Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Haha, I was just messin’ with ya anyways. It happens to the best of us… I don’t think anyone around here is known having the best memory :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m glad I have some more of the PV F2s, it really was great herb, one of my favorite Bodhi lines I’ve run to date. I’m trying to remember if mine vegged slow or not, but I think they were pretty normal. I grew out a few Dank Sinatras at the same time and they for sure vegged a lot slower than the PVs. I was growing in coco/hydro at the time, so that may have had something to do with it. I really like growing out plants and not topping them, if they’re from seed. I like seeing their natural structure the first go round. One of those PV really stretched, but the others were just medium.

I’m glad you’re growing them out though, I’m curious to see what you find, as F2s can vary a lot. Also I’ve been wanting to run this Meangene pack that has HPK in it. Here’s what MG said about his HPK -

The PureKush clone I breed with is a plant I got back around 05, it came from a guy a block back off of the Sunset Strip.

He got it from some guys in Tujunga who were growing it at the time. It was being sold for 160 an eighth at the store back then because the few people who had it were growing it very well. It smells to me like OG, baby powder, weird citrus almost like lime but artificial fruit loops lime and some deep gross musky funk.

For sure easy to stress the plants with LEDs. If they don’t have a ton of root space in organic mediums, it’s hard for them to keep up, I think. I’ve been running my mother plants under LEDs for a while now and I’m surprised at how easily they can get stressed from too much light (and not enough feed).


Yeah, I always wanna not top, but the one time I did that, when I was testing Bodhi’s Mendo Sunshine, the yields were so pitiful that I’m only inclined to do it now outta necessity, like with the two Pura Vida f2’s that’re vegging a little slowly. The other two are vegging “normally” haha, they were topped a while back, so…

I’m pretty sure it was user error with that Mendo Sunshine, anyway, but still, I veg for so long and always have at least one “Sativa”-type thing going that topping’s usually a must. I’m stoked about the two untopped PV’s, though, especially after revisiting your pics haha.

Yeah, I saw that on speakeasy for the description of the HPK x Sky Cuddler. Cool story. And I’m not even joking when I say that haha, I always appreciate when a breeder writes at least a little something about whatever it is they’re releasing. I remember seeing certain strains sell for $100/eighth, never saw any going for $160. I’m not saying that he’s lying haha, in fact I totally believe him. Things got crazy there for a while. Plus, a “block back off of the Sunset Strip” is some pretty expensive real estate, that dude probably had to charge $160 an eighth just to cover his rent haha.

Anyway, you should plant those seeds. Didn’t you say you got twenty of them with your order? Might as well pop five or six. I liked that Sky Cuddler f3 a lot, very tasty and stony.


Can you describe the smell for me please?

I have been running it for about ~6 months, maybe more. I like it well enough that she is still around. She definitely has the look, smell and taste that is reminiscent of old school Sour Diesel. I can never really tell if I enjoy her more than the ECSD, so I just continuously run them side by side haha. Some harvests I prefer one and some harvests I prefer the other; it can drive me fucking mad if I think about it too much. It is kind of like my two female cuts of Black Triangle F2 that I keep around and work with. You would think that I would have let one go at some point, but I am a plant hoarder. I have fucking problems…

I have heard a story that Skunktek’s cut came from Stoney. Talked to Stoney and he said that he gave Skunktek his Sour Diesel cut, but Skunktek also had one before that. Talked to Skunktek and he said that it just came to him as Sour Diesel.

Stories are intriguing and you know, cool or whatever (I am also a lineage nerd and care to pay homage where it is due), but in the end, I care about how the plants stand up.

I have ran into quite a few sours that definitely tide me over whilst I search for the old school, but none of them seem to be the one. I blame it on nostalgia being a hell of a drug haha.

One thing that I will say about the Skunktek cut, if you push it too long and hard enough, it will throw anthers. This is true for most chem and sour cuts though. (Two closely related varieties, in my observations).

I have been making some hybrids of chem and sour cuts with males that I have tested the stability of in hopes of finding something that I enjoy just as much, if not more and is also sexually stable. I’m looking at you Chem D haha. Positive vibes…



Wow everything is looking great! Some of those macro pics are just blowing my mind with beauty. The pollen sac with string of pearls was especially drool worthy.

