Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

They both look awesome, though, especially considering those five-gallon pots they’re in. Gonna be fun to see how they turn out…

Gawddamn! Try and tell me climate change isn’t “real.” In the four years I live in PDX, I only saw it got that hot for three days my first summer there.


Awesome shots as always, the natural lighting on that closeup shot is so nice especially! Love the praying action in that and all the others as well.


Looking great! Really interesting how varied the structure is between the two of them.


Should have definitely gone bigger. Maybe 20 or 30 gallons next year, if I can successfully make it through this year, that is.

Yeah it’s been consistently in the 90s for the past couple of weeks, and looks like it’s gonna stay pretty warm for awhile. I personally don’t mind the heat, but something is definitely out of whack with climate… we’ve fucked around for too long and we’re about to find out.

Thanks man! The natural lighting makes it so easy to get good/better shots. The power of the sun! Best part is that it’s free. I’m going to start to do more bud shots outside, or with natural lighting I think. I do enjoy waking up with the plants and seeing them ready to catch all those rays, praying to their god :innocent:

Thanks man! I’ve nick-named them Bert and Ernie, haha. Tall and slender and the squatty.

Also, I forgot to mention, but…

Anyone that’s been following along and interested in testing the recent crosses I’ve made are more than welcome to reach out to me and I’ll get you a pack. These are all feminized (hopefully) crosses of T-1000. I’ve germ tested and they’re popping tails, but no room to grow any immediately.

Blueberry x T-1000
Agent Orange x T-1000
Key Lime Pie x T-1000

They may herm on you, they may suck, they may be the best shit ever… who knows? Gotta pop 'em to find out.


I would love to give some a go. Will have some space after the summer.


Dude, I’m telling you, I lived there between ‘97 and ‘01 and we never even SNIFFED the 90’s. Weeks’-worth of 90-degree weather wasn’t even a thing.

Real weird, man… haha.


Beautiful man! All these outdoor grows got me making some plans for next season!


@iamyou_youareme beans arrived safe and sound. Thx for the hookup, will get a few going after my current run.


Just catchin up - lookin great man, cool to see the t1000 reversal worked well!


Eagle has landed :slight_smile: made my day


Awesome! Glad everything made it safely! Thanks again to all willing to test @Varuna @ramblinrose @503BudMan @Greasy @Vagabond_Windy @FattyRoots I really appreciate it. I’ve gotta pick up some more shipping supplies, but the offer still stands to anyone willing to give them a shot.


A quick update on the outdoor plants. It’s been windy here and a bunch of wildfire smoke moved in yesterday evening. Today I haven’t seen the sun through the weird smokey haze covering PDX. Plants handled the wind find though.

This afternoon:

Bud shots:

Still hoping they’re gonna finish here, they seem to be behind other grower’s plants here, so I dunno. No signs of caterpillars yet, but I see the white moths circling the plants all the time. I’m keeping a keen eye on them.


Looking nice and healthy! Keep your eye out for moth eggs on the sugar leaves and sometimes on the flowers themselves, they are usually white when new and turn more yellow before they are going to hatch. May be easier to spot than the damn caterpillars themselves unless you get lucky.


Thanks man! I’m gonna look over them pretty closely today. Getting to the point where I definitely don’t want any creepy crawlers in the buds.


Guess it’s about time I got off my ass and posted an update here.

I’m pretty convinced I’m not going to be able to properly finish my outdoor plants, but hopefully I’ll get something from them. They look like they have a bit left to go. I’m thinking that light pollution may be slowing their flowering, this video : How Dark is Dark Enough? Darkness level requirements for plants with Dr. Bruce Bugbee - YouTube goes over how light sensitive cannabis can be. My neighbors have flood lights shining in their backyard all night, it kinda bleeds over to my yard. It could be that they are just slower flowering too, and my climate won’t give them the conditions necessary to finish. Maybe both?

The plants do still look healthy though, and the weather hasn’t changed here yet, so I’m definitely going to keep them up as long as I can.

I’m thinking I’m going to close this thread after these outdoor plants finish up. It’s getting hard to navigate through the posts and the information kinda gets lost. I’m thinking of starting up threads for each seed pack, or cultivar… you know, for when people actually do use the search bar they can find the thread based on title instead of navigating through posts.

Anyways, hoping that everyone has a good Croptober!


They look incredibly healthy and gorgeous! Your yard must be smelling might fine!


How many more weeks do you figure you have before frost starts? Hopefully they will finish for you. They look nice.


Holy moly you couldve said these were indoor plants on the cola close ups and had me fooled!


they look wayyy too clean to be outdoors, not even one spot


Thanks man! The back yard smells really good. the taller plant has more of a generic smell, slightly fruity and sweet. The shorter plant smells like lime skittles, no joke! Hot new Zkittles cut incoming! haha, just kidding! It’s not super strong smelling but definitely reminds me of the candy.

Not so much the frost that I’m worried about, but more the rains. They got hit pretty hard last night with our first decent rainfall since the beginning of summer. There was some flopped over branches, but nothing broken! I hit them with the leaf blower and have a fan on them this morning, trying to dry them out… I’m thinking that they really need about 2.5/3.5 more weeks, but probably not gonna get that before consistent rainfall. Next week looks good so far, but I know my days are numbered.

Yeah, I’m actually surprised at how much the bugs have stayed away from them. I did spray them a few times with my normal IPM stuff and some silica, but other than that I haven’t really been babying them or anything. There is a big ol’ spider web right in the middle of the two plants on the back side. I’ve let them chill there and web up a bunch of leafs and stuff, figuring it to be a sacrifice to the cannabis gods. The hoppers have gotten to a few leafs and I’ve plucked some, but overall they’ve come out pretty clean so far.

I’m gonna dry these a few days, then freeze them to make hash outta everything. Since I’m washing them to hashish… do you think I need to wash the buds before drying or just let all that stuff come out while sieving for the hash?