Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

I was just asking because I’m sending people some Lavender Jack x Vanilla Frosting and Lavender Jack x Mimosa.


Just popped a few of my GTH regs. Have 2 Dark Ghost Train fems going as well. The DGTs have been leading the way this grow as far as germ and growth rates


Nice, those sound like some good crosses. Who bred the Vanilla Frosting and Mimosa? Do you have any pictures of the males? I wouldn’t be able to run anything for a long time, my vault is overflowing and I’ve already got my next few runs planned out, but would be happy to test down the line if that’s what your looking for.


Nice, I had some GTH that definitely leaned more towards the OG side, with more dense golf ball shaped buds. They didn’t stretch as much. The terpenes were similar on all phenos though, a sweet citrus that is pretty unique. The Dark Ghost Train sounds really good, I’ll def check out your thread for those.


I don’t need testers down the line I’m just hooking people up if they pay $10 shipping. Vanilla frosting and the Mimosa were both from clone. Vanilla frosting (purple pheno) was breed by HSC but sold as a clone from a local dispensary connection I have from Dark Heart Nursery. Same with the Mimosa I got it as a clone from a buddy who works at DHN. Crossed with a male Lavender Jack from Bodhi


Agree completely about the terp profile. Very unique almost limey. Very tasty as well. I’d love to breed it with something super indica to try to get rid of the racy paranoia high that can come with it and also help nug structure. May end up crossing it with some of the Star Pupil I’m running and try to get some shorter flower time.


:eyes: I got 10$ for shipping

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PM me and I’ll send you my Info and get your package ready to ship out by Monday.

Pregnant Vanilla frosting mother drying!


Here’s an update on the big tent.

Two days ago -

Today -

Trying to keep the GTH under control. I had this screen from awhile ago from one of the smaller tents, but repurposing it to try and contain this monster. We’ll see how well it works out.

So far not too much stretching on the lone Purple Wookie V2, but she’s looking stout!

And my favorite of the Goji OG x Black Triangles… I had to cull one of the three females to fit everything in the tent :frowning:

Not using Blumats this round yet, I may install them, but this virus shit has me around all the time to be able to hand water… and I don’t mind spending the time ladies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I feel a sense of peace after I have hung out with them for a bit. I look forward to seeing the when I am away. Is it just me?


It’s not just you, Badger. The garden is one of my happy places too.

It’s sometimes shocking to see them growing like weeds, but I guess it makes sense. Very healthy & happy garden all around @iamyou_youareme :slight_smile: You can see the 88g13hp influence in the goji x bt leaves.

How you doing with all this home time?


No doubt… whenever I feel stressed I just go hang out with them for awhile and do some meditation. I recommend anyone doing the same!


Many thanks for the compliments!

I’ve been working from home before all the virus stuff started, at least for about 50% of the time, so it wasn’t such a huge adjustment for me as it has been for others. I still go through periods of feeling really cooped up, like I can’t remember the last concert I went to… really missing stuff like that. Winter is coming and it’s not going to get any better for a few months at least. Grateful to have my plants to keep me busy inside though, would have probably gone crazy with out them :exploding_head: How are you guys holding up?

And I agree, def see the 88g13hp leaves on that cross :slight_smile:


I hear you about missing being able to goto concerts. We had tickets to several concerts this summer but they all got cancelled. Somehow one of our favorite electronic bands Desert Dwellers, who followed us up from Albuquerque to Boulder, is having a concert this month even though Boulder is on lockdown. I’m hesitant to goto it since it’s likely to be a superspreader event, like all events indoors these days, but it’s tempting since we haven’t been to anything since February.

Besides that, my gf has declared she will never go back to work in an office again. Her job said she’s for sure remote through all of 2021. She loves working from home, and it’s really cool to be home together all day every day, especially with our new pup, but I’d be happy just to have any job. I had five interviews with a tech company, spread out over three months, last one with the CEO, they asked for my references, and then didn’t check them and didn’t hire me. The headhunter representing me said he thought they must have had a candidate in mind already. :confused: Not getting any other callbacks from the few jobs there are to apply for. Oh well; no big deal. We’re frugal (aside from the high rent we pay here) and being broke has been a great opportunity to sell old shit I’ve been lugging around for years but no longer used, like old electronics and stereo equipment, amps, speakers, receivers, etc. Turning junk into cash is a nice feeling. :money_with_wings:

Besides that, I’m really excited to see the country going in a new direction. Hopefully decency and kindness and compassion will come back into style and help underpin the rebuilding of our nation and the world at large. All the drug legalization and decriminalization ballot issues that passed around the country are a step in the right direction! As is the news that phase 2 trials of psilocybin for depression are showing 4x the efficacy of antidepressants with no side effects. Those things used responsibly, in addition to criminal justice reform and maybe an honest approach to capitalism, can start to heal our nation. Here’s to hoping. :slight_smile:


Whoa cool, I saw Desert Dwellers a few years back here when they opened for one of my favorite acts, Shpongle! I really dig DD’s stuff, along with most psy-dub/trance, it pretty much stays in constant rotation on my Spotify. I’m a huge music lover, so my taste are all over the place, from prog-rock, to funk and jazz, to old-school country, I try not to limit myself to any one genre, but I really connect with psytrance/dub especially in conjunction with psychedelics :wink:

Yeah, I don’t see the need for anyone to really return to cubical hell. I know I hated it for four or five fucking years and said never again. My co-workers drive me crazy in close-quarters, I’m much more productive away from them, haha.

I know the job market is definitely tough where you’re at, and the tech industry is definitely competitive, but I’m sure the universe will deliver something for ya eventually. I’m sure your not missing work too much, especially with the new pup :slight_smile: Always feels good to get rid of stuff too! I try to make a Goodwill trip twice a year to shed un-used items, feels so good to let go of stuff, even better if you get some cash back out of the deal!

I hear that! I’m feeling hopeful again, more so than I have in the past few weeks with the election shit looming over us. Now that we are moving past all that, I’m hoping we can stop be so divided on everything. It sucks to see people attacking each other just because they label themselves a liberal or conservative, when there’s no possible way those two distinctions can possibly define all your beliefs. I’m really really happy about the decriminalization and legalization too, I’m hoping to see more of those measures spread through the country. I’ve first hand experience with psychedelics and treating depression, so I know it can work for some people. My girl is trying to get in grad school right now to study psychedelics and treatment of PTSD, looking like Oregon is the place to be!


We have similar tastes. I also like all the music you mentioned. Pretty into Bahramji, Porangui, Danit, Yaima, Maneesh de Moor, Liquid Bloom and Earthrise Soundsystem at the moment. Definitely while voyaging to other realms too. :+1:

Jobs, like you said, nobody’s mad about an extended vacation. :wink: It just means the bank account is dwindling, but that’s OK since you can’t take it with you. I was hoping to be employed to get some dental work taken care of, but that’ll have to wait a bit longer.

Very very cool pursuit of your gf! That’s both socially redeeