Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah that’s how it was when I went to visit Oregon and damn if it didn’t feel like being in a first world country for once :sweat_smile:


during the war, men are not allowed to leave the country. when the war is over, I plan to visit places where I can smoke without looking back…
Amsterdam and some other places including USA and Canada…
but as they say: “if you want to make God laugh - tell him your plans for tomorrow.”



I miss Norm…

Bandaid Haze Church | Bandaid Haze 7
Santa Cruz Blue Dream | Super Silver Haze 10

Blue Dream



BH Church

Giesel | Sour Diesel (skunktek)
Lavender Jack | Mother’s Milk 31

:grimacing: Getting close on headroom… everything is as high as it can go. MM31 stretched the most so far.

Where’d that screen go? Somewhere under there…

Everything is sucking down water and stacking up, let’s go!

Y’all have a good weekend!


So do I. You watching old SNL clips or something? Haha…

Plants look good! Haha. For real, though, I am so envious of the Hazy Tent. That BAH plant looks especially good, can’t wait to hear what you think of her.

In fourteen weeks haha.


Well that escalated quickly! Looking really nice in there, plants are real happy, interesting to see that your Giesel, SD, and MM31 are wanting to stretch so much more than the Lavender Jack. It must be a lot of fun to open two different tents and experience such an assault on your olfactory system as they continue to flower.


Nah, but I always loved this bit of his about LSD.

lol @ big Acid

His death kinda took me by surprise, I miss his style of humor.

haha, right! I’ve never taken a plant past 80 or so days, I think I let GMO go that long, so this one’s gonna test my patience. My plan is to veg some other clones out elsewhere, then throw them in the same tent as Bandaid, to keep the cycle going and not just have the light going for only the Bandaid. We’ll see how it works out.

No doubt, everything shot way up in the past 8 days. Hopefully they’ll slow down soon, or I’ll need to figure out how to get the carbon filter out of there.

Are the Wookie crosses know for stretching that much? I’ve only grown one out, and it stretched a fair bit, but this Lav Jack only has about .5x stretch. Hopefully I can do the clone justice… wow.

Smells are just starting to get interesting, it’s only going to get better from here. One of the addicting parts of growing is smelling everything from day to day and seeing how they evolve. I can’t wait!


I haven’t grown enough Wookie crosses to say, but now thinking back on it, the one Sundance I grew outdoors (wasn’t able to fully flower it out as I culled it early due to bud rot) a number of years ago, stayed pretty squat and didn’t really stretch much at all. But everything I have seen on Lavender Jack seems really promising.


Yeah, that was funny. I haven’t seen that bit before, I don’t think. “I like to stretch my drug dollar,” is a pretty hilarious line.

The two I grew didn’t stretch much at all. I think that might be one of the reasons why I didn’t wanna grow them again, actually haha. I was totally anticipating them getting at least a little big, but they grew… strangely haha. Good weed, though.


I found like 1.5-2x stretch on wonder wookie. They seem to go more out bushy style than up.


My Space Monkey stretched twice or even more, with very active side branches …


Here’s a link to pics of your frosty plants showing the stretch.


Yes, thank you!
it’s a clone it is without veg
Here’s a full height photo …


Not surprised with the GG4 in there! GG4 is definitely a stretcher.

Looks pretty similar to GG4, for sure!

Here’s a clone of GG4 with minimal veg, finishing stretch now and starting to bulk.

While I’m at it:

Sour D (Skunktek)


Baba Kush F2

Rainbow Belts 2.0 x Baba Kush


Harvest day for my T-1000 hybrids. They did very well for winter outdoors. Very sturdy plants! They didn’t fill out because of the lower sun amount, but I think they give a good representation of what I could find under more optimal conditions

Agent Orange x T1000
Orange terps on this one for sure. Kind of like overripe oranges. It’s been a while since I’ve found those terps, so tha’ts cool! Lost the top to boytris, but that isn’t strain specific, that’s just growing conditions in my area.

Key Lime Pie x T1000
Sickly sweet smell coming off this one that others have reported. Ultra sugary, but got really nice dense buds on this one! Very GSC dominant I’m guessing. Also lost her top to boytris, but all the other buds were unaffected

GG4 x T1000
Solvent like terps on this one mixed in with a little bit of fruity. Really stringy like buds, but insanely frosty! Probably needed a bit more time, but didn’t have any boytris on her, so I figured I would take her unblemished.

Thank you for sharing these seeds with me! Looks like these are definitely worth exploring, and that based on my limited sample, and having grown T1000 myself, that these plants are not T1000 leaners, and more similar to their mothers. I’ll report back after smoking em!


Totally thought about you the other day, just because every now and then a random weed plant will show up in our planter in the backyard, no idea how it keeps happening. I don’t even pay attention to it when it does happen, I’m always just like,”Yeah, I dunno how that got there, it’ll die soon enough…” but last week I decided to give this most recent one a look and there were full-on flowers all over the place haha.

I was kind of skeptical of your outdoor “Spring Grows” or whatever, just because of the days getting longer and stuff, but now I’m like,”Shit, man, I’m gonna let whatever weed that is grow every year now,” haha. It actually smells really good, very floral and “purple.” I have no fucking idea what strain it is, though haha.


The daylight hours aren’t as big of a deal, especially so if you live in an urban or suburban area where your growing location is actually receiving a lot less sun than the actual “daylight hours” due to buildings, trees, fences or whatever else that may be obstructing the sun.


Nice harvest dude!

Thanks for running those crosses outdoors for me, it’s a much better test of their resistances. I’m noting the botrytis issue, even though they weren’t grown in optimal conditions, it’s good to know that one wasn’t as bad as the others.

Did you notice any intersex issues on any of them? I didn’t see anything obvious, but let me know if you find anything while trimming.

Nice! That Agent Orange held on to its orange smell for a long time in the jars, so I hope you like that flavor, haha! Looks a lot like the mom in this case.

Yeah looks KLP dominate to me, though your’s turned a bit more purple. She’s frosted up for sure! KLP’s another one that hung on to it’s smell really well in the jars, maybe something about the citrus tarps?

Nice! I’ve been smoking on the more T-1000 leaning GG4xT1000 lately, and she’s not bad! The other GG4xT1000 came out wanting to be GG4, very GG4 dominate, but no where near as good as GG4. Your’s came out interesting looking, with those elongated buds. GG4 kinda does that, could be that she wanted to fill out a little more. Cool looking regardless! I hope she smokes well!

Thank you dude! For growing all of them and keeping notes and photos of them. Thanks for putting the time and energy into all of that.

I really appreciate seeing the mother plants come through so much in the crosses. I wonder if there’s any out there that are more T-1000 dominate, or at least a blend between both. I’m curious to see what comes of @Dirt_Wizard 's Blueberry x T1000. I saw an update in his log today and it’s looking very Blueberry dominate to me, so, from Greasy’s reports and @Vagabond_Windy 's reports of the crosses, looks like he’s in for a very Blueberry dominate plant… but we’ll see what happens, you never know until they’re on the rack drying!

Sounds like a volunteer! Haha, just let her run!

If I were you guys down in SoCal, my fuckin’ backyard would be a jungle. Testing everything I could outdoors…

It’s an awesome way to stress test… especially with the days getting longer, you’d think it’d confuse the plant and bring out intersex issues, but what do I know?? I wish I could pull off outdoor winter grows… you’d need a heated greenhouse up here.

Good to know! The plants don’t seem to mind about lighting as much outdoor, as they do indoor.

I hadn’t opened the covers to the SIPs in awhile, I did today and was blown away by the MM31 and Giesel’s surface roots! They’re trying to escape! I went ahead and top dressed again, added the usual stuff and top watered.




You can mark it down, but it’s rare for me to grow any plants by the ocean that don’t end up with boytris if I let the buds fill out. Just the way it goes. I generally can only get 8 weeks of flowering time for plants with denser buds, so keep that in mind.

I looked them over pretty thoroughly trying to identify any addiitonal boytris before washing them, and so no signs. That means they are pretty sturdy. I’ve had quite a few plants throw late nanners with the days getting longer in my spring grows.

I do like orange terps. Very simliar smell to the Orange Grove x Northern Lights plant that I grew from Justsumtomatoes.

Happy to do it! You really had a succesful project with all those fem crosses! My uncle has some Blueberry x T-1000 going in his yard this summer, and I’m hoping we get a couple photos from him. He’s in an illegal state, but he’s got one heck of a green thumb, so I bet he’ll grow em big, just not being able to help himself!

If I’m ever a home owner here, that’s what I’ll do!

Great looking roots there, keep up the good work!


Eh… It doesn’t really work like that haha. Or maybe it does for some people in SoCal in some backyards, but not mine. Swear to gawd, though, this weather is even worse than the weather when I lived in Portland, never seen anything like it. I wouldn’t try to be growing anything right now, so props to Greasy.

Anyway, I totally thought I was on Greasy’s thread when I wrote that last thing you responded to haha. Sorry.


Yeah, y’all are getting the shitty weather down there and it’s been nice here, for a change. The weather’s not gonna get any better long term though… El Niño is getting ready to make things even weirder.

And yeah, I say I would make my backyard into a jungle, but it’s already hard enough managing what I have. It’d be a full time job doing serious outdoor.

How dare you!

That’d be cool, I’d love to see 'em. I’m hoping he crushes it with that green thumb.