Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

I took a year of photography in high school 25yrs ago. I can’t remember much, we weren’t interested in doing much school work! Thanks for the information I’m sure it will help alot of folks here.


Oh yeah, two more things-

-Don’t ever plug an old flash into a new camera using the hot shoe or PC cable without a Wein Safe-Sync or similar adapter, the trigger voltage on older flashes is high enough to fry a modern SLR or digital camera

-If you have some hot shoe manual camera flashes sitting around or can get some for cheap, these will adapt them to remote optical slave flashes:


Very helpful info, thanks! I’m using one of those velcro mylar-> white softboxes on a remote Godox speedlight and really like pictures more with the diffuser on. Your idea for a DIY diffuser seems really good too…


:muscle::muscle::muscle: remote Speedlite with a little softbox makes everything look 1000% better


Thank you for the kind words. It was for sure laziness on my part that they got so N deficient :slight_smile: I noticed that even the stems on these plants were starting to turn yellow, something I’ve not really seen before. I do usually let my plants fade out pretty hard in the end though, I’m not going for bag appeal over here really. Hopefully they smoke alright!

Thanks for stopping by and appreciate your kindness! Do you have a log going I could follow?

Thanks dude! I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I know looks and smells aren’t everything, but so far I’m liking what I’m seeing from the SSDD dad. I read the Bodhi lost the SSDD male as well, it took like something like five years to find it, and he couldn’t find another male like it. Not sure if this is confirmed info, as I recently saw a release of Baba Kush again. It could be he’s releasing those packs slowly out of the fridge though, depending on which one’s are selling the best.

Thanks for this tip, I’m using the built it, which is part of my issue… kind you remind what lens you’re using again? I think it’s a prime lens, correct? I really like your bud shots and macros… I constantly struggle with my macro lens and it’s shallow depth of field.

Great info, I’ve been thinking in upgrading my flash setup so I can have a remote flash w/ diffuser.

Happy New Year to you! Thanks for dropping by and leaving some kindness! Feel free to stop by anytime :slight_smile:

Thanks for dropping in and dropping some knowledge! I appreciate the links and well thought out response… as I’ve been thinking quite a bit recently on how to upgrade my flash setup. I do have a ring flash, but even with diffusers it’s hard to get dim enough with the macro lens to not overexpose everything. Plus mine is cheap and doesn’t interface with my old D7100 that well. But I need to bust it out again and play around some more.

I’ve been thinking about this option, as you could setup the flash w/ diffuser far enough from the plants to get the lighting/exposure right.

Thanks for dropping the links, I may hit you up with some additional questions before I make a decision on anything. I’m pretty much a photography newb, but I like learning new tricks! I’ve been following a guy on insta recently that’s been dropping gorgeous shots with this lens. Not that I need to capture quite this amount of detail (and you have to do a bunch of focus stacking with an automated rail), but the shots sure are gorgeous.

Hope y’all aren’t too hungover, and if you are… a nice bowl of herb and some greasy food has always been my cure! Happy New Year!


hey no grow logs atm but might start one up in the spring some time. lifes been up and down so just riding the waves and tryna stay afloat.

happy new years


I’m with you on that for sure… It was pretty cheap too (relatively, as far as camera stuff goes) and is probably my favorite camera accessory as an amateur / hobbyist.

Yeah I am a huge fan of all the smells I’ve encountered in the 5 that I’ve tried. Interesting info about how long it took to find, even if unconfirmed.

Yeah, I got a hand-me-down Nikon Z5 and they only offer 2 mirrorless “macro” lenses compatible with the Z series without a converter. 50mm and 105mm and both are 1 to 1 magnification ratios. I have the 105MM which I bought used. Was considering buying that Laowa lens in your post a few times last year but the lack of auto-focus and need to focus stack kept me away. Focus stacking seems awesome but I know I won’t do it ever since my camera doesn’t have integrated Focus Stacking ai / automation.

I love my lens for portrait shots and bud shots but it doesn’t provide the best detail when it comes to the (microscopic?) trichome level. I get clearer shots on my point and shoot Olympus tg6 (most trichome shots in my thread are with this camera) , but it’s possible it’s an issue with my settings or other user error. Your trichome shots look significantly clearer to me in your images and appear to be more magnified than mine.