And thanks for mentioning @oleskool830. I did not hear of that. He was a cool dude, often making me chuckle. I’ve really come to enjoy his slogan, onward through the fog. I often think of it when I need a little extra motivation lol.


@iamyou_youareme just found your post and let me say three are some great looking flowers but nice to “sample” the smoke !


I hear ya, I always end up topping clones several times and still run out of room. Gonna be cool to see your PVs untopped as well. Keep an eye on the main cola if they start getting huge, if they’re prone to mold (which Bodhi’s stuff usually is not prone to) then that’s usually where it’ll pop up. All of my PV’s had no issues though, even with some pretty big donks on some of them.

I really appreciate this too. Somehow knowing a little backstory of where it comes from makes the growing part more fun for me. It’s like a little piece of history trapped in the seeds, waiting to be uncovered.

For sure… too many damn seeds and plants. Yeah, there’s like 15 beans in the pack. I like popping full packs at a time and making F2s of everything, so I’m waiting to get the space again, gonna be tricky popping all fifteen though.

To me it’s like this smoky peat smell, like charred or smoked moss/peat mixed with some kind of floral rich funk. I’ve grown three crosses with the Face Off now and it’s been present in all of them. The Zkittles smell is more prominent in the Rainbow Belts, but in the back side I can smell the Face Off. I’ve heard that smell has been associated with OGs before, but my limited experience with them can’t really say one way or the other if that’s true. I just gotta grow out some more OGs to see if it’s present in others.

Join the club…

Thanks for the great info on the Sour D. I’m not too worried about late nanners, most of the the time they’re sterile, and if I get some S1s, so be it. I hear so many stories about people reminiscing over mouth-watering Sour D, it’s gonna be interesting for me, never having tried it at all. I’m really hoping to go backwards in my weed growing journey this next year and grow some of the classic Chems, Sours, and OGs that I missed out on when they were really popular. It’ll be nice to have a frame of reference too, as I’ve grown out crosses with Chems in them, but never the real thing.

Thanks man! It’s fun to bust out the macro lens when I’m feeling creative.

For sure, he helped me push through some shit with that slogan. He will be missed.

Thanks for stopping by :slight_smile:


Lots of happy plants and amazing pics every time. Love the vibe in here. Happy Holidaze, hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Around week 4 on these Agent Orange x T1000.(needs a fun Trump name) The first couple pictured have a real nice fresh orange smell to them with the second one being more sweet and creamy than the other. The others have a nice stink to them.

The first GG4 xT1000 is smelling piney and delicious. She has been shaded a bit from the Agent orange x t1000s but definitely sticky and reminiscent of GG4.

3 Key lime pie x t1000 are just getting their stretch on about 10 days into flower under a new light. Excited for all of these, thanks again for sharing!


Great post, keep up the good work, and I’ll bet they all smoke great!


Thanks for dropping by and dropping all the pics! Happy Holidaze to you and everyone on OG!

Haha, yeah that would be funny! Agent Trump 1000 :grin: That’s cool you’re getting the sweet creamy orange smell to come through, obviously from the Agent Orange side. Starting to look pretty frosty too :snowflake:

Sweet, that one right in the middle and number 2 are looking like the Key Lime Pie to me. You’re the first to grow those out, so thanks again for popping them all. Hopefully the T-1000 will bump up the potency a bit, but would be cool to find one that smells like the KLP. You garden is looking great man!

Nice glad to see there is a good bit of GG4 genetics there. I’m just finishing up to of those myself, here they are pictured at day 64 of flowering:

GG4 leaner

T1000 leaner

When I open the tent I get whiffs of adhesive/glue/paint but also a red wine smell and just overwhelming dank funk. They really got stinky in the past couple of days. I hope your’s finish up nicely!

This Baba Kush in the back is shaping up really nice. Loving the super frosty look to her and smell.

