Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah, probably gonna have to prune those back a little bit, maybe take some clones. I’m waiting on the Lav Jack to catch up to the others. Also, I like to have a staggered harvest, so I’m not doing both tents at the same time, as I don’t have a lot of room to hang all the plants.

I’m stoked too, let’s fucking go!


Hey dude, dropping an update on your T-1000 crosses. Everyone is doing well outside!

GG4, Agent Orange, and Key Lime Pie

Everyone is starting to frost up
Agent Orange


Key Lime Pie particularly so. Getting a lot of frost on the fan leafs!


Just caught up mate, everything looks great especially those Baba’s :heart_eyes:

I’ve made some before and all it really takes is time

You got no idea how much I’d love to source certain cultivars to smoke online with such ease you lucky fucker haha, ever find old school Sour available?


Thanks for dropping some pics! Everything looking good, cool to see so much purple coming through on the KLP and GG4 crosses. Do they all smell different or do you smell anything in common with the T-1000?

Yup, ended up making some as well. Too cheap to buy it! Thanks for the link.

That’s the thing, what is the real old school Sour? AJ’s, NotSoDog’s, JayPlantspeaker, Skunktek, etc, etc… there’s too many cuts to know.


Nahhhh, I never even looked haha, didn’t look for any Bubba that one day, either. It seems silly to go buy a lil’ weed from a dispensary when I have jars and jars of (superior) weed at home. That dispensary shit is almost always disappointing.


Yup, I can never justify going when I have full jars of shit that I know I actually like to smoke. Dispensary shit is way old and over dried anyways.


That’s what I always figured but reading your comment made me wonder if there’s higher price point dispensaries that do stock the “real” varieties at a high quality… you just have to pay extra for it. Got to be a niche market for that I would have thought.

I know if you could find yourself a killa representation of the SD you’d most likely treat yourself to a 1/4 every now and again… I know I would but obviously not for mediocre dry/old shit.

Personally I’m not too phased which is which I just know the smell and taste that is my personal favourite herb, it’s either Sour or it ain’t


Yeah, when CA passed Prop 64 a few years ago, it came with, like, a designation or whatever that all weed could contain no more than 12.9% moisture. I dunno how much moisture it could contain (is “contain” the right word?) before that, but ever since Prop 64 passed, the dispensary weed has definitely been pretty gnarly. I used to get shit that I’d just be rooooooolling finger hash off of my hands when I’d break flowers up for joints, sticky-icky haha, but the few times I’ve tried dispensary weed post-64, it hasn’t been like that at all. It’s been, like you said, all dry and crumbly and gross haha.


I mean, I’ve probably been to a dispensary maybe five times in the last six or seven years, but there are definitely “tiers” or whatever. Cheaper shit and more expensive shit. I dunno how they determine what’s the “good stuff” or the stuff worth paying more for. Back before I was growing, when I’d go to dispensaries all the time, it was easy to tell why something cost more than something else, but that was before Prop 64 passed.

Prop 64 destroyed everything haha and I’m not a fan (voted “no” on it, actually, even though weed should obviously be legal for everybody).

There’s a dispensary right next to our old vet that I checked out like four years ago, while I was waiting for the dogs to get treated. Grabbed some outdoor SD that was decent. It was like Sour Diesel Lite haha. Or Sour Diesel: The Tease. Just a hint of real Sour Diesel flavor.

I did not go back for more haha!



There’s definitely ‘tiers’ of weed at different price points. You can find some trash for like $50/oz all the way up to top shelf for $350/oz. Some of the top shelf is still poop. There’s also ways to cheat the system used for tracking all the weed (METRC) so you could be growing Sour Diesel, but selling it as Headband… weird shit like that.

kinda bullshit… is that their way of preventing mold and pathogen growth or something? I like the sticky-icky!

All the stuff I see here is old… like over a year old. It seems even the freshest stuff hitting the shelfs is already six months old after going through processing, vending, etc.

Fuck legal weed unless it’s legalized for everyone to grow as much as they see fit with no restrictions. Our system of legalization is for one thing only… profit. It’s fucked

haha, but how do you know the Sour D you used to get wasn’t really some really good other herb that was just labeled as Sour D… and how do you know that the Sour D that Minitiger knows as Sour D, is the same Sour that you know? haha, I’m just messin’ around… but this is why we need to be able to share herb freely/legally, so that everyone is on the same page. There’s no benchmarks available for what is what… we’re getting there, it’s just taking some time. And, I mean, it’s always been a kind of, if you know you know, type thing with certain varieties, right? I bet I could pick GG4 out of a line up… so I know what you mean when it comes to the Sour. :+1:t4:


I actually had mixed up the key lime pie and the gg#4. I went ahead and updated my original post. The key lime pie has that sweetness to it that you’ve described. Very very sweet smelling, whereas the GG#4 is like mentholy or eucalpytus smells to it. Neither are very much like the T-1000.


Interesting to me that the T-1000 has taken such a backseat in all the crosses. I can see the influence, but most all the plants I’ve seen so far are taking after the pollen receivers. Cool!


I think so, but I’m not sure exactly what the rationale for the 12.9 percent thing is. That’s not why I voted “no” on 64, anyway haha.

Yeah, the buddy of mine who I always give a decent amount of weed to after every grow has said the same thing. He actually makes it a point now to check the date on the packages and only gets the new weed.

He LOVES going to dispensaries, though, I dunno why. I mean, I do kinda get it, I used to love checking out different dispensaries, too. But that was pre-64, back when lots of places had a TON of variety and most of it was really well-grown (sticky-icky haha). Back then, they also had everything in big-ass jars that you could open and smell and get a good look at. Now everything’s pre-packaged and shit, totally takes the fun out of hitting up different spots. The jars were awesome because if you saw a really gorgeous fat nug that was calling your name, you could be like,”I want THAT bud, I don’t care that it weighs nine grams,” haha.

I dunno why he doesn’t start growing, dude smokes wayyyyyy more weed than I do. Every time I see him, I’m like,”Would you please just start growing your own?” haha. And not because I don’t like giving him weed; his opinions are always the first ones I seek out when I’m gearing up to write smoke reports. Even if he was growing, I’d still give him samples so we could, like, cross-reference our opinions. Or whatever haha. It just makes me sad that he’s spending his money on bullshit dispo garbage haha. I’m always glad when he swings by so I can give him much better weed for free.

There is when it comes to Sour Diesel, dude, for real. And that benchmark is the flavor. There’s really no mistaking it or confusing it for anything else.

And if there’s another strain out there that could be confused for Sour, please let me know so I can grab some of those seeds haha…


I think that’s an interesting thing to note for anybody that likes to buy csi seeds. He is offering so many T1000 crosses now, that those could be a good way of finding plants more similar to the mother assuming you have the same cut.


Man, I wish I could get through to people how easy it can be to grow your own.

It makes me sad to think of all the people in need of good medicine, all the kids throwing thousands away on glittery weed… giving their money to people like this:

I’m not referencing anything to do with the political connections, that shit happens on both sides. I’m pointing out that they’re shitty people in control of these dispensaries (2nd largest in Oregon) who don’t pay their vendors, don’t pay taxes, treat their employees like shit, etc.

Why give your money to people like this?

Haha! Buuttt, what if you’re a person like me, who has never smoked Sour D?? So when I finish this Skunktek version, and smoke it, is that gonna Sour D for me? Permanently imprinted as ‘the Sour Diesel’??

I’m being kinda rhetorical… no need to answer. It really doesn’t matter… I like good weed. If I like it, I’ll keep it. I am looking forward to smoking it though… better not suck, or I’m blaming you :wink:

Damn, at least we still have the jars here. You can at least open, see, and smell the buds before purchase. Sometimes a bud just catches your eye…

could be. could be I haven’t seen enough plants to really make a good judgement. it’s one thing to see them on the screen, and another first hand. I’ll just have to grow some more out! I’m assuming it’s the same cut, but ya never know.


