TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

Bodhi Field Trip (GSC x SSDD) harvested today (day 64)

Really happy with this batch so far. Buds are very trichome covered and very oily, even the smallest popcorn buds.

I am planning to give the grove bags a try for the cure. I might only do 1 ounce in the grove bag to start, just to make sure I like it first.


Finished harvesting the second field trip. Didn’t take pics though. I didn’t feel like getting my phone all sticky with resin again. lol It looks very similar to the other field trip.

Smell is a bit different though, which is interesting. I fed them both with the exact same nutrient regime. One was in a 4 gallon pot and one was in a 5 gallon. I’m trying to remember if maybe I used a different soil mix on one but I don’t think I did.

This field trip has a more acrid or astringent smell that I haven’t really smelled before from this keeper pheno, and I’ve run it a decent amount of times now. It still has the smell it normally does too, but definitely a sharp note to it that’s quite noticeable. It’ll be interesting to se how it cures up.


Since I had some open space in the flower room I wasted no time filling it back up! lol

I definitely started too many plants at once, between all the extra clones I was planning to flower and all the seeds I sprouted. So everything ended up getting really big on me. Way bigger than I wanted. But one bonus I guess is that the seedlings had more time to mature… lol

Here’s the last peanut butter breath f3. (below)
I ended up with 3 females of 5 seeds sprouted. Not overly impressed with the first two so far, but there’s still lots of time in flower left. Hoping this 3rd shows more early promise.

Here’s the 3rd coast venom breath (below).
Really excited about this one so far. Definitely has an indica dominant look to me.

Here is a strain called “honey sherbet” that I got locally. It didn’t look like anything special early on. Grew kind of stretchy as a seedling. But as it’s vegged out it’s started looking much nicer. To the point I took clones off it just in case.

Got a decent amount more seeds of this one too if it ends up being anything good.

And the last one I moved in there is the 808 sour grape gas (#1):

And finally, to include some bud shots for everyone, here’s the celestial tremors finishing up nicely now. Should be ready in the next 4-5 days (ish).

As soon as she comes down I’ll move at least 2 more into flower. Not sure if 3 will fit. The rest may have to wait until the Expert Mac 1 is ready in a few more weeks :grimacing:


Still have these on deck too:

Bodhi ClusterFunk

Another strain I got locally. The jar was labelled “SC”.
I have no other information on it. :man_shrugging:

My only guess at SC is strawberry cough? Anyone know any other strain names that SC could be?

Another sour grape gas (#2):

My gelato:

This is another plant that was in that bad bag of soil. I still haven’t been able to get it 100% right.

I also have another Venom Breath female to move into flower. Forgot to get a pic of that one. I may be forgetting 1 or 2 more as well.


Looking great there @TeddyNuggets just found your thread going to tag along for the adventure


Thanks! Appreciate it!

Forgot to post pics of the other half of the flower room:

Not all of them are as tall as they look. Some are sitting on buckets. But 4 of them definitely got way too big on me waiting for space to open up in flower. My own fault though for trying to do too much at once. I was planning to flower out an extra clone from each of my dozen+ mother plant varieties then also decided to sprout a bunch of new seeds and got a bit overzealous. I’m paying the price now :joy: oh well. It’s still fun getting to see some new seed varieties. I want to grow them again more optimally though. Well, at least any that show enough potential to warrant a second run…

I’ll get some close up pics of all the different varieties on this side next time.


Harvested the Celestial Tremors today at day 69. It probably could have gone a few more days or even a week to get more amber trichs, but I needed the space.
It started drinking slower about 3-4 days ago, so I figured it was close enough.

I love the skunky smell this strain has. It’s like a more skunky bubba smell. There’s hints of coffee/chocolate, but the skunky smell is definitely at the forefront.

Not sure if that’s the platinum kush or the French toast in the hotcakes?

Skunky/gassy/funky/dank smell profiles usually tend to be among my favorites.


I got the cheese candy and GG#4 x longbottom leaf (jack’s cleaner x SFV OG) pollinated with the blue moon rocks pollen the other day.

It doesn’t really seem like much of the pollen took on the first 2 I did (my mystery strain and the tranquil elephantizer remix). So this time I went much heavier with the pollen and waited longer before spraying with water and it’s looking good! I am seeing lots of pistils dying back, so I’m hoping these 2 should have lots of seeds!

The cheese candy and Gg4xLBL have been my 2 main producers for 8+yrs now. They’ve been crowd favorites for years. So I’m excited to make some new crosses with them!

Y’all will be welcome to some of the seeds of course! That’s half the reason I’m making them! lol


So… I may have spoke too soon. I’m not sure how much pollen took this round either. I was seeing some pistils dying back, so I was hopeful. But I’m not really seeing nearly as many pistils looking pollinated as I should…

You can see how heavily I pollinated by all the residual pollen still left on the leaves! I really went heavy and brushed it on each bud multiple times too. Then I waited way longer than I normally do to spray with water.

I pollinated multiple full branches and I’m only seeing a handful of pistils dying back mostly just on the top bud. Other bud sites look like they were never pollinated.

Im wondering if the pollen just isn’t that viable anymore.


Moved a couple more plants into flower the other day. Now I finally have almost all the big, overgrown seedlings moved into flower! Yeesh. As I’ve mentioned before, they got way too big on me waiting for space in flower. I bent some of the tops over 90° to try and limit stretch a bit, but I’m fighting a losing battle here with some of them. lol I’ve just accepted the fact that this run is going to be a sh*t show of overgrown plants :joy:

These are all new varieties from seed. This is my first time seeing any of them flower. So that’s always a ton of fun! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning, waiting to see what they turn into. Flowering new varieties from seed (or even clone) is one of my absolute favorite things to do.

General flower room shots:

The third Peanut butter breath seedling. This one seems to have the best growth structure of the three so far (which isn’t saying a whole lot).

These are the two that I just moved into flower:

Sour grape gas:

Seedling from the seed I got locally. This is the jar that was labelled “SC”

I still have one more venom breath in veg. I might try to squeeze it in there soon. It’s big but not as big as these monsters so I’d love to get it into flower before it gets any bigger. But it wouldn’t be getting the best light so I might try to wait until that Expert Mac 1 in the back corner is done. It’s getting semi-close. Either choice isn’t optimum, so it is what it is :man_shrugging:

These venom breath definitely look like heavy indica learners to me.


things are looking lucious and vibrant in the flower tent :sunglasses:

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Beautiful plants! All looking happy and healthy in here :+1:t2:

1 Like

Thank you both! I appreciate it!


Cheese candy stacking up nicely. Love this strain! There’s a reason I’ve kept it around 8-9+ years now! It’s easy to grow, produces high quality smoke and always yields well.

This cheese candy clone was originally in my hydro machine. But I had an issue with root rot. I caught it before any real damage was done. Transplanted this cheese candy clone into some old used soil I had laying around (it was just store bought bagged soil, not living organic soil). I didn’t even re-amend the soil or anything. I was just planning to use it to make some seeds.

Even under far from optimal circumstances she’s still just growing happily.

I’m still not really seeing any seeds developing on the branches I pollinated though.

I’m hoping maybe there will be at least a few seeds hiding in there. But it’s definitely not looking like I’ll get many, if any at all.

I tried! lol

I have another really cool potential project in the works for the community here though, thanks to yet another super cool OG member (who I’ll tag next time, when I share more details).

It’s Something I’m extremely excited about, and something I am hoping many here will be excited about too - Bodhi’s sunshine daydream.

I’ll share more details soon. I want to have everything in hand first! Hopefully this weekend… :grin:


A few shots of the Thug Pug Peanut Butter Breath f3’s:

Still not super impressed with these. Not much of any smell yet, and all the clones are growing very stretchy. Even worse than the seedlings did.

We will see how they finish and smoke though. It could still end up being good smoke even if it doesn’t grow or look the best.

I’ve never grown peanut butter breath before, or any OGKB hybrids. My first time growing thug pug too. I am a bit disappointed. I guess I probably should have chose something different, like a PBB hybrid instead of the f3’s.


So, about that new project I mentioned…

A very generous OG member (@Tykal ) sent me a whole tray worth of cuts from an original pack of Bodhi’s sunshine daydream!!!

There are supposed to be 6 females and 6 males. So I plan to do an open pollination repro with all 12 plus the original sunshine daydream male I got from the original f1 seed @syzygy sent me.

@Tykal wanted these sunshine daydream to be shared with the community so that’s what I plan on doing!
I am a huge fan of sunshine daydream and I know others here are too. So i’m hoping to have lots of f2 seeds to share!

I will most likely do some selective breeding with some of the females and males too, depending on what phenos I find. Or hunt through f2’s to find my butter pheno! My ultimate goal is still to find that butter pheno I lost and reproduce it in seed form. Fingers crossed!:crossed_fingers:


I’m rooting for you!



It would be so cool if I can find it and share it. Or if I don’t find it, maybe someone else will in the f2 seeds!


Wow! Got a whole lot going on there! The cheese candy x gg4ibl look amazing.