Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Went back outside to find that worm, which I ended up finding and exterminating, but also noticed something weird on one of the buds. Upon closer inspection, I found a HUGE seed. Like bigger than any cannabis seed I’ve ever seen before. I tried to capture it next to a normal sized seed, but may have to do a little stack to get some clarity with such a narrow DOF. Anyone ever seen giant cannabis seeds? I think I’ve heard Deep Chunk produces some huge seeds. This one is about the size of a small pea.


That huge green seed is probably a result of catepillar x cannabis breeding! A true hybrid of insect and plant.


I would definitely advise a washing of your buds. I do after every outdoor grow. The caterpillars are brutal this year. Kudos if you are free of them.


Plant that seed, dude! Let’s see what it is haha. It’s definitely strange-looking, might be kinda cool to see what it produces.

Plants look good! Sucks about the botrytis, but I say let ‘em ride as long as you can, especially since you’re getting another week of good weather.

This made me laugh. I’ve often wondered the same thing, like when I’m thinking,”Man, I wish I could grow outdoors…” But then I immediately wonder,”But where would you hang the plants?” and,”You think trimming your indoor grows is a hassle…?” haha. I’d still do it if I could, though.


Love the outdoor girls mate, looking happy. I hope you get to finish them up :pray:t4:

City full of hipsters on bicycles will do that haha.

These arrived yesterday, bless bro

Greatly appreciated


It’s funny because it’s true… haha.

Anyway, @FattyRoots in the house! Good to “see” you around. I miss you haha. How’s Paradise?


Yeeeeh @minitiger miss you too bra, been on your thread regularly but each post is so long I think it’s taken me 3 reads to get like 50 posts deep haha. Some people’s threads I just scroll straight to the plant pics but you always are saying some funny shit. I don’t normally comment until I’ve caught up on all posts but at this rate I’ll be reading that thread deep into next year haha

I knew you’d like Mean Gene’s gear, exy but maybe worth it

So good, surfed twice today with no crowd and watched the sunset from the water. Might be locking in an online job so the dream will extend until further notice yew :call_me_hand:t4:


Shit, man… Too long, maybe? I can talk like a motherfucker, no doubt about it, but I feel like what I’m saying is worthwhile haha.

Yeah, I love those pics you were posting a while back, with those sweet-ass waves and, like, zero people out in ‘em. No crowds is key. I hate those fucking crowds haha…


Your outdoor is looking exceptional! Wow, I’m truly impressed…and you’re getting the absolute best weather possible for the PNW this time of year! Colorado has also been blessed - warm temps, lots of sun, no frosts yet. I wish I was able to run outdoor because this year would have been a BUMPER crop! My tomatoes are still partying on, Wayne.


Portland is a great city! Loved everything about it and the PNW when I lived there and can’t wait to go back to visit…maybe a summer 2023 road trip?

:minibus: :motorway:

Big seeds are fairly common in outdoor. Something about the bigger calyxes and the natural sunlight always produces much bigger beans.

Here are some of the pleiadian love nest crosses that my dear friend @mr.childs made outside a few years ago. These are 3x the size of normal beans:

And here’s an example of the parents they came from. See the calyxes?

These were Halloween pics of outdoor on the east coast…yes, a very long flowering varietal.

:sunrise_over_mountains: :rainbow_flag:


Big seeds for sure.


Yeah after seeing the worms and worm poop on there, I’m seriously considering it. Probably only do a one bucket wash though, do you use baking soda or anything?

Definitely gonna plant this one. Gotta be some mystery pollen from the 'hood, cuz I haven’t seen any sacs on the Pakistan Valley’s. Could be hemp, or could be the next best thing…

Yeah still trying to figure that out. Either gonna be the garage or the laundry… laundry is probably better.

Wait til you see 'em naked…

Super glad these made it all the way over there.

I still have more T1000 crosses and international and domestic stamps, so let y’all let me know if you want any.

Was recently gifted a pack of MG gear by an awesome OG member, I can’t wait to try them!

livin’ the dream! Heard there’s a tropical storm headed your way… hope you weather alright!

Thanks dude! I can’t believe the weather we’ve been having either. Truly a blessing for cannabis growers this year. It sucks CO’s laws are so weird about outdoor stuff… would have loved to see you throw a couple beans outside.

It’s gotten a bad wrap, but it’s pretty fuckin’ sweet here. I love walkin’ to the market and smelling all my neighbors plants! Y’all are welcome anytime :slightly_smiling_face:

I had a feeling it was something to do with the plant being outdoor, being able to soak up all those rays and dig roots into the earth. Those calyx are huge on the PLN. The only reason I spotted the seed in the bud was cuz it stuck out like a sore thumb, a big round green thing right in the middle of all the stigmas. I hope a find a couple more beans honestly. The one shorter plant has a great smell to her, like lime skittles, would be cool to run some indoor… whatever the crosses may be.


