TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

I almost ordered some of those cheaper off brand plugs. I’m glad I didn’t! lol thanks for the warning!

These are the legit root riot brand. I was able to get a bag of 100 for $29.99 vs $19.99 for 50 rapid rooters. So I figured I’d give them a try.

They are definitely less dense than the rapid rooters and absorb water much easier. That’s taken some adjustment. But I’m starting to like them.


I do rapid rooters haent tried riot but ya name brand or bust with these.

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Oh yeah, the #9 sunshine daydream female has a couple tiny roots poking out today.

So that’s all 6 females rooted! @Tykal :tada: :mega: :metal:

I think at least 3 or 4 of the 6 males are rooted too. I didn’t check them yet today but I will. All 6 might be rooted now… :crossed_fingers:


The root riots should be fine I’ve tried both from my hydro store and had no problems with either.

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Yeah they seem to be working well. All 6 females and half the males had roots by day 8. Some were rooted by day 5 or 6.


The #9 sunshine daydream f1 female was transplanted into soil today. She had a good amount of roots sticking out of the plug, so into soil she went!

That’s all 6 females transplanted into soil. Next up are the males…

It looks like I have maybe 4 (or 5) of the 6 different males rooted so far (need to double check). I think I’m just waiting on 1 or 2 to root now.

All clones are still alive and healthy. I’m still hoping for 100% of the clones to root.


I am really starting to like these thug pug peanut butter breath f3’s…

They all have that kind of nutty smell, but 3 of them also have this rank/foul body odor smell mixed in with the nuttiness. It’s really interesting.

Very dense buds for the most part, too.

Also really liking the venom breath #1 so far too. It looks like it’ll be a good yielder and I love the early smells I’m getting. It has some of that skunky/dank smell that I love, but it’s much more complex than just skunky/dank. Not sure how to describe it. Like hints of vanilla and cream maybe…

Sour grape gas. One of the 2 has a sour apple smell going on right now. The other is more sour lime maybe.

Here’s one of the mystery seeds from a loval grower, labelled “SC”. Not a good picture, I know! lol.

And here’s the “honey sherbet” from the same local source. Super strong strawberry smells.

Also, a reminder I had to bend + tie a bunch of the top colas, which is why they are growing like that. I bent them 90+° and tied/staked them in place.


Oh, and @syzygy i figured I owed you a few photos of your SSDD f2’s. I apologize for the quality of the grow.
They are lime green - nowhere near as healthy as they could/should be. As I mentioned to you before I cut off N too soon, and with being so big and rootbound I’ve been struggling to keep them healthy. They are definitely cannabalizing lots of leaves. Heavy feeders.

2 of them also didn’t like how hot my room got last week + the LED light still being on 100%. One started to foxtail a bit and the other started growing new white pistils (I posted some pics of both maybe 5-6 posts up in this thread. The one about heat+light stress).


An update on my sunshine daydream repro project:

I have rooted clones of all 12! @Tykal

All 6 female phenos are in soil and doing well, and 5 of the 6 male phenos are also in soil and doing well.

The sixth male (#12) is also rooted, but it only had a couple roots sticking out. I want to give it another day or two in the dome/tray. But I do have rooted clones of everything!

The sunshine daydream f1 female pheno that @HorseBadorites sent me is also rooted and in soil!

So I have 7 f1 male phenos (including the sunshine daydream f1 seed @syzygy sent me) and 7 f1 females phenos all in soil now!

And I have another really exciting announcement on this project I’ll share soon!


I’m on the edge of my seat.

Nice job getting them all rooted. I hope you find the winner(s) you’re looking for.


Ok, so here it is… things just got real…

Thanks once again to the amazing @HorseBadorites I now have a 12 pack of original f1 sunshine daydream seeds to add to this reproduction!

So if all goes well that will give me 26 f1 sunshine daydream plants for the open pollination!!

I am beyond excited! I feel like with that number of f1 plants, this will be a very nice reproduction and should help preserve one of my all-time favorite strains.

I can’t wait until I have a ton of f2 seeds for everyone to hunt through!


Well, that is amazing. This will be great.


It’s nice to see you running a project like this as I know you’ve been looking for a pheno similar to your old SSDD and are passionate about the strain. Very cool of @HorseBadorites to contribute that pack (and cutting) as well. Interested to see what you find!


Thanks @syzygy ! Yes, you know how much I love this strain! Super excited to see what I find (and my offer still stands if you see anything you like/want).


All 12 sunshine daydream f1’s from @Tykal are now in soil! I got all but 3 clones to root. I believe there were something like 26-30 total cuts. I lost one to pythium and I have 2 left that hasn’t rooted yet. I am happy with the overall success rate though! I was nervous about getting these rooted since I knew I only had 1 shot at it. It would have been devastating (to me) to lose them. Not an ideal time to change my cloning method… lol.

I also have 8 of the 9 cuts rooted that @HorseBadorites sent me and expect the last one to root soon.

The root riot brand plugs ended up working out well. I think I actually prefer them to the rapid rooters now. I just like the way they hold water better.

So that officially gives me 14 different sunshine daydream f1’s in soil now!


Some more flower room pics.

Peanut butter breath #1 (of 4). It’s in week 7.
Very chunky, dense buds. Even the lowers are chunky dense.

Of the 4 females I have there’s seems to be 2 different phenos. One that looks like this and has a bit more color to it (mostly purples) and another pheno that looks like it’s going to flower a bit longer and is staying mostly green. Still has white pistils too in week 7.

Here’s the second pheno (#3). It looks similar to #1, but not quite as dense buds.

And here’s the other phenotype (#2):

And #4 looks to be the same phenotype as #2. Here’s #4. It’s earlier in flower than the other 3. It’s hard to get good pics of this one because it’s at the back of the room.

Here’s some of the others in flower.

Venom breath #1 (of 2):

And venom breath #2. Its earlier in flower than #1

Honey sherbet:

Sour grape gas #1. Definitely thicker buds than the sour grape gas #2.

And here’s Sour grape gas #2

No “gas” smells at all so far on either one, but maybe it’ll come later. So far it’s more like sour apple. #1 smells stronger than #2 so far.


Beautiful plants


Thank you!

Hey, BTW, I have the LA pure kush and Dog Walker OG both ready for flower next. They’ll be going into flower this week (finally. lol). Really excited to see both flower!


The peanut butter breath #2 pheno is really starting to impress me. She looks way better than she did earlier in flower.

She’s turning some nice fall colors and the buds are all rock hard + big. Even the small lower buds are chunky.
Has a nice nutty, slightly foul smell.

I’m thinking it will be ready for harvest in the next week or so. I like to see some amber trichs before I chop.


All the little sunshine daydream f1 clones are doing great!

@Tykal @HorseBadorites @SubzeroIceKold

Edit - the plants in the solo cups, not the clones in the clone dome/tray. Those are something different.