Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

When I mentioned yesterday about the “good ol’ days” of CA dispensaries, where you’d get weed that you were rolling finger hash off of your, uh, fingers when you were breaking up flowers for a joint, that Sour Kush is the very first thing I think of. I got this unreeeeeeallllll batch like 14 or 15 years ago that was some of my favorite of all-time.

That’s a nice menu you posted there, @FattyRoots haha. There’s a lot of stuff on it that I always really liked. I do think the “experimental” designation that was written in the description of the Sour Kush is pretty fucking funny, though. “Ooh! It’s ‘experimental.’ So you know it must be CRAZY…” haha.


Higher price for hype I’m sure but still not consistent by the sounds of it. If there was a dispo/nursery with all breeder certified cuts and flower stored and cured correctly I’m sure they’d kill it, hopefully though that doesn’t equal $300 ounces… Be nice if someone does it right at least on a small scale like craft beer at some point.

Circa 2009 pre Cookies pollutiin era haha, apart from the mid 90’s it’s my personal favourite time in cannabis.

Sounds exactly like how I remember it too, DNA used to be on it not sure what happened… think I read they lost all their mother plants at some point.


If you feel like reading a book haha, this one’s kind of interesting: https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Dankness-Underground-Botanists-Cannabis/dp/0307720543

Order it from anywhere BUT Amazon, obviously.

It’s pretty interesting, though, I read it a few years back. I was totally like,”Aw, I remember the good ol’ 2000’s… The Aughts… That’s where it was at…” haha! The author dedicates an entire chapter to DNA in Amsterdam. It’s kind of fucked up reading it now, knowing that DNA totally fell off the map after it was published, but it’s still a good read. Kind of like a time capsule or something.


Yup, I read an article on this too. The dude accepted $100,000 cash bribe, and expected to get away with it, no problem. Makes you think about all the other times he’s accepted cash bribes, or all the other local governments that have the same thing going on, how many other companies are bribing their local officials for licenses, or for them to turn a blind eye? The rich get richer, while people doing the right thing, by following the rules, get fucked. Let’s take away the caregiver program so everyone will be forced to buy cannabis through the 10 or so producers (that they’ve conveniently invested money into). They know exactly what they’re doing.

Haha, you can’t make this shit up. The jokes write themselves sometimes.

Cool menu! I’d rather buy stuff from this menu now, instead of what I’m offered in dispensaries now-a-days. The Sour Kush sounds pretty damn good, I wonder if it’s still out there in someone’s room? Cannabis was way cooler when it was less ‘corporate’. Prices haven’t changed much though! $18/gram was pretty expensive back then.

Part of the reason I’m searching out older clones, like the Sour Diesel and Super Silver Haze I’m running, is that I feel like I missed out on that whole era of good medicinal cannabis. When I first started getting into weed, I was happy to get anything that wasn’t brown and seeded… if it came with a name, I didn’t take much notice of it. It’s really cool to me that some of the clones from that era are still around, it’s kind of like time traveling to the past for me… getting to experience them for the first time.

I’d say there’s very few that are doing it like that. There are a few in Oregon who claim they are no-till living soil, craft, small batch producers. I’ve sampled some of their product and it’s very good for dispensary cannabis. Unfortunately, the general consumer of cannabis doesn’t care, and they’ll pay less money for something that is salt grown and has a higher THC content, and produced by a corporate entity. People rarely do their research when choosing which companies they buy from, cannabis is no different. The margins are so tight on cannabis too here, the market is flooded, so producers will cut corners where they can. One of the major producers here, GroundWorks, just announced they are shuttering their operations here (good!) and moving elsewhere… to another state where they can get in early, setup shop, fuck over the local producers/economies, and make bunch of money until they get in trouble again for not following the rules and fucking their employees. The cycle continues…

I think the true craft growers are just gonna remain underground and keep doing what they’ve always done. Grow great weed, because they love it.

Have they always been a Spanish company, or were they bought out at some point? I know some weird stuff happened with that company.

Thanks for the link, I need a good book to read, bonus points if it stirs up nostalgic feelings of the late 90’s-2000s.


Yeah they do. This is why I decided a few years ago,”Fuck this. I don’t even care anymore…” haha. It’s an endless cycle of corruption, followed by a,”We’re gonna clean this up!” followed by more corruption and on and on and on and on… If you pay too much attention to it, it really starts to bring you down haha.

Haha, I know. I finished those articles you posted links to last night and then read more stuff about that couple and was like,”Holllllyyyyy fucking shiiiiiiiit…” Just blatant corruption and all of the politicians who benefitted from it going,”Uh… Really? They’re corrupt? I had no idea…” haha. What a joke…

I thought it was interesting that none of the people Willamette Weekly contacted were willing to go on the record to say that they’d be returning the donations. And I say “interesting” when what I really mean is “typical.” They got the money, they got elected, why give it back now?

