@Shevchenko you can see it’s starting to turn colors now.

Oh, and a bud site on a leaf.


I know what you mean and often pics don’t seem to do the plant justice no matter what. Adjusting the levels may help a bit for showing the colors. The flowers look fantastic! I need to get to my field trip pack eventually…


Nice! That definitely looks better. I’ll have to play around with some settings. Thanks for the tip! And the compliment.

I’m pretty sure I’ve said it before but if you ever want cuts of the field trip just let me know. You’ll obviously be welcome to seeds from any of the BOG blue moon rocks crosses too.


great plant!
good job @TeddyNuggets

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So I’m not sure that dog walker is going to make it after all…

It was looking droopy again yesterday so I watered it for the first time since it started wilting 10 days ago (or whatever it was). Then I come back a couple hours later and it’s wilting hard. I was like WTF!?

So I inspected closer and found this:

It almost looks like something is eating the stem.
Or maybe it just broke when it fell? I don’t remember seeing any damage though and I looked. If I had saw any snapped stems I would’ve taped it, or just cut it off.

And now today it’s even worse and the top growth is legit dying. I’m thinking my only chance now is to cut below whatever the damage is on the stem and just leave that one growth shoot that doesn’t have the stem damage.

I am definitely open to suggestions here, though.

Anyone have any idea what’s going on here? Is this some type of fungi/bacteria? Or from damage to the stem when it fell? Or from root damage?

I’ve had this clone in isolation since I got it.

That same spot on the stem did look a bit off when I first got it but I didn’t think too much of it until now.
I believe the white spots you see on that one leaf was just sulfur spray (I was told it was treated with sulfur) but since it was only on 1 leaf I have kept it in isolation out of caution.


It looks like you may have broken the stem when you knocked it over and started to see damage. There’s no way that plant should go 10 days without needing water it had to stop drinking completely.

I am hardly an expert, but I would probably do some measuring and cut a bit of duct tape to close that wound. I would categorize everything else as secondary.

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It was 8 days ago. My bad.

This clone really hasn’t been drinking much since I got it, but figured the root system still had to fill out the cup, and settle in after a eeek in the mail. I watered it the day I got it, then 2-3 times more since then (including yesterday, which I believe was the 3rd time I watered. Maybe 4th at most). But it looked healthy.

All of this started the day I knocked it over so it definitely could have just been from me tipping over the cup.

I do see some sulfur spots but the last pics you had before removing were not sulfur spots they look like dust or something not good.

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Yeah that’s not looking good.

Dog mom clean on my end. Some zoomed in shoots all different leaves dogwalker mom currently.


Took a leaf off and put it under a little 50-100x magnifier thing I have. Here’s the pics. Sorry for the quality. It’s only a 720p screen.

It doesn’t look like mold or mildew to me. What do you guys think?

It looks kind of just like its trichomes. I’m not sure what those few little bigger crystalline white spots are? Maybe just from a foliar spray?

I still think the thing that makes the most sense is that I must have just damaged the stem when I knocked it over and not noticed. Or maybe the damage was more just internal at first?

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Maybe it was a tender spot then the drop really aggregated the spot and that happened?

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I ended up cutting off the wilting branch. I did try to tape it up yesterday but I think it was too late to save it.

What’s left looks healthy to me…

Seeing as it was only the growth connecting to that one branch that was wilting, I am hoping I must have just damaged it when the cup got knocked over (at least internally). Then maybe that damaged part started desiccating/dying over time?

I’m thinking when I tipped it over, it damaged the tap root, which caused the initial wilting. And I am thinking I also damaged that part of the stem (at least internally), which between the damage to the stem and the roots drinking less water slowly dried it out over time. I was also doing plain water foliar sprays 2-3x a day after it started wilting, so that may have helped the top growth on that damaged branch start to recover. Then when I stopped the foliar sprays 4 days ago it started slowly drying out again from the lack of water. That’s my best guess as of now anyway. lol

I was really nervous and freaking myself out a bit yesterday that it was some type of fungus or something attacking the plant. But I didn’t really see anything growing on the stem after I cut it off and inspected it under magnification. Same with the leaves I inspected, outside of whatever those little white crystalline-looking things are? (really not sure exactly what that is but it doesn’t look like mold, to me anyway…?)

I also went through and closely inspected all of the plants in my veg rooms + flower room and didn’t find anything. So… :crossed_fingers:

I figure I’ll do some preventative foliar spray treatments of all the veg plants just to be safe, and the clone too once it recovers a bit (unless I see something that needs immediate treatment). I did already do a couple HOCl foliar treatments on that clone back when I first got it (just to be safe) but I hadn’t done any since that wilting started.


Probably will go on to be a monster

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Field trip and Celestial Tremors at the end of week 9 (day 63).

Field trip:

I will be harvesting the 2 field trip plants today or tomorrow the latest. I just gave them one last plain water feeding.

Celestial Tremors:
I guess I only took 2 pics of this one… (thought I took more)

This one still has at least a few more days, maybe a week. It gets this nice strong skunky, gassy smell in the last week of flower. She has it the whole time, but it gets more intense in that last week.

I used that “organics alive” sample kit to feed these 3 plants and I have to say, I really like it. The final test will be how it tastes, but I expect it to taste good. Very oily, sticky, smelly flowers.

If I had it to do over, I would have continued feeding the celestial tremors a bit longer than I did. Probably the field trip in the smaller pot too. I am happy with the field trip in the 5 gallon pot. I just followed their recommended feed chart this first time (but at 1/2 to 2/3rds recommended strength).

I might actually order more of the organics alive dry soluble nutrients. It’s a nice simple organic system for the plants in bagged (store bought) soil. And even as supplemental feedings for the plants in living organic soil if needed.

I don’t know that I’ll buy their liquid ferments again though. I mean, I liked them ok and all but I just feel like I can make my own. The only 1 I would possibly buy again is the fermented grain extract. The castor bean foliar was ok, and their humic acid was ok too but I’ll stick with what I have. If I buy humic, it’ll be BioAg.

Their fungal compost sample seemed good quality. I’d consider buying it for compost tea brewing if I needed it.


Here’s some of the other plants in flower:

My mystery strain:

Tranquil elephantizer remix:

Unfortunately it’s not really looking like the blue moon rocks pollen took. I am seeing a handful of pistils dying back but most look unpollinated still. I might give it another try when I try to pollinate the cheese candy and GG#4xLBL this week.

Cheese candy and GG4xLBL:

Both are getting stretchy on me because they are along the edge of the room and not really getting great light. I was hoping to be able to move them to better light but I’m just too full. Oh well. They’ll still flower ok, the yield just won’t be as good as it could be.

@syzygy ’s sunshine daydream f2’s:

Look at the stacking on that top cola in the 1st pic!
Looks more impressive in person.

And two of the thug pug peanut butter breath f3:

Really not overly impressed with these so far. They did get too big on me waiting for space in the flower room. But even in veg under nice intense light they were growing stretchy.

They are only in week 3 (? Iirc) of flower, so we’ll see what they do. I have clones of each so I’ll probably run them again anyway, at a more proper size. But so far they aren’t looking like keepers to me.