Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

I think all your plants look great! Don’t be ashamed.

Mine always start off nice and green but by the end some of the bigger ones are yellow as bananas. But I only grow in 3 gal pots. After hearing what @supershitfuck said, I’ll probably start adding a bit more craft blend next round, too. I don’t think I’ve pushed it too far yet. Mine get ugly when I don’t keep them moist enough, but the blumats have been helping that recently.


Looks like your good work is getting noticed @iamyou_youareme !


That’s rad! Hopefully it will inspire some more people to pop those Baba Kush packs and see what’s there! I’ve been impressed so far.

Yeah, I’m gonna beef up the SIPs with more CB and push them harder next round. I chopped everything in that tent this past weekend. Looking forward to the next round, lots of new clones to run through!


Chopped all the Baba Kush’s at 67 days, well most of them, attempting a re-veg on BK4 and BK5. I left about 1/3 of those plants, flipped the lighting back to 20/4. They’ll eventually move to a space with 24hr lighting, and some prayers will be said, then we’ll sit back and wait.

They all smell good to me, mixtures of chem berries and funk. Except the BK5, which i’m guessing is ‘Katsu Bubba’ dominate smelling. It smells sharply of acrid tones at first, but has a perfume floral/berry kind of kushy finish, if that makes any sense at all… I’m bad at describing smells, haha. Plus, something will smell like one thing to me at first, then I’ll go back and smell it again, and get something totally different. I guess that’s part of the fun for me too though, those complex smells tickle my brain and make me come back for more! The BK4 I’m trying to re-veg because it’s the most SSDD dominate in my eyes. Huge, buttery, chemmy, berry, crystal coated buds. Might be fun to do a breeding project with those two, I’ll have a couple F2s to play around with and back cross.

All of the plants didn’t stretch much at all, the tallest was something like 43 inches from the floor (including the pot). They were all pretty easy to care for, but I could have given them a more solid start. I’d say they all finished pretty quickly as well.

If you have some Baba Kush, pop 'em and let’s see what you get. I can’t recommend the smoke until after the test, but from the looks and smells… hell yeah!

Here’s some quick flash on pics of the whole plants right before chop. I meant to use my homemade diffuser, but forgot… anyways.







I reset both tents, lots of cleaning the past couple of days.

Put all the soil for the SIPs in totes and added about 6 cups of Craft Blend, for each tote. Let’s hope that’s enough. Mixing all that stuff was a pain in the ass. Added some more compost too, but will add a top dress when I setup the bed. There’s tons of worms in my soil, so I’m guessing thats a good thing. Gonna let them sit a week or two and setup the SIPs again. I’m gonna try something new to me and do all sativa/haze clones in the SIPs. I might fail, we’ll see how it goes. SC Blue Dream, Bandaid Haze 7, Super Silver Haze, Lavender Jack. Though these are still poly hybrids, they all lean to what most of us would consider more uplifting effects, well, I’m hoping anyways!

The Sour D, Giesel, Forbidden Fruit and Mother’s Milk 31 are getting setup to go in the other tent, gonna flip them this weekend, cept for the MM#31, it’s not quite big enough yet, it’s going to veg a bit more. They’re looking a little rough around the edges, been moving them around, getting the tents clean and they haven’t quite gotten the attention they need, but I gave them a nice dose of nutes and they all perked up and are putting on some new growth. here’s a shitty cell pic… colors aren’t quite right, and the forbidden fruit has always had this lighter green to it, might need to bump her feed up.

Oh yeah, forgot @nube F2s of Bodhi’s Tk/Iraqi , and some BB1000, RB1000, AO1000, and KLP1000:

Annnnyways. I’m doing dry January, so y’all drink a beer for me! I might see how long I can go, I feel much better and get much higher on cannabis without alcohol in my life.


Me too, but that pretty much describes my favorite SSDD :yum:

The hazish run sounds like fun… or maybe a rodeo :slight_smile:


Plants are looking superb! And I will make sure to drink one for ya :beers:


Looking great in here as usual @iamyou_youareme ! Waiting patiently for some smoke reports on these freshly harvested beauties. :metal:


That’s interesting. I always think of Bubba as having a super-coffee/chocolate smell. But I haven’t blazed any in probably ten years haha, so I dunno. But for sure, “coffee” is what I always think of when I think of Bubba.