Yeah, dude! That’s US. We ARE the “craft growers” haha.


Sounds like a great read, that chapter especially interests me. That period was when I went from growing ok Dutch genetics to a room full of really good stuff, had a sea of green set-up 200 to 250 plants mostly made up of OG #18, Sour Kush and Las Vegas Lemon Skunk. I used to purchase my seeds directly across the counter at the DNA office in Amsterdam. Golden era for sure

Yeah Grey Area ain’t cheap, that’s in Euros too haha. That €18 option is actually hash.

Are they a Spanish company now? I’d assume they relocated to Barcelona like most European seed companies but the original owners are from the US and they were based in Amsterdam for decades.

I feel you on the old cuts. I grew the cup winning(Somas I think) cut of SSH in 2008, it was my first indoor run, the thing flowered for 16 weeks and wouldn’t stop stretching I most of topped them like 15 times… 2 plants yielded over 2 kilos off one light, bonkers. It was hectic having to army crawl in the room to water them as they were wall to wall, empting run off was a nightmare haha. Great weed though, best “social” high I’ve ever smoked.


I wanted to correct this real quick. I’ve actually grown three Dragon Energy crosses, the third being Doc’s Mexican Melon (Mexican Death Sativa x DE). Those plants showed so little DE influence, though, that I always forget it was even a DE hybrid.

Just wanted to correct my earlier post haha.


I was actually thinking about that when I looked at the prices on that list and remembered that there were eighths being sold for $75+ in dispensaries here in, like, 2009 (Cotton Candy Kush is the first one that springs to mind). There was even one called “Hundred Dollar OG” that I’d see around, because an eighth of it cost a hundred bucks? I guess?

I did not buy it haha.


Well, I thought I had another week to veg in the SIP tent, but everything is growing like crazy, so that ain’t gonna happen. In the haze/sativa tent, I boosted the SSH up with another plastic tote, cuz I know the SSH (this particular clone) doesn’t stretch that much.

I was running into the same dilemma in the SIP tent, cuz I also know that the Lav Jack clone only has about 0.5x stretch. Everything was outpacing her…

@nube gave me the idea to do the same thing with the Lav Jack, in the SIPs…why didn’t I think of that! Luckily, I had a spare milk crate laying around. So, I used a shop vac to suck all the water out of the rez of the SIP (the vac tube usually fits right over the watering tube on the SIPs), to reduce weight and to not spill water everywhere while I moved it. Pulled out the Lav Jack and put in the milk crate on top of the boot trays I’m using to catch run-off water.

Nice! She needed a little booster seat. I learned my lesson last round too, that Dosidos didn’t stretch for shit and got buried by everything else.

Sweet! Now I can flip this tent to flower! Gonna do that today or tomorrow.

Sour Diesel (Skunktek). showing a little bit of variegation.

Everything looking really happy this week though, 'cept a little funky thing going on with the Sour D leaf tips. Just gonna let it ride.

Hazy tent about a week into flower.


So I just logged on to IG, no idea why haha, but the first post I saw was from that dude Crazy Composer, a picture of Sour Best Shit Ever. For some reason I decided to read the comments and this was one of the only ones that wasn’t just bullshit “fire” emojis:

“Said it before, looks & sounds like some of the OG#18 that came around ‘09 from Reserva Privada which was also dubbed Sour OG. I have an original cut that I would describe as an improved OG, super sticky gassy OG with the sourness!”

I thought that was kind of oddly coincidental, if nothing else. But it sounds like, yes, it is indeed still in somebody’s room haha. Every batch of Sour Kush I ever grabbed didn’t taste sour to me at all, but I guess that dude found a pheno that was haha…

Anyway… Plants look good! Haha. Nice move getting those shorter ones up on the milk crates.


Nice thread brother…was just wondering as I was dating back to 2020 with the black triangles…have you kept anything note worthy since that time and continue to keep in the garden?


That’s funny! Someone else was just talking about that same post from Crazy Composer in a discord channel and mentioned that Sour Best Shit Ever. The SBSE apparently is not all that, but I’d still try it. Interesting speculation on what it is, I think Reserva Privida actually had good stuff at one point. That’s another thing that cool about weed though… I’m sure tons of plants slip through the cracks and get lost over the years, but there’s always a chance that someone out there hung on to a clone, only because they enjoyed that specific cultivar so much. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that Sour Kush/OG is out there.

Thanks dude! I wouldn’t have even thought about raising the SIP if it weren’t from some outside help.