What lens were you using again & what magnification ratio is it?


I’m shooting the macro stuff with a used Tamron 90mm 1:1 mag model F004. The autofocus broke on it when I was moving, which is another reason I was considering something different. The Laowa lens is not too expensive, but the need for a rail and the software, plus the fact that it really only captures ultra up-close stuff makes it pretty niche. I wish you could try before you buy, just to see what you could capture with that setup and no stacking… guess that’s what Amazon’s for :wink:

Agreed, I think your portraits with that lens are amazing. I’ve got a 50mm Nikon prime as well, but hardly shoot with it. I prefer the versatility of my 18-140mm zoom, but it just doesn’t have the sharpness of your prime.


Here we are at day 56 of flowering for everything in the SIP tent. I haven’t been posting a bunch about it, cuz to be honest the buds look kinda anemic to me. When I was amending the soil for this round, I messed up on my calculations and added too little Craft Blend, and you can definitely tell. The plants are fading faster and the buds just didn’t stack like I’m used to seeing. Also aware that these are new cultivars to me, and that just may be the way that some of them grow. I’ll still have plenty of bud for my own needs, but I like to see the plants a little bit healthier in the end.

The Rainbow Belts 2.0 is the stinkiest thing in the tent and looks like she’ll actually yield pretty decent. Archive wasn’t lying when the said she’d be ready in about 55 days, she looks about done to me. I’m probably gonna let her go until next weekend though.

Reeks of dank candied dryer sheet floral perfume - LOUD. Will stick to your hands or clothes for a minute and you’ll wonder why you smell like weed later. I hope her bark has some bite!

And just fun, I threw two clones of RB 2.0 in the Baba Kush tent and flowered them in hydro pots when they were about 6 inches tall. This is what you end up with:

Not too bad! I could see someone filling their whole tent space with 1/2 gallon hydro pots and really cranking out some buds. I may attempt this one round… only use one or two cultivars that grow similarly, then put about 24 pots in the tent, use some nutes… ahhh sounds like we’re getting too close to mono-cropping!

I did hit the RB 2.0 clones with the Baba Kush pollen, just for fun as well.

Double Dosidos - Starting to get a little color, the top buds might actually finish, haha. My shortcomings with her are entirely my own fault, but still, I don’t have much patience for plants that don’t grow and produce well. I’d rather grow something more interesting to me.

Not the best picture, but you can see how massive the Jack Herer (left) lower buds are compared to the tops on the Double Dosi (right).

She does have a real nice gassy citrusy sweet smell to her though. I’ll give her that.

The Grape Pie looks ultra frosty, but very muted smells. I almost wonder if there is something wrong with this plant. She does have some smell to her, but I really have to squeeze it out, even then it’s not strong. Hope she smokes alright at least!

Jack Herer - weirdly, the buds towards the top are smaller than some of the buds on the lowers. Maybe it doesn’t like high light intensity and could have been fed a bit more. Smells great, bright fruity citrus terps. I’m hoping for the motivating feel good high that I’ve come to associate with Jack.

Already looking forward to getting things setup for the next round in the SIPs… thinking of running the Sour Diesel, Giesel, Bubba Kush (Matt Berger), and Mother’s Milk #31, but we’ll see how the timing works out with that.

Hope y’all have good weekend!


You ever try a reversal ring with a prime lens for macro? Cheap way to get super sharp lenses, those old prime standard manual lenses are very cheap, though not as cheap as they were in the late 90s and early 2000s when everyone was switching to autofocus.


I’ve not tried one before, but looks cool. I don’t have much reason to go beyond the magnification I’m using now with my 1:1 macro lens, but would be fun to get some ultra close up shots. I still need to find my ring flash and play around with that some more…


yeah craft blend is definetly light on the power, i always end up adding way more than expected, like waaayyy more that they do on their videos, but i rely on just that, plus build a flower, but damn dude your plants look amazing, that rainbow belts sound amazing


Good to know and thanks for chiming in with your experience. I’m gonna load up the SIPs next round with more compost and lots of Craft Blend and hope for the best. Let me know if you want a copy of the RB 2.0, I can get it your way.

thanks bro!


damn dude so generous thank you, i’m kinda waiting to find out about this :

haha, if she has bite, and if i’m lucky ans you have a snip then, i’ll take it and try to do her justice!


