Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

haha, smartass… Yeah, but they’re the wrong shade of green in the hazy tent, they all came out too yellow looking, when the leaves are much more dark green… will probably take a lights out shot just to show the comparison.

Probably a good tactic to adopt. I don’t really want to be messing around with the color temp every time I need to take a photo, jumping between 3500k Vero COBs and 3000k Bridgelux EB3 strips, then the Mars stuff is probably like 4000-4500k, too much hassle. I typically don’t edit my photos in post, just because I’m lazy, but if I had a template setup or something that could auto correct the color for each photo in batch, I’d go for that. Y’all may just have to deal with slightly not true life colors :slight_smile:


Nice lineup! Will be curious to hear which of the clones are your favorites.


Honestly, I could never choose favorites when it comes to herb. If someone put a gun to my head, they’d probably end up shooting me in frustration, from my inability to decide. But, I’ll mention the standout ones to me.

I didn’t mention much from my last round, because everything was kinda meh, except the Baba Kush. I gave everything (Rainbow Belts, Grape Pie, Jack Herer, Dosidos F2) to my neighbor for him to sample and the only thing he wanted more of was the Baba, so that tells me something.

The Rainbow Belts has a pretty incredible flavor in the volcano, I’ll give it that. I can’t get it to really come through the same way when smoking it. The high’s alright. Nothing standout really, it gets me stoned feeling, but nothing heavy really. Could last a bit longer.

Jack’s my favorite from last round, though I don’t get the really energetic high with this clone, it’s more of a muddled high. It does get me feeling pretty good high, and doesn’t make me sleepy, which is the kind of herb I’ve been craving recently. Been smoking so much OG/Kush/heavy shit for the past two years, looking to shake it up.

Grape Pie and Dosidos didn’t really do it for me. The Grape Pie yields incredibly when pressed to rosin, so I’ll end up doing that with most of it. It’s super frosty weed, tiny buds on sticks… The Dosi taste good, but just isn’t really my jam, Also, it was so tiny, most went in the hash pile… I didn’t grow either of those plants to their potential, so take my words lightly.

Anyways, really looking forward to the Hazy tent! Though, I’m wishing I ran 15 gal pots instead of 7 right now. Started noticing a bit of N def on the BH Church and SSH10, and slightly less so on the Blue Dream. I kind of over vegged them, as I went out of town and kept them vegging a week longer than needed. Damage is done now, but I’ve been supplementing those plants with a little bit of Pure Blend Pro to get them to the finish line. We’ll see how that goes. Plants still seem pretty happy.

Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze 10

Pulled a bit of sucker branches out of the SIP tent. I pulled at least that much a few days earlier as well. I love seeing those deep green healthy leaves… almost hurts to pull 'em out. But, it hurts worse to trim all that little stuff later, and it sucks away from the better stuff up top, imho.

Installed support screen for the SIP tent, not sure if I’ll need it or not, but best to get it in now. I may have to take out the carbon filter for more headroom.

Hope everyone’s having a great weekend. :beers: :hearts:


Haha too true man. Its like pickin your favorite dead show… which year?? Thats cool the baba kush was the favorite - I think a real benefit of trying some clones is establishing a barometer for what people consider a keeper. Good perspective for when growing from seed. Yeah the haze cuts youre growing are p cool, should be some unique stuff nothin like the OG chems.


Apparently there is you just to go to fuckin Montana haha

It used to he but hear it’s gone to shit now, fully regulated no more handing out free seeds and samples. Licensing committee everywhere checking things, sounds fucked. Like @iamyou_youareme said the Ego cup seems to be legit, apart from the shit name haha


Yeah, well…. That seems to be pretty par for the course. Any time “corporate sponsors” get involved (there are now weed “corporate sponsors.” Crazy…), the things you’re interested in are guaranteed to start sucking. I still wanna go, though, at some point. I’ve got friends who I really love who live up there in Santa Ana, anyway. And it’s a lot closer than Amsterdam, too haha!

I figure I gotta check out at least one Weed Competition Thing at some point in my life. And if it sucks, at least I got to see my friends up there.


Road trip!! His dispo sounds nice, fur sure. There’s tons of nurseries here, wether or not the genetics are verified… I’m not sure, it’s deep rabbit hole to fall into. I do trust Archive’s dispo to at least have verified genetics.

Haha, yeah the Ego Clash is invite only. I think it’s only for Hash/Concentrates too. I wanna go to those Emerald Cup after parties where the breeders hang out… but that’ll never happen!

Too true! It sucks that good things get ruined constantly by some dirtbag trying to squeeze money outta everything. Happens everywhere though…

Yeah, it’s on my bucket list for sure.

Looks like Cookies is gettin’ into more trouble.

Hope Bodhi is steering clear of all that mess!


Run Bodhi Run!
You’re now working for the hip hop (wannabee) mafia.


Holy fuck! Haha. I’m not surprised at all, but still… What a dipshit…

Also, his real name is Gilbert? NERD!!! Haha.


I had to go to my dispensary today and make a purchase in order to keep my medical status. Was disgusted with every aspect of dispensary culture. Multiple stages of double isolation chamber style doors resembling a military compound only to be brought into what felt like an Apple Store with overpriced commercial garbage. The “bud tenders” who try to project an aura of expertise on cannabis is icing on the cake also.

The amount of money being wasted is absurd, I for one will be happy when the prohibition-based price bubble finally pops and these places go under.


