Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Sounds to me like #3 might be the winner? Or that’s the one that I’d wanna smoke, anyway. I like relaxing, munchie-filled evenings haha.


that made me laugh. Pretty funny.


I agree. I blazed some of the Imperial Majesty a couple nights ago for the first time in a whiiiiiile, first time I’ve blazed anything at all in like four weeks, actually, just because I’ve been dealing with the whole “quitting drinking” thing. The flavors and the high were soooooo much different than whenever the last time I blazed the IM was. I’d even go so far as to say it was better than ever, but that could be just because I hadn’t smoked anything at all in almost a month.


I agree, I guess that’s why it took him like five years to find the second one. It seems like it would be a very difficult process to find studs like Bodhi does, without having a huge room to grow out a ton of males. I think the only way you could do it efficiently is outside under the sun, or greenhouse, where you could evaluate a bunch at one time.

Thanks! Happy to send you some of the F2s, just lmk.

Nice man, that should be an interesting one. Do you know which SSH is used in that cross?

Yeah, I like #1 and #3 in terms of effects/potency, but I actually like smoking #4 and #5 for their taste. Sometimes, I don’t want to get so zooted either, it’s nice to have a few options there. Even if the effects are kind similar between them all, there’s a noticeable potency difference.

What?! Damn dude, I find it hard to not smoke for like, three days. I’d have to be smoking if I was stopping drinking, haha! No way I could get through otherwise.

But yeah, it’s cool to leave the jars untouched for a month or so, and when you come back to them, it’s like “Whoa, I don’t remember smelling this before” or something that didn’t do much for you effect-wise, will rip off your head.

It’s always something new with weed, I guess that’s why you can’t stop me from growing it.


according to my notes it should be mr.nice ssh… but i fckn hate when i dont write down where i got that from.

EDIT: from here


Yeah, man, you know… I’ve said it before, but it’s always all or nothing with me. It’s like,”Well if I’m gonna smoke a joint, I might as well drink, too. And if I’m gonna do that, then I should probably eat some shrooms, as well,” or do a little blow or whatever haha.

I think I’m good now, though, pretty sure I can blaze without drinking. I’m trimming and jarring the Malibu Pure cross and the Nikah later today, definitely gonna sample some of those while I trim haha.


All of your Baba Kush look excellent, thanks for the detailed write up, pics, and smoke reports.


Alrighty, guess it’s 'bout time for a little update.

Trying to keep everything clean over here.

This round I’m looking to get into some hazes.

Bandaid Haze ‘Church’ - phenotype of Doc D’s Bandaid Haze ix3.0
Bandaid Haze 7 - found in Bodhi’s “Piff” - selected by Doc D. Came to be known as Bandaid Haze
Santa Cruz Blue Dream - classic hybrid haze type
Super Silver Haze 10

Also, gotta keep some hybrids going:

Giesel - Chem D x Mass Super Skunk
Sour Diesel (Skunktek)
Lavender Jack - Jack Herer x Wookie 15 - Bodhi
Mother’s Milk #31 - Nepali OG x Appalachia - Bodhi

Hoping for a clean run… everything looking good so far. The SIPs got filled for the first time and then I left for a week. They did great with me being gone, I kept the light dimmed a bit, but was still surprised by their growth when I got back.

Flipping the haze tent to flower here pretty soon.

Gonna make some dinner and burn one! :peace_symbol:


My prediction is the bandaids will crush the blue dream and ssh :wink: everything’s looking great tho!


Stoked to see the haze tent in action been getting more into haze stuff specifically the nl5haze stuff growing out some nyc piff 3 x grape stomper og right now also got a few packs of cuban black haze x a5/thai bx from doc too venture into hopefully later this year wish I got a pack of the bandaid Ix after seeing the pheno advancebuffalo found


Man, there you go again, hating on the Blue Dream!! :roll_eyes::rofl::innocent::wave:


Thanks man! I think if I can get the Bandaid Haze through flower, she’ll be a good baseline for what good haze is. 15 weeks is a loooooong time, plenty for me to fuck up!