Thinking about chopping this Double Dosidos, smallest buds I’ve ever seen…

Rainbow Belts 2.0 shaping up nicely - dryer sheets, potpourri, overripe fruit, candy, lots of those smells - super stinky. Quick finisher as well. I hear you can take it at day 55 for the best hash rosin, but I’m gonna probably let mine go a bit longer. Getting some fade already though.

Grape Pie getting some color. Pretty unimpressed with the smell so far. I guess it kinda smells like sour grapes, but it’s very low in odor. Maybe it’ll develop more smell towards the end or in cure. It’s getting pretty frosty, but the buds are pretty tiny and it didn’t stack up quite as hard as I had hoped for this round. Noticed this one and the Double Dosi are no longer on the menu at Archive…

Jack Herer smelling really great with those bright and fruity sharp citrus notes. This one didn’t quit stack up as much as I wanted either, but still looking pretty good. Also the pistils are turning pretty fast, it’s only day 45 or so in this tent. Could have gotten hit with some of the Baba Kush pollen I suppose.

I think I may have under amended my soil this last round in the SIPs as I haven’t been that impressed by how the buds are forming in that tent. I don’t really care about yield, but concerning that the plants are starting to fade already and maybe were not as healthy as I was shooting for. I guess I’ll see what happens in the next 20 or so days.

I’m looking forward to starting some fresh projects in the new year. I’m going to try and run through a lot of seeds and a bunch of new clones… it’s gonna be a challenge, but it’s also gonna be a lot of fun!



Can’t wait for the final smoke report on the the Rainbow Belts 2.0!!


I wonder how much that has to do with how far she is away from the light. I mean, you know me, I’m no fan of GSC-type shit, not trying to stick up for that plant haha, but getting her closer to the light might’ve helped.

Anyway, everything else is looking good! Those pics are for sure getting me stoked about my current grow. I’m already starting to get like,”Come on, hurry up already…” ten or eleven or twelve weeks out haha…


Yeah she got dwarfed in the tent, pretty sure that attributed to her small size. Once she wasn’t getting enough light, she wasn’t drinking as much either, and the whole growing process just slowed down. I knew the buds were on the smaller side from growing a clone of that one outside this year, but I didn’t think she’d turn out this small.

It’s my fault really, for already growing her out and thinking she would stretch more inside than she did outside. Oh well, I might try growing her one more time in the other tent with some nutes, but probably gonna get the axe after this round. I don’t really mind small yielders, but the smoke has really got to be exceptional to keep it around. Plus, there’s too much other cool shit to grow… Just got in more clones of Mother’s Milk #31 (Bodhi’s Cut) and Santa Cruz Blue Dream, I would rather grow those instead :sunglasses:

As soon as I get about halfway through most of my grows, I’m ready to plant more seeds, haha! Maybe I’m just impatient, but I’m always ready for the next thing. As soon as my plants are budding, I’m already counting the days until I can pop more seeds.

I’ll be sure to follow up on that one. Definitely the most impressive plant in the tent right now in terms of growth, smell, and resin coverage… but the effect is what counts!


Thought I’d take a minute to post about Bodhi’s Baba Kush since they’re getting close to being done, they’re at day 48 flowering in the photos. Getting pretty excited about trying them, all the plants look and smell good, ranking up there with one of the more impressive Bodhi packs I’ve grown so far.

All of 'em have this blueberry muffin thing going on with them, in some degree or another. In some it’s more present, while in other’s it’s more in the background. I’ll try to describe each one.

BK1 - blueberry muffin with chocolate chips and mint. Slightly overfed, prolly unhappy from being in the 1/2 gallon bag. Couldn’t get a good photo without the flash on this one.

BK2 - less buttery muffin, but still some fruity smell, more like fresh rubber mixed with blueberry.

BK3 - more chemmy rubbery smells coming from this one, the BB muffin thing is still present, but taking a backseat.

BK4 - this one looks like she’ll yield the best. More of a spicy floral smell, on top of the buttery/rubbery BB smell. Hard to pinpoint, but I’ll tell ya, it’s not a bad smell, in fact, I like rubbing my fingers one this one because the smell seems to last longer the most… I’ll be walking around the house and thirty minutes later I’m still smelling my fingers.

