TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

Yes. Too much! It’s fun though. lol I will be culling some stuff pretty soon. Actually already started. Got rid of a few of the mom’s I had.

Planning to get rid of a few more at least and I’m not sure about any of this newest batch from seeds yet. We will see how everything finishes flowering.

My main keepers won’t be going anywhere:

-Cheese candy
-GG#4 x LBL (loran’s longbottom leaf)
-Field trip
-Mystery strain

I don’t see the ‘92 OG, Dog Walker OG, LA push kush going anywhere either. And same for the sunshine daydream (hopefully!).

I’m not sure yet on some of the others. That’s why I was trying to flower them all out. But then I started a bunch of seeds. lol

And thanks for the compliment btw! I think you’d really like the cheese candy. It’s been one of my mainstays for almost a decade now.


Few pics of the Expert Mac 1 getting closer to finish. Maybe another week, give or take a few days.

This is only the second time I am flowering out this strain (iirc). I thought this would likely be the last time I flowered it and I’d ditch the clone I kept. But the smell has me rethinking it… lol.

It smells way different than the last time I ran it. Maybe it just wasn’t fully mature the first time I ran it, since it was from seed and I flowered it maybe 60-70 days after sprouting? Now this clone is over a year old. Maybe two (from the time I first sprouted the seeds). I dont think it’s because I grew it better this time. It was healthier the last time. This was just a rootbound old, unhealthy mom that was stuck in a 6” pot for too long. I threw it in some old leftover soil (from bagged, store bought soil) that wasn’t re-amended. I wasn’t even planning to flower it, just take clones then cull it. But then I threw it into flower as a space filler. This isn’t the first time I’ve had a strain change tastes/smells as it aged, which is why I wonder if it just has something to do with reaching full maturity?

Last time it had more of a kind of nutty smell. Not very strong either. This time it has a much stronger smell. More acrid notes. Smells dank! I’m hoping it tastes similar to the way it smells! Still not sure I’ll keep it around though. But she may have at least earned another run under better conditions.


So, thanks to another awesome, generous OG member - @HorseBadorites - i have another f1 sunshine daydream female to add to my repro project!

I have 7 different females and 6 different males in the trays. Hopefully I’m able to get at least one of each rooted! and I already have an f1 male in soil and ready to go into flower whenever the clones are ready.

The other sunshine daydream clones are doing good. No roots yet but I think today is only day 5 or 6.


Grabbed a few pics in the flower room last night:

Left side:

I got the top canopy as even as I can with how overgrown all of these plants got. It is what it is…

Some shots from the right side:

The 3 different Peanut butter breath phenos. Two look similar, one looks a bit different.

They are finally starting to look nicer as they get later into flower. I’m actually starting to look forward to smoking them now. Some nice smells too. Nothing too strong, but 2 have what I would call that classic peanut butter breath smell.

And below Some pics of the cheese candy. She’s showing a bit of light stress on the top colas. I had the LED light turned up too high last week when the temps were warmer here and it caused some light/heat stress. My own fault for not turning down the LED.


Here are some more pics of what light+heat stress look like, for those who haven’t seen it before. Temps were about 84-85° consistently, with peaks around 87-88° last week and I still had the LED at 100%.

Those are two of the SSDD f2 plants in flower. They didn’t like the warmer temps with the LED at 100%.

You can see how they started to foxtail and grow new white pistils.

And here’s a closeup of the heat+light stress on the cheese candy:

Again you can see all the green spots with new while pistil growth.

Temps have been warmer than normal at this time of year and I still don’t have the air conditioning fixed yet.
I am planning to tear down + rebuild my room this summer. I want to expand the space and make upgrades. Really excited about it. I’ve been putting it off for too long. My room is falling apart. I can’t even touch the poly plastic on the walls without it crumbling/ripping.

I’m planning some nice upgrades. I’ll definitely take pics of the build when it happens. I’m planning to be shut down by the beginning of July the latest.


Oh yeah, I forgot. Been meaning to post an update on this for a while…

the dog walker clone is doing great! For anyone that remembers I had an issue a while back but She made a full recovery and I have her in a 5 gal fabric pot getting ready for flower.

(the spots on that one leaf in the photo are just residual from a preventative sulfur spray a while back)

I think it’s safe to say at this point that the issue with the stem was 100% just damage from being knocked over. I have not seen anything else that would make me think or even suspect it might have another issue and the roots looked healthy when I transplanted it.

All the evidence points to damage from the spill. I think it must have got knocked over harder than I realized. I think it broke the tap root and damaged that part of the stem (that I showed pics of a while back). Then I think the combo of the stem being damaged in the fall and the tap root damage causing the plant to drink less is what caused that one portion of the stem to wilt or whatever.
I can’t say I’ve ever had that exact thing happen before. lol almost 2 decades growing and I’m still always learning and experiencing new things. That’s actually one of the things I love about growing though. I mean, nobody likes problems, right? But I enjoy the knowledge that solving a problem brings. Anyway… lol.

Looking forward to flowering this out @hoss8455 !

Oh, and here’s the LAPK:


Gorgous plants! Happy 420

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Thanks man! Happy belated 420! lol

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Some more pics from the flower room:

Sour grape gas 1 and 2:

The buds on #2 are stacking up a bit nicer than on #1 but #1 has a bit more early frost and a bit nicer smell. Definitely a bit of that sour smell starting.

Here’s the venom breath. Definitely an indica! lol

Here’s one of the strains from a local grower. It’s called Honey Sherbet. Very strong strawberry smells so far. Like overpowering strawberry.

I do have some extra seeds of this one so if it ends up being something good and someone wants seeds, I can hook it up.

Here’s the last peanut butter breath (#4). So far this one is my favorite. Definitely getting nutty, peanut butter type smells already. Pictures suck. It’s at the back of the room and not easy to get photos of.

And finally some pics of the Expert seeds “expert Mac 1” that will be getting harvested today or tomorrow the latest.

She smells completely different than the first run with her (which was a year+ ago). Way more acrid/skunky. Last time it was like a somewhat subtle nutty smell. This time there’s nothing subtle about the smell. She stinks! lol


Some great news on this wonderful Sunday morning! (or afternoon now, I guess) on my sunshine daydream f1 repro project!

5 of the 6 Bodhi sunshine daydream f1 females from @Tykal are rooted and transplanted into solo cups!
I believe today is either day 7 or 8, and the first day the clones spent recovering + rehydrating from the trip in the mail too, so that’s some pretty quick rooting!

The first day I left extra leaves on the clones and left the rooter plugs more moist than I normally would, just to help the clones rehydrate fully. Then on day 2 I went in and removed some of the extra fan leaves and squeezed some of the water out of the root riot plugs (which is one thing I really like about root riot and rapid rooter brand plugs vs. rockwool - you can squeeze them!).

So all that’s left of the females is the #9. No roots yet but she’s looking healthy and happy. Hopefully I’ll see roots very soon! (1st pic is the #9 female clone. Second pic is the whole tray)

A few of the males are showing roots too. I’m going to let them grow a few more roots before I transplant into solo cups. I also need to make some space for them in a veg room. Just need to figure out what I want to cull. I’m going to have to make some choices on some of these old mothers I have. Decisions, decisions… lol

The sunshine daydream f1 clones from @HorseBadorites are also doing good! They look healthy and happy!

And here’s the f1 sunshine daydream male from @syzygy hanging out in a little 6” pot waiting for its brothers and sisters to catch up…

Very, very, very excited about this project! :grin:

I almost thought I might have been getting an original pack of sunshine daydream f1 seeds to add to the project via trade but I don’t think it’s happening. I don’t have the cash to buy the pack(s) or I would have jumped on them! Oh well. I’m more than grateful already for what I have. 7 males and 7 females will be a nice reproduction.


those plants are thriving!


Hell yeah, glad to see them doing so well!


Thank you! It’s been a challenge keeping them healthy with how damn big they got on me waiting for space to open in flower. I shake my head every time I walk into that room and see how big they are. lol
I don’t have very high ceiling heights so I usually keep stuff smaller.

Yeah they are doing great!

I was kind of nervous because right before you sent them to me I had ordered a different type of rooter plug to try (root riot) and I didn’t have my normal rapid rooter plugs I’ve been using forever. Had I known I was getting these sunshine daydream clones I never would’ve ordered different plugs!

The root riot plugs definitely absorb and retain water quite differently compared to the rapid rooters. So I’ve had to adjust my methods slightly but so far, so good!

I actually like them. They are more airy and sponge-like. They definitely retain more water though. I’ve had to squeeze excess moisture out a few times now. But i am learning and adjusting and getting them dialed in.
All the clones are still healthy so I must be doing ok! lol

It helps that the clones you sent me were all so nice and big (for the most part) and mature!

#10 has been the most impressive rooter so far. Just exploding with roots as of yesterday, all with at least 6-8 root tips (or more) sticking out of the root riots already.


just as good as buying a pack if ya ask me… haha do any of the cuts you received have any journals/write ups?

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Almost better than buying a pack since they’re all somewhat mature and already sexed. lol.

No, they haven’t even been flowered out yet as far as I know.

Tykal’s friend sprouted a pack of sunshine daydream and I believe he gave him clones he took before he started flowering them (again, afaik). Tykal didn’t have the room for them (and prefers sativas) so he offered them up to the board to do their own pheno hunt with.

@Tykal can correct me if I’m wrong.

My goal is to do an open pollination and then do selective breeding after that. I want to make sunshine daydream more readily available for people who want it.
I think the strain has a lot of medicinal qualities. I wish Bodhi still offered it but I know he lost or retired his bubbashine and the sunshine daydream.


absolutely… the jar i have right now is some bomb night time smoke… real cloudy and can give the nods too. which is what i chase when im buying seeds.


Me too! I just said that to someone else. lol

I’ve never had the chance to grow pure bubbashine but I would love to. It sounds like something right up my alley.
Ever since I read Bodhi’s original description of his bubbashine I’ve been chasing it! haha

Sounds like we may have similar tastes. I enjoy calming, relaxing type strains. Some of the more “up” strains just give me anxiety these days. Super silver haze is like an anxiety attack waiting to happen for me. lol Used to love the old school Jack herer but I doubt I could smoke that anymore either. Same with the Cinderella 99. Ran that for years back in the day. Now… no interest in smoking it.


Yep fresh popped pack, no info, we’re all on the same page, digging for gold.


Thanks for chiming in! Appreciate it! That’s what I thought.

Super excited to see what they turn into! I love pheno hunting more than probably anything else. I feel like a kid at Christmas waiting to see what I got! lol.

And I’m also doing this just as much for the f2 generation of seeds as I am pheno-hunting the f1’s. Very excited about that part too.

7 different f1 males and 7 f1 females is a pretty decent reproduction! especially considering that up until recently I only had a single f1 male that I was trying to figure out what to do with :joy:

I truly feel lucky to now have 7 f1 females and 7 f1 males to work with.

Thanks again!


Ya gotta be careful. I bought some off brand plugs and they strangled everything. They were so solid that roots couldn’t grow through them like to much binder. I went at them with a toothpick to give the roots a place to go and they went but they couldn’t get thicker so plants struggles for a bit then died. I learned the hard way with off brand “cheaper” plugs.