Either way, I fucking love those full-plant shots of the #3, 4 and 5, the way those flowers are just white as shit against the green leaves and the black background. They look fucking frostyyyyyyy haha.

This is something I’ve been wondering about for a while now. Are you saying you have worms in your soil bins? Or the pots/SIPs? The bins and your pots? Because I’ve been thinking, like,”Why not add worms to my bins?” for like two or three (or four or five haha) years now. It can’t hurt, anyway, right?

Noted. And done. I’m thinking about doing a dry February haha. Kinda thinking about going back to AA and quitting for good, actually, been drinking wayyyyyy too much lately… It’s not necessarily a problem, but I have been waking up every morning lately feeling like I’m dying haha…


As always, your grows are inspiring. Beautiful work on the baba kush. Like @minitiger said, I think the original bubbas are supposed to bring chocolate and coffee smells/flavors, but the katsu cut is known for being fruity/floral.

I completely agree. I mostly only drink beer, and never more than 1 or 2 cuz I feel terrible the next day if I have more, but even just 1 every few days makes me feel bad and messes with my digestion a little. My favorite beers are the super high alcohol barleywines, double IPAs and stouts, triples, quads, and imperials.

Just like I love the finest, strongest weed (not highest testing), I love strongly flavored craft beer with extra malts and very high IBUs. It’s a real shame, too, because I would drink way more beer if it had no alcohol in it. But yeah, I go weeks and sometimes months without having any, then get on kicks where I have a beer or two most nights of the week, usually just normal 6-8% IPAs. Overall, I far prefer how weed makes me feel both short and long term.



Yeah, every batch of Bubba I’ve ever gotten has had an extremely noticeable coffee thing going on; I’m not basing that just on what I’ve read or whatever haha. I really dig it, actually. I love coffee but can’t drink it (or any caffeinated beverage) because of my TMJ.

Maybe I’ll look around online today and see if any dispensary near me has some Bubba in stock haha… It’s been a long time.


Yeehaw! Hash rodeo, count me in!

Thanks friends! I’ll follow up with some smoke tests soon.

Yeah, I love a good Bubba too, but only recently discovered that I like it so much after finding a killer batch at the dispensary that was produced by a pretty good farm here. I actually reached out to them on instagram, it was that good, to try to find out what cut of Bubba that they were growing. They got back to my and let me know the clone vendor that they got it from, but the clone vendor couldn’t verify if it was the pre-98, or the Matt Berger cut, or what it was, and unfortunately the said they lost the clone. But it definitely had this thick deep rich smell to it with notes of coffee and chocolate. I’d like to try the Katsu cut on it’s own to see how close some of the Baba’s are to it, but finding a reputable source is always challenging. From what I’ve read the Katsu has a different kind of smell, like nube was saying, more floral…


Welllllll… Fuck it, then haha. I mean, it’d be nice to know, I guess, but all that really matters is you got a kick-ass Bubba and liked smoking it haha!

Is it really Bubba, though? I mean, I dunno, but it seems to me like Bubba oughta smell/taste/smoke like Bubba. And Sour Diesel should smell/taste/smoke like Sour Diesel. And, like, NL5Haze should smell/taste/smoke like NL5Haze. Skywalker OG oughta smell/taste/smoke like Skywalker OG. And on and on…

All this talk about different cuts of the same “strain”… Seems to me like they all oughta be what they supposedly are. Or somethin’… haha.

No need to respond. I’m just feeling bitchy this morning haha…


I think on the Nspecta episode of the potcast (maybe it was someone else) they went in depth on how many unusual phenos there are in bubba S1s. I seem to remember lime being one of them. Assuming katsu is an S1 it doesn’t sound too unlikely that floral is the dominant smell.

Edit here’s a timestamp of him talking about bubba S1s -


Yup same here with beer - love the good craft stuff but even just 1 and I sleep like shit. I homebrew and the batches last forever now in the kegerator. Definitely better off just toking here.


Baba Kush come out looking like all-stars, nice job! Glad bodhiguide posted up your pic, well deserved. Some of you guys are really great with the camera. Hope my blurry iphone shots don’t mess up the vibe in here.lol Everything is turning out really nice though.