Thanks dude! I haven’t done much work the with Black Triangle. I kept one clone for a while, but let go of everything when I moved across the country. All three females I got were good though, chunky and dense buds. The high was pretty stoney feeling. I do have a few F2s of that I’d love to go through at some point, but I’ve also got a little problem with wanting to grow more than I have space for, and there’s so many other things to grow… anyways, if you wanna look through some F2s I can send you a few, shoot me a PM.


@iamyou_youareme …thankyou dude that is mighty kind of you but I have so much stock I couldn’t possibly take more but warmly recieved your gesture is…I ran black triangle a few years back and made the mistake I can only make being so close to breeders personally over the yrs testing,went against better judgement and went seedbank route…and I knew I shouldn’t have being the stock was washed to inbred heaven and it was…I’d toked a sample from a private garden moons earlier that was a fridge bodhi special…ie early filial generation stock and the high was potent and heady and had kick…the whole reasoning I wanted to grow it…grew like a dream…high thc content but just didn’t have anything to the high at all…being a tester many yrs and having that "me and Mrs Jones"relationship I should have stayed there…venturing into the shark infested inbred rothchilds seedbank market learns you that when your going there invariably don’t expect to find potency from early filial stock from banks…its not happening…and I learned that the hard way…bless you brother!!


Yeah, I would, too haha. Didn’t it win an Emerald Cup or something a few years back? I don’t put too much stock into the results of any of those weed “competitions” or whatever, except for the Emerald Cup haha. That one seems like it might actually be legit and not bought-and-paid-for by whatever seed company.

I don’t have much of a Bucket List, but the Emerald Cup is on it. I guess I have a very, very short Bucket List haha.

Oh yeah, dude, for sure. There’s all kinds of shit out there, you just have to know where to look.

I dunno where to look… haha!


Yeah it did win in 2010, but like you, I don’t put a ton of stock into those competitions. There are a few that are probably legit, I think the Ego Clash is one, but that’s invite only… I’m not sure about the Emerald Cup… it used to be legit… now Cookies is like the main sponsor… not sure how much I trust 'em.

Yeah, me neither, usually… though it’s much easier now than it’s ever been. Still, you have to do your homework, lotta people out there selling some bullshit.

Yeah I hear ya, I wish Bodhi would start up the tester program again. Hopefully soon if he’s retiring the Wookie and 88g13hp males.

There’s some legit seed banks out there though, that don’t do any shady shit. Great Lakes Genetics has always treated me well. Speakeasy seems to be pretty good too.

In other news… I went out to Concentrates today and got a 50# bag of Diamond K gypsum for $10, I fuckin’ love that place. While I was there, I noticed they sold pre-sterilized mushroom bags, which is awesome, because that’s the most labor intensive part of the whole process. I’m gonna have to pick some up and give them a shot… I’m waiting on my Uncle Ben’s bags to mature now.

Also, I’ve been putting plastic toppers over my fabric pots and it’s helping keep the moisture level nice at the top of the pots. I noticed they were drying out pretty quickly, so I decided to mimic the SIPs and put a plastic cover over top. I could probably go one step further and put a plastic cover over the top and 3/4ths down the sides (emulating the fabric pots w/ plastic liners) to keep even more moisture in, but it’d be a pain to get them off every time I watered. Noticing improvement in the top layer though, more bacteria growth, and more surface roots popping through the top.

Giesel’s surface roots are going fuckin wild!


Oh, for fuck’s sake! Seriously?!? Can they just go away already??? Haha.

Yeah, I was just kinda kidding around. I know where to look :wink:, I just don’t care all that much haha. I figure I’ll find something pretty good in my seeds.

Gawddamn, I wish they would open a Concentrates down here…

I think that’s actually fungal growth, not bacteria. Isn’t that what that Santa’s Beard is? Fungus?

Either way, though… I love it… haha. Looking good!


Bacterial, fungal, slime molds, there’s all kinda shit growing under those covers. As long as it stays down there, and helps grow the important stuff up top, I’m good with it.


Quick weekend update on things.

I adjusted the color temp on the camera, let me know if it looks too blue to y’all, or just wonky. I think the COBs make the photos look more yellow than they actually are. The bridgelux strips seem better, but they almost appear too blue when color corrected on the camera. I guess it’s always a compromise.

Full tents make me happy though.

Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31

Lav Jack

Mother’s Milk 31

Sour Diesel (skunktek)


Hazy Tent
Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze 10




BH Church

The hazy tent colors are def off, gonna have to play around with the color temp again.

Y’all have a nice evening. :green_heart:


I mean, all of the plants look green to me… That’s a good thing, right? haha.

Just fucking around. Plants look good. I loooooove the Hazy Tent, though, those plants for sure look pretty promising.


Ive given up to a degree with color correcting a least camera based or found one setting i used for awhile, now all i do is auto correct in a photo editor afterwards and it gets it close enough and is quick vs the oddities of trying to correct color temp wise pre picture.