Yeah, but that’s exactly why they donate tons of money to various political campaigns: so they don’t have to pay their taxes haha and never have to face real repercussions for stiffing their vendors and shit. Same reason pharmaceutical companies never have to pay real consequences for getting tens of thousands of people strung out on opioids and why Wall Street gets bailed out by the federal government every time they crater the economy. If ever there is a day of reckoning for that couple, all it’ll be is a fine that’s a fraction of their total net worth.

I thought these two sentences from the article were pretty amusing, though: “ The story of La Mota isn’t simply one of a company’s struggles. It points to serious lapses of oversight by the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission.”

Uh, sure, yeah, it was just an “oversight.” I’m sure none of the board members of the commission ever received any sort of “favors” from Cazares and Mitchell haha… I haven’t finished the article yet, but maybe hopefully the journalist took a look into that.

Anyway, yeah, people should just grow their own haha!

For sure, dude. I tried the Sour Diesel x Dragon Energy for the first time a few days ago, been getting into it a little bit the past couple days. Even though it doesn’t taste anything at all like Sour, it’s great weed, definitely glad I grew it haha.

If it’s not gonna taste like Sour, it at least better be gawddamn good haha…


100% agree. the system is fucked. with enough money, accountability goes out the window.

haha, don’t get me started on how fucked the OLCC is. Bunch of corrupt fuckers in charge of policing cannabis licenses, grows, liquor, etc… they just got in trouble for putting rare bottles of liquor aside for their personal use/profit… also a OLCC manager recently got blackout drunk at a corporate event, was hospitalized from alcohol poisoning, then tried to resign from his position, but got denied, and kept making 140k a year… Corruption all the way down man, everywhere you look.

Let’s hope, sounds like the reporters are trying to pressure the Gov in to returning the donations, but, surprise surprise, no response from the Gov yet… CREAM (Cash Rules Everything Around Me).

Nice dude, I hear the DE dad is supposed to be pretty good, got a pack with that dad I need to get into. Even if you did find the best tasting Sour ever, you’d probably still get tired of it and want to grow something new. I’ll be watching out for your review.


Haha yeah that’s the thing, fuck no wonder we are the laughing stock of the botanist world… imagine Tomato farmers arguing over what’s a Roma or whatever also variety v’s strain etc etc haha.

The SD I know is whatever cut the DNA genetics guys had in the early 2000’s. It was just labled ECSD and sold at the Grey Area coffee shop. Must of brought a QP of that shit over the years. Grew a lot of seeds bred from that cut too which were all fire especially the Sour Kush(ECSD x OG#18)

I miss this menu


There are definitely higher price point dispos here in MI…but I haven’t seen evidence that they’re better quality. That said, they tend to have what could be better stuff. But I don’t like being disappointed so I haven’t tried it.

Yep. The former people in charge of marijuana licensing in MI literally just pled guilty a day or so ago to accepting bribes in exchange for fast tracking licenses for big money out of state groups while letting licenses for the in-state little guys stagnate. Oh yeah, one of them was the former MI house speaker…wonder why they tried to ramrod through some legislation to all but eliminate caregivers in MI? Hmmmm.


That’s actually kind of funny. I mean, if that board member actually did have to resign, that’d mean that the next board member who got blackout drunk at a corporate fundraiser would also have to resign. “If it could happen to me, it could happen to you, too!” haha. “What’s next?!? They fire the blackout-drunk doctor? Or blackout-drunk police officer? Where does it end???”

Or, uh, what is it? “First, they came for the blackout drunk OLCC board member and I said nothing…” haha. There’s just way too many jokes that could be written about that whole situation, I don’t even know where to start.

I think if the DE male stays in the background, the weed is fine. The Sour Diesel hybrid is only the second DE cross I’ve grown; the first one was the C. Gold hybrid. With that C. Gold x DE, the plant that seemed to lean mom (gigantic plant, looser flowers etc) was fucking awesome, but the one that looked completely different and was obviously leaning DE was really not my favorite weed at all haha.

Same thing with the Sour cross. I only got the one female, but the flowers are extremely reminiscent of Sour, as far as looks are concerned. And the high isn’t anything close to the way that DE-leaning C. Gold cross smoked, either, so… Yeah. As long as the DE male doesn’t get in the way, I think the crosses will turn out fine haha.