You must’ve smoked Blue Dream until it turned you… blue :face_vomiting: heh heh.

Nice dude, those CBH x a5/thai bx should be some good ones. I also have a pack of the Bandaid Haze ix3.0 - I’m going to try to bx those to the original BH7 again and maybe the Church pheno. Gotta find a space to run those suckers though! Seed making is such an endeavor!

Love it, hate it, doesn’t matter to me… hah! I felt like I should grow her out at least once to see what’s up. She’s throwing out some massive fans right now.


100% that’s the issue… And then the StarShine(SSDD x A5Haze/NL5) line I made basically recreated it on accident :rofl: It’s good stuff I won’t deny or knock it, I just personally can’t anymore. And yeah when talking haze, the bandaid’s should have way more of a ‘haze’ effect than blue dream does. The only ‘pure’ bandaid line I have is the ix4.2 I’m hoping to get into before the year is out.


Hey @minitiger have you sampled the Nikah yet?
I know it’s only been a month…


Yeah, I’ve been getting into it here and there, I like it. Still smells like anise and tastes like it, too, actually, doesn’t seem like the cure’s affected that at all. Good high, definitely not like TK, though (from what I’ve read about it, anyway). It’s not a “pushy” high, no raciness (which is great for me), pretty pleasant and mellow, probably taking after the OMG dad.

I’m gonna sit down here pretty soon and smoke her exclusively for a few days, just so I can see how she affects me at different times of the day (mostly just been smoking her at night so far) and then write the report, which’ll get posted on the grow log and on the Bodhi thread. I can’t remember, do you follow the Bodhi thread?

Just kidding.


This is so wise. I’ve got some dispensary Lemonatti (gelonade x biscotti) that I bought at 10 p.m. and smoked, and I was like: fuck this was a ripoff… but smoked it wake and bake the next day and it’s my favorite of the 4 strains I bought


Yeah, I mean, if you’re gonna write a smoke report, it’s probably a good idea to sample it at different times of the day, simply because your body chemistry or whatever is gonna be different at 10am than it will be at 8pm. Energy levels are different, the amount of THC in your bloodstream is different haha, everything’s different.

I’m constantly switching up what I smoke, very rare that I smoke the same thing multiple times a day (unless it’s a super-fun cross like the Bandaid Haze or something); sitting down with one strain for two or three days straight is a good way to figure out how quickly you build a tolerance and whatever all else.

I am a little apprehensive about blazing the Nikah earlier in the day, just because it does seem like there’s a pretty lethargic/sleepy/dreamy comedown, but, like I said, I’ve been blazing her pretty much only in the evening so hopefully that has something to do with it. If I take a nap after my first “daytime smoke” of her, though, I won’t be blazing her before 8pm again haha.


Everything looks great dude!! Love the Haze tent but I got a keen eye on that LavenderJack tho :eyes: :clap::clap:


Quick update to just make note of flipping the haze tent to 12/12 today. I’m actually flipping to 11on/13off and may drop to 10/14 after a month.

Pruned back the Bandaid Haze 7, Church, and took several clones. BH7 is supposed to stretch the most outta the bunch, so I gave her a pretty good lopping.

BH Church | BH7

Foliar fed w/ BioAg Cytoplus, both tents.

Also top dressed both tents, each plant w/ 6 cups compost/peat/rice hulls/craft blend/bokashi mixture. Will need to add a little more soil to the SIPs to get them full before the flip, there’s more room for top dressings. Top watered lightly.

Thinking a few more weeks till flip on this tent. Maybe 2 weeks?

Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lav Jack | MM 31


How come? They look pretty big to me. That Sour and the Geisel, too (maybe), might stretch a pretty decent amount.

Looking good, regardless. I’m stoooooooked to see what happens in the “Sativa Tent” haha.


Yeah, probably gonna have to prune those back a little bit, maybe take some clones. I’m waiting on the Lav Jack to catch up to the others. Also, I like to have a staggered harvest, so I’m not doing both tents at the same time, as I don’t have a lot of room to hang all the plants.

I’m stoked too, let’s fucking go!