Nah mate, I wouldn’t read it if I didn’t enjoy the read I’m just not online much so takes a while.

Haha and I never even got to meet the cocaine infused minitiger, I’m sure he could of talked the leg of a chair and fuck like Dirk Diggler :joy:

Haha I thought that was more of a San Francisco standard practice. Pretty cold in the PNW, shrinkage is real haha

Yeah stoked mate, did you choose the Agent Orange and Blueberry mum’s yourself? Think I remember reading the Key Lime was the original clone.

Booya anything with Root Beer or Lime Reserve in it?

Thanks bro, Caribbean is getting smashed the rain is just starting to hit now. Luckily our house is raised about 1.5mtrs off the ground so hopefully stay high and dry :pray:t4:

Either way I’ll stay high…


I too had worm poo, what I ultimately decided to do was wet trim then a 3 part bucket dip system. First 1st bucket was diluted baking soda and lemon juice, 2nd was a wash, then 3rd was a light rinse and dunk to make sure all residue is gone. I was swirling them around pretty good you would be surprised how clean they got, also changed out the clean water if it got mucky. Worked wonderfully, flowers still smells great to the day and are 2 years old now.


Getting things back on track indoors… I have a much greater respect for you outdoor guys/gals now after going through a season here. I probably lost 35-45% of bud to the worms and mold. It grossed me out seeing all that shit in the buds, and sucked cutting away huge chunks. I’m glad I washed and and just washing to hash, even though the buds were little early. If I do outdoor next year, it will be with proven clones, or seeds geared for this locale. I may just stick to indoor though, haha, outdoor is a whole different ball game.

Bodhi - Baba Kush (Bubba Katsu x SSDD) - transplanted to bags today.

SIPs ‘n’ Strips! Cleaned and reset everything. Waiting for one more clone to root, and going to get things going here.

Picked up another 2x4 tent to run my own chucks and whatever in. These are both GG4 x T1000 in my smaller SIPs. Soil had been outside for a minute, and added fresh compost = fungus gnat explosion. But I’ll get that under control here shortly. Going to keep them small and flip shortly. Stem rub on left is leaning T1000 smelling.


SIP’s and Strips… I’ll be over in the corner, with a stack of singles, and my eye on the pole, lol!


Boring veg update. Everything is setup for the next run.

I’ve been pressing a lot of older stuff to rosin lately. The Tranquil Elephatnizer Remix has a unique taste when pressed. Kind of minty tasting, a little fruit there. Not as stoney as I would have imagined, as the material is about a year old. I like the effect though. I haven’t been into the Fishscale stuff really, I pressed some to rosin and it’s meh. I smashed a bunch of DLA5 from Windy and it’s super tasty. Funny that those gross smelling plants taste so good when you’re smoking them! I dig the effect from that one too.

I guess I’ll call this one the hype tent this round…
Jack Herer (pHenos Nursery) | Grape Pie (Cannarado)
Rainbow Belts 2.0 (Archive) | Double Dosidos (Archive)

Bodhi - Baba Kush

GG4 x T1000 - Flipped to 12/12 today.


Looking great in there! I’m excited for those baba kush…are they fairly slow so far or going normal speed? If you don’t mind my asking, what day since sprout are they in these pics?

Also, I was curious about the city pickers with no shower caps. Any particular reason you’re not doing that? I think covering helps with gnats some, too!



I’m stoked! I’ve never sampled Katsu’s Bubba before, but I’m reading that it’s more floral than the coffee/choclate Pre 98/93 Whatever Bubba? One plant is already putting off some stank though :skunk:

I think they’re pretty vigorous! Just to clarify for the log here… Soaked 12 beans on Oct 3rd. 12-16 hour soak and then into starter mix.

Everything was mostly above ground on Oct 7th. One failed to start, but it was light and dead feeling anyways, so no biggie. The other one was slow to germ and is still kinda of small.

This was Monday the 17th

And here they are today 23rd.

One has some variegated leaves

Weird one

I’m glad to see everything going pretty quickly with them, but still expect a slow veg from some with the Bubba in there. We’ll see… I’m gonna need to figure out a space for the males here shortly.

For sure, I buttoned everything up after that photo. I top dressed with small amount of home made EWC (and a bunch of worms to go with it) and some Bokashi… and gently watered everything in place. The covers def help retain the moisture and start the cycle of life in the CPs though. My soil was still moist from last round, I had to actually let it air out a bit in the boxes before adding everything. Anyways, they’re covered now with the garbage bags from last round and the stock CP covers.


Awesome grow, awesome username
I’m in! Or should I say… we are in :grinning:


Thanks guys, y’all are welcome anytime. Hoping things get exciting in here over the next few weeks… it feels like I’m watching water boil in veg right now.