Well… I dunno. That seems kind of necessary. You’ve got a shit-ton of drugs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars in an easily accessible place. I mean, if I was crazy or willing to go to prison for armed robbery, a dispensary would be high on my list of “targets” or whatever. Back when I was going to dispensaries all the time, I never thought those security measures were an inconvenience. Or rather, I understood why they were there.

Dispensaries get robbed all the time here, but it’s usually after they’re closed and people just break in through the roof or whatever. You still wanna make your employees feel comfortable, though. If I worked at one, I’d be like,”Can we please add a third bulletproof door?” haha.

That for sure is kind of comical. Still, though, I appreciate blonde wood floors… haha. It’s a nice aesthetic haha!

I know, man. The last time I went to a dispensary, a couple years ago, they had Red Eye Jedi and I was like,”Oooh! That’s a Bodhi strain! What’re the genetics of that one again?” and the chick was like,”Nobody knows. It’s a secret.” And I was like,”Um… No. It’s not a secret. I just can’t recall the exact genetics of that one right now offhand,” haha. “And it would be nice if you knew, since it’s kind of your job.”

Didn’t end up grabbing it haha!, although I wish I would’ve. Got some horrible, horrible SFV instead. Blazed it twice and was like,”This sucks,” and threw it in the garbage.


Oh ya, for sure how things are currently I agree. The 500 an Oz BS enables and reinforces that culture though, and especially the security requirements. I can’t imagine the prices staying so high assuming there is eventual full legalization nation-wide with no risk, in addition to CC processing.


Are you serious? Where? I haven’t seen prices that bad (good? haha) in a looooooong time. It’s a buyer’s market in CA, Prop 64 destroyed everything (unless you’re one of the super-wealthy people who got lobbyists to push it through). People are lucky to get $1600 a pound now.

$500 an oz? Shit… That’s some 2004-type prices right there…


Haha, I laughed at that too. Gilbert is the least cool sounding “weed related” name I could think of, no wonder he goes by Berner. (Sorry to anyone named Gilbert! I’m betting you’re cooler than Berner)

FUCK these guys…
required Cookies’ license partners to use his own brother’s construction firm, GCI, “for any construction work, even though GCI often costs more than double the cost of other contractors, so that he can take kickbacks from GCI for his own personal benefit.”

“If a licensor refuses to use GCI, Berling in turn refuses to allow Cookies to sign licensing agreements or do business with them,” the suit alleges.

Really?!?! They make you go to the dispo at least once a year to keep your medical status? Eh, I’m glad I never registered with the state for anything cannabis related. The less the know the better, in my case.

Yeah, my favorite one’s here are little kinda hole in the wall places. There are some as you’ve described, but it’s ridiculous to spend all that money on overhead, just to display some jars of weed. I’m still surprised at how many there are here, even after the price bottoming out (literally saw herb for under $1.00/gram during 420 sales).

Yeah me too, it’s going to take awhile, but they won’t be able to keep this pace for long. Real estate is too valuable and the margins are getting thinner each day… I’m just glad I don’t depend on a business for my own meds.


if the cops pick me up on the street with a couple of grams of weed, that’s five years in prison… you just buy it in a store…
and even under the condition of full legalization and decriminalization, state institutions will not let go of the process and keep it under control.


Not yet but they are announcing plans now to get around people using black market or going out of state from what I read. Going to be much busier when I have to renew my card and I didn’t want to go out to the dispensary then, so I just got it out of the way now.

Yeah for sure.

It’s definitely preferable to how it used to be (and still is other places), no question.

Ya I imagine a lot of herb in CA that is grown there doesn’t stay there. But ya those are dispensary prices for “top shelf” and include sales tax. Messaged you an example to demonstrate the absurdity.


Ah I have similar dispensaries here with similar prohibition prices.

Not only is it setup like an apple store, you legally don’t even get to look at the product until you get home with it. They don’t have any of it on display. Best chance you have is if they have an online menu. It comes in a jar. And they put it in a bag and staple it shut before they hand it to you. Legally it’s now a case of beer and opening that staple means open container. It’s dumb :see_no_evil:


Yep, that’s exactly how it is here. Comical how insane the regulations are around a flower huh? haha…


I really hate memes and gifs and whatever, but I searched high and low for one of Creed Bratton saying,”We should start our own mall!” just now so I could post it here haha. I found one, but it wouldn’t play properly in this post, so…

Anyway, yeah! We should start our own dispensary! Haha!


Yup, it’s pretty wild, honestly! What’s crazy is that you can still get locked up in certain places of our country for weed, but you can hop on a plane to Oregon and weed’s literally advertised on billboards, you can buy 2OZ at a time, from over 200 dispensaries. It doesn’t make any sense, but, of course, it never has made any sense, so why would it start now?

There’s too much money to be made to just let people grow as much as they want in their backyard. The same reason it’s illegal in Ukraine is the same reason it’s illegal in the USA, money, control, and power.

Damn, at least there’s so many producers here, the top-shelf is cheaper than $500/oz. You can find good shit for $300/oz, but, why bother? You can also find top-shelf in my basement for free :slight_smile:

Dumb… they have jars here, the way it should be. They open them up, let you smell them, you can pick buds, they weigh it in front of you, and use recyclable pop-tops for most stuff. I would never buy legal weed if I couldn’t look it up close and smell it first.

That’d actually be pretty cool, like a farmer’s market, but all OG members. I’d buy some weed from a farmer’s market… if it was good!