I know schmarmpit re-amends with that Craft Blend every round, rather than the usual every-other round that’s usually suggested. His plants always look pretty good, so… Might be something to consider.

I was wondering about topdressing my plants with some of that in the next couple days, just for the fuck of it, really. They look fine, I don’t think they “need” it or anything, but I’ve got a big-ass bag of it. Do y’all use it during flower or just use it to re-amend?


Yeah, for sure, I usually top dress once in veg with CB and compost, and then right when I flip to flower and about every 14-20 days after that. I kinda got slack on this round though and I think I only top dressed twice in flower. It’s not like you have to add a ton for the top dress either.

My understanding is even if the plants are looking great, you want to stay on top of the available nutrients for the plants and constantly have that stuff being broken down by worms and other microorganisms in the mix. I mean, you know from experience, you don’t really have to do any of that, but probably wouldn’t really hurt that much either, unless you’re adding ridiculous amounts of amendments. I’ve found that adding bokashi helps break that stuff down faster, so my next goal is to make some homemade bokashi using rye and oat grains.


Okay, maybe I’ll do that tonight. I was planning on a little MBP top dress anyway, so maybe I’ll just add both. We had a little birthday get-together on Saturday, ended up raging until like 9 last night, no sleep for like 40 hours haha, skipped watering the plants. They could probably use a little kick.

I’ve been adding bokashi globally (is that the right word?) to my soil mix the last few grows. Got it from BAS, not homemade. I couldn’t tell you if it made a difference or not, but I had it so I used it. Everything’s been turning out pretty dang good lately, so…


I decided to experiment this round and kinda wish I had just kept going with my 3 topdresses of Barley, Crustacean, Insect Frass, Bu’s compost and EWC during the lifecycle of a SIP run. Most are fine but the Black Raspberries are light green at 42f and have been for a while. I only topdressed when I set up the sip and after flip. I think I would rather over do it when it comes to topping off my tank.

Making a bokashi or Grokashi recipe is a project I want to get into. I posted the Grokashi recipe on my page in the link farm. It has added prebiotics and multivitamins to the recipe. Keep me in mind if you make some.


Hell yea, nice work. Those Rainbow Belts look strong and appear to check all the boxes. Hopefully they smoke as good as they look.
Looking forward to seeing you run the giesel, diesel, bubba and mothers milk cuts as well.

Key Lime Pie x t1000 are starting week 4, they should be about done stretching and starting to fill in. They all have a different level of lime funkiness on the stem rubs.

Agent Orange x t1000 are about week 7 and 2 look near the finish while the other 2 look like they will take 10w. Really like the smell and density on the orangey ones.


Yeah I had some from BAS too, but damn is it expensive for what it actually is. It’s not that hard to DIY, I think the most expensive part would be sourcing EM-1. I’ve also heard you can inoculate with LABS, but not sure I want to start up all that.

Thanks for the heads up, will def check out the recipe, it seems there’s a couple out there all with different ingredients, but the main thing seems to be some sort of grains and bacterial inoculate to start the fermenting process. I’ll let you know how it goes!

I hear ya, keep it simple, and if it ain’t broke… I do like the Bu’s compost over the Oly Mountain. My batch of Bu’s has less sticks and stems in it. I’ve not tried the barley yet, but I know Coot is a big advocate for it… perhaps it does bring down the finishing times? I’ll have to grab some from the brew store next time I’m that way.

Nice dude! Looking great! I see a lot of resemblance to the KLP in those plants, so maybe you’ll get some KLP dominate ones. The KLP has almost a sickly sweet lime smell to it.

Damn man, those are looking great too! They look a lot more coated in resin than the AO, but the bracts/calyx look more like the Agent Orange. They do look like they’re finishing up nicely, the T-1000 really does seem to bring the flowering times down a little bit - it must be the quick finishing Purple Urk in there, as I believe the TK is pretty long flowering. Thanks again for posting up pics and reporting on how they are turning out for you. I hope they smoke alright for ya!