BK5 - while I’ve had some frosty Bodhi plants, I think this one is taking the cake. All the other plants are really coated too, but this one looks different, sugar running all the way down the leaves… Could be the trich stalks are longer, or maybe the heads are bigger, I dunno. I had a hard time shooting with flash on because she’s so caked. I managed to pull off a couple of good shots. This one smells the least BB muffin, but it’s still there way in the back. This one has adhesive and fuel notes, with spiced floral smells, very pleasing to my sniffer.

BK6 - this one smells the most chem-like to me, cleaners and rubber or something? Little bit of fruit on the back end, wouldn’t call it blueberry though. Also really frosty. on the buds, they’re caked. It’s right under the fan, so unfortunately catching most of the fungus gnats that get sucked up by it. I spy some seeds in there too!

Happy New Year to all y’all!

Let’s plant more seeds in 2023 than we did in 2022!

:peace_symbol: :heart:


Also, while I’m on here going through photos, I chopped both GG#4 x T-1000 at day 69.

They’re both are super stinky, the T-1000 leaner has this red wine/sour grape thing going on with it, while the GG#4 smells more like adhesive and chem cleaners. Hope they hang on to the smells in dry/cure.

They’re pretty deficient here at the end, but they were in the smaller City Pickers, so I’m not surprised with the limited root space and lack of many inputs on my part. I pretty much set them up, and top dressed once when I flipped to flower, water only… I’m still happy with the yield on them though.

Just popped some of Bodhi’s Triangle Kush x Iraqi F2 made by @nube to fill up the 2x4.


Looking beautiful these are!
I like how you let the N get used up in flower until the leaves turn golden. As the plants would do naturally in the wild. I feel it makes for a better smoke that way, (when i grow in organic soil). But i could be wrong.


wow absolutley love these plants. good frickin job man. just went thru this whole grow log and will keep following


Incredible work & documentation. Glad to see you’re finding a good amount of appealing phenos in the pack too. I’m becoming more and more drawn to these SSDD crosses lately and this post only reinforces that haha. I’m thankful that I have a pack of this in reserve too… That GG4 x T1000 looks ultra frosty as well.

I’ve been struggling with this as well with certain plants and know exactly what you mean. I think moving the flash slightly to the side helped a bit for me, but if you find a good alternative approach I’m interested to hear. Thanks for so much detail and high quality pics on one of B’s less reported on strains!


You may want to test some sort of diffuser for the flash photos. Just a few things at hand off the top of my head would be tissue paper/napkin/paper towel, if too much light comes through still maybe 20lb paper. The side lighting helps as well as having a second light source at a different angle but try a diffuser of some sort.


Holy Shit, this is gorgeous.
And you can bet your Ass I will be back.
Happy New Year Bro.
Beautiful work


As a photo major in college - yes. You need diffusion or bounce, which is really just diffusion by reflection. Having a camera flash that you can tilt the head straight up will help, you can get little bounce diffusers that Velcro on and direct some light forward while most goes up. Another answer would be a ring light or at least an offset frame for the flash, we would generally shoot flash not on-camera, but on a Stroboframe mount that raises the flash up higher or sets it off to the side. The cheaper answer is a remote cord and hold it up with your hand, or buy inexpensive slave flashes that will be triggered by the on-camera flash and position them like you would any other lights.

So, cheap answers: copy paper, a milk jug or other translucent plastic, etc.



When it comes to slave flashes you’ve got a few options, you can buy modern ones that talk to your camera over wireless and do TTL (through the lens) metering, or you can get a dumb slave that has a thrysistor sensor that will just flash when your camera does, but you’ll need to do a little figuring on exposure (not hard). The classic ones you’ll find used everywhere for cheap (though people will try to gouge you) are the Vivitar 283 and the Sunpak 266 (tons of models from both of these companies) or you can get a modern one for not much. This one is both modern and dumb/manual so universally compatible:


Ring lights got cheap and work pretty great for macro, so that might be a way to go:


And there’s a million diffusers, this looks like a good cheap kit to play around with:
