TeddyNugget grows stuff (grow room diary)

Cut a small sample off the peanut butter breath #2 today:

I haven’t smoked it yet (obviously. lol) but I can tell y’all right now that I will be running this pheno again.
Seems like a winner/keeper.

Stinky, sticky, colorful, rock hard buds. Looks like a decent yielder too. I bet it would work well in a screen of green. It would do good in sea of green style too. The main cola is a monster.

The clones I kept as potential moms are still kind of a PITA. They still want to stretch and will need training to stay manageable. But I’ll deal with it if it’s worth it and I am guessing it will be. :grin: they haven’t been getting ideal lighting. They’re on the edge so that’s part of the issue (too full! lol)


Killing it man! Beautiful plants.
Those clones doing alright?

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ooh, cant wait to see how that flowers out.

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Dude, those buds are straight fire!

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Thanks! Yeah it definitely turned out better than it first looked. It wasn’t all that pretty early in flower. I feel bad for talking s**t about them now :joy:

Thank you! Yea, all 4 clones you sent me are still doing good! I’ll grab some pics of them for you soon.

I got one of the ‘92 repotted into a 3 gallon fabric pot. I was hoping to get it into flower soon but I don’t think it’s going to make it in time this round. I need to be shut down for a couple week in July so everything has to be ready before that. Anything that isn’t ready to go into flower now is going to have to wait until after the summer heatwave passes. I could throw the ‘92 in there small but I’d rather just wait and do it right. I’m already battling temps as it is and it’s only early May.


Hey @420noob heres one of the ‘92 OG clones:

I really wanted to get this one into flower before I have to shut down for a couple weeks in July. I am super excited about this strain. But I think I’m just going to wait. I want the first crop to be high quality and I’m already dealing with heat stress now. I know temps are going to be an issue in May+June. Quality goes way down for me when the temps get too high.


Here’s the Dog Walker OG and LAPK:


Dog Walker OG:

I am torn on what to do with these. I was planning to flower them and I could move them into flower today. That’s what I want to do. But as I said I’m already dealing with heat stress issues that started in April. It’s been much warmer than normal here and it’ll probably only get worse in May-June. I know they’ll end up being stressed out from the heat and the buds won’t look nearly as good as they could.

I feel like I might be best just to wait. Keep these as the mother plants and have clones form them ready to flower as soon as the summer heatwave ends.

I am also planning to totally rebuild my grow space in July and fix some of the issues I have. So maybe I’ll be able to get started sooner than the end of august if I solve the high heat issues with better ventilation. Or a new a/c unit if I can swing it.


Ya I did a small one outside last year and it didn’t like the desert heat so much but still did well. It should be amazing everytime!lol They look good you will be happy. The Jew gold is just starting to pump so couple weeks and we will see if this is a keeper cut.:crossed_fingers:

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Here’s a couple of the peanut butter breath on day 63:

This one is ready for harvest (female seedling #2). I just want a bit more amber trichs still (I prefer harvesting slightly past peak for the high)

The whole plant is just rock hard chunky hand grenades.

I got to smoke some of that sample bud last night and I really like it. Very nice smell & taste. Smells Like a pretty strong, foul BO with a nutty background.

Here’s the other one that’s at 9 weeks (female seedling #1). Similar looking, but not as nice and more finicky. Similar smell too.

Here’s a 3rd PBB (female seedling #3 (below)) a week or so behind in flower.
This one looks like it’s going to be closer to a 10 week flower time. Again, not nearly as nice looking as the #2. Maybe slightly stronger foul BO smell.

We will see how all 3 smoke, but so far #2 is winning hands down in the looks & bag appeal department.


Here’s some shots of the venom breath #1 and #2. Really digging the smell on these. Not sure how to even describe it besides just saying it smells like dank weed. I know that description is meaningless though. lol

I had to cut the top bud off #2 that’s why the top looks weird (it grew into the light and burned).

#1 is definitely going to be a good yielder. The buds are showing a bit of heat stress though.

I am working on getting my room temps under better control…

I figured out a way to draw fresh air straight from outside into the flower room. I just need to hook up the ventilation. Then I’m going to plug the intake fan into a thermostat controller to try and keep the temps no higher than 79-80°f.


Question for anyone who might know:

I bought a roll of 1/2” thick MERV 8 filter to use on the intake. I am planning to use 2 layers where the intake enters the grow room (and maybe some pantyhose over it) and put a 3rd layer outside where the intake will draw in air.

I know MERV 8 won’t filter out everything, but it is supposed to filter mold spores. do y’all think it should be good enough for a couple months?

I don’t want any potential mold/mildew or bug problems. I do see powdery mildew growing on some of the plants+weeds in this guy’s yard sometimes during the summer (I don’t see any yet). Not sure if it’s the species that attacks cannabis though.

I wanted MERV 11 or 13 but I was worried about them limiting air flow too much, and couldn’t find any that would ship quickly.

This is just a temporary solution. I plan to add HEPA filtering to the air intake when I rebuild this July/August.


Cut a(nother) sample branch off the peanut butter breath #2

I already smoked that other sample bud I cut 5 days ago (or whatever it was).

I am really liking this plant. It was damn tasty even without any cure and not being 100% dry.
Potent high and it looks like it’s going to be a good yielder too.

I am impressed. I only sprouted 4 seeds of this strain, so to find a plant this good has me excited to sprout the rest of the pack. I may even order a few more packs to hunt through.