Agent Orange x t1000 #1- my fav smelling one of the 4 i ran. Orangey soda terps similar to Mimosa. Smooth tasting dense nugs. Her clone is already a nice size and definitely running this one again.

GG4 x t1000 #2 - Straight piney dense gg4 deliciousness. Yes please!

Key Lime Pie x t1000- sailing along pretty good. Limey but you’re right, i noticed a putrid pukey like smell in the mix too. Scrunched up my nose real quick. lol Purple coming out maybe from the t1000 in 2/3. Excited to try them all. :pray:


Thanks dude! They’re all drying up nicely!

lol, not at all. I think the cell phones are capable of much better shots than they used to be. Despite the software trying to over correct for the tiny lens and sensors, they do a pretty good job. We all like pics of weed here though! Post up a Polaroid… I don’t care :slight_smile:

Nice, that’s sounding tasty! They do look delicious… great job on that one! What kind of buzz you getting from them?

Awesomeness, both of mine came out pretty good too! One has more piney, GG4 smells, while the other cured into this real funky fermented type grape/berry smell. I over dried mine a bit, and maybe took them a tad too early, but they still smell good. Your’s came out much chunkier than mine, great job again!

GG4 x T1000 ( GG4 dom )

GG4 x T1000 ( T-1000 dom )

Yeah, real sweet putrid kind of smell, almost sickening. There was a little bit of purp in the KLP too, just the tips of the bracts. Def some purp in the T-1000 though, cool to see it coming through.

Have you noticed any intersex issues with any of them? I ran into one herm on the GG4 x T1000, but it’s always good to know if there have been others. Thanks again for growing them all and posting up pics here :star_struck: :heart_eyes:


bk 4 and 5 looks insane

good luck on not drinking, heineken and stella both make a 0.0 version, if you need to fill the void, i still drink 'em everyday after 1+ year of quitting, beer is just good even if they remove the addictive shit from it lol


I was actually just thinking this morning that I wanted to get some more Polaroid film to snap some pics of my plants. Ha! I’ll scan and post them when I get around to it! Ha!


Thanks man and thanks again for sharing! Buzz has a nice stone to it, it was the last thing i smoked yesterday and made for a great night cap. The taste is on point though, with lip smacking creamy Orange left on the taste buds after puffing.

Everything has looked really clean even the lowers on the couple Gg4 t1000. I did have one of the orangey Agent Orange t1000 push random single nanners out in the middle of several buds at the very end of flower. They were harmless and didn’t cause any problems.

I gave a few of the blueberry t1000 to a buddy and he is about to put one in flower. She looks great! I started several of your Ptm x c99 and they are also doing well. I’ll see if i can get a few poloroid pics up soon. jk :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for your reports and observations, always good to know what to look out for.

Sweet! Can’t wait to see those polaroid pics. Good luck with the Poly Thin Mint x C99! Would love to see your buddie’s Blueberry1000 too, growing that one myself right now.

Not much new to report over here, stuck in trim heaven for the weekend. Making the whole house smell like weed… anyone else had that problem? Where weed smell gets on everything, even your clothes in the closet in the upstairs bedroom with the door closed? My girl works with a bunch of professional type people and they’re telling her she smells like herb when she goes the lab. She doesn’t even smoke! It’s gotta be all the little particles floating through the air ducts and getting on everything, or stuff on my clothes, then getting elsewhere in the house. I don’t care personally if I smell like herb, I think it’s coming outta my pores at this point anyways, but she can’t be meeting with doctors and shit smelling like a phat sack. I’m gonna have to suit up like Walter White or something when I’m trimming and just setup a spare inline to vent out the house… those are the only things that have been suggested to me so far.

Tents are doing well, helps when you feed and water everything correctly :slight_smile:

Nube’s F2 of Bodhi’s Tk x Iraqi - plants on the far right are all T1000 crosses. Just transplanted to coco so they’re looking a little rough. The TK/Iraqi’s are looking great so far, they’ve only gotten water and have been vigorously growing, except for the little runt front right.

Sour Diesel (Skunktek) || Giesel
Forbidden Fruit. || Mothers Milk 31

Only running the light at about 750-800 ppfd at canopy level, trying to go easy on the plants and not stress them with too much light.

I will probably put the screen on and try to flatten some of the upwards growth, if I get done trimming that is…