Chopped the peanut butter breath #1 today:

It was showing maybe 10% amber. Most trichomes looked cloudy. I probably would’ve left it a few more days but when I was checking the trichomes on the top cola last night I saw a tiny little bud worm :face_vomiting: so I chopped + trashed the top cola last night and cut the rest of the plant today. I inspected the top cola closely under magnification and didn’t see any bud worms. I couldn’t even find the 1 I saw. Hopefully it was somewhere in that top cola. I also didn’t really see any damage to the bud so I’m hoping it wasn’t there long. But I still had no interest in smoking that bud. lol. Who knows how many times it could’ve sh*t inside the bud. No thanks. lol

Really hoping it was isolated to that one cola. It was probably the tallest plant in the room and the worm was in the top-most bud. Plus the rest of the plants near it don’t really have formed buds yet (they are only a week or so into flower). I haven’t dealt with bud worms indoors before, but from what I know the moth (or whatever it is exactly that lays the egg(s)) usually likes to pick a cola near the top of the room. So hopefully I got everything remaining. I’ll be keeping a close eye.

I’ll probably use a BT spray on the few plants in flower without buds, and on the veg plants too just to be safe.


Peanut Butter Breath #2 came down:

This pheno is a winner for sure! Every bud looks great, even the lowers. Dense/chunky (even the smallest buds), no larfy buds, everything is very trichome covered, sticky, stinky, colorful.

I like to think that I have high standards as to what I’d qualify as high quality weed (I consider myself a pot snob for sure. lol) and this definitely meets my definition of high quality weed.

I will definitely be keeping mothers of this PBB #2 and running it again. If it does this well (or hopefully better) the second run it will get a regular spot in the rotation. We will see how it does when I run it again from clone. That’ll be the true test.


Whoa, those buds are stacked, dude!


Thanks! Yeah definitely some nice thick, stacked buds.
It got a bit stretchy on me during veg but that was mostly my fault, and ended up stacking nice in flower. Anxious to run it again!

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Here’s the venom breath #2

Really liking the smells off this venom breath strain so far. It has that “dank weed” smell some of the other “breath” strains I’ve tried had. It also kind of smells like that “slush puppy” statin I bought at the dispensary a while back (photos are somewhere in this thread). I wish I could describe it better.

Here’s the venom breath #1

In the first 2 photos you can see the light + heat stress in the way the buds are growing. You also see it just slightly in the 3rd photo, but not as bad as the top buds.

I can’t get the light up any higher than it is, and I already have it turned down to 75%. My light only allows increments of 25% so I don’t want to turn it down to 50%.

This happens every year when temps get higher ever since I switched to LED lights. Once temps start getting to like 83° (and especially above), some buds want to start growing new white pistils.

I was able to fix the issue with in-room a/c. But my air conditioner broke last summer and it added too much to the electric bill anyway.

Usually I don’t deal with heat related issues until late june or early July. But it seems like the weather is changing where I live over the last 3-5 years. It’s starting to get warmer earlier and it gets MUCH more humid. Humidity in the summer has been brutal the last few years and now it’s already humid in late April/early May this year. So that’s causing my dehumidifier to run almost constantly, which adds to the heat issues. It’s a losing battle. That’s part of the reason why I am shutting down for July+August this year.


Fine looking bud there.
Yea the summer indoor thing is not friendly here either.

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Hey @Tessellated i did end up putting the LA Pure Kush into flower about a week ago (and the dog Walker OG too).


Dog Walker OG:

I am hoping they finish flowering before I have to shut my room down (mid July the latest). But I have a plan if they go a bit longer. I can move them to a different spot and finish flowering them under a 300 watt LED I have.

I know I’m going to end up dealing with heat stress but both plants were too big and taking up too much space in veg not to just flower out. Worst case I’ll turn the buds into hash and rosin if the heat stress reduces the quality too much (for my liking). That’s what I did with last summer’s crop. lol

I’m hoping pulling in some fresh outdoor air will help keeps temps in check better. I still haven’t set up the fresh air intake yet but I will soon (hopefully by the end of this weekend).

I was also thinking I could maybe run the lights at night when I could pull cooler air from outside. I don’t want to do that unless I really need to (because it’s tougher to keep the room 100% dark during the day, and it would make it much tougher for me to find time to work in the flower room). But if I need to I might figure out a way to do it, at least for the last month of flower.


Some pics from the flower room:

Heat and humidity are definitely an issue now. A number of the plants in mid/late flower are showing new white pistil growth and some fox tailing.

Humidity has been super high so the dehumidifier is running pretty much 24/7 and still not 100% keeping up, which makes the heat issues even worse. I was running a second 70 pint dehumidifier during the week but it just makes the heat issues worse and raises the electric bill even more so I can’t keep doing that.

I should be able to shut off a light in the next 2-3 weeks. I’m hoping that’ll help a bit.

Dog Walker OG:

LA pure kush: (still needs to be stripped/trimmed. I’ll be doing it this weekend)

One of the 808 genetics sour grape gas:
It has a gassy lemon type smell. I’ve never grown pure triangle kush or “crippy” or whatever it’s called but I’m wondering if this is a crippy leaning pheno. The other sour grape gas looks completely different (looks like crap).

Venom breath #1. This one is showing heat stress for sure. Still smells great though. I will be running both venom breath phenos again come fall. It was looking nice before the heat stress issues. #2 isn’t showing much heat stress. Yet. I’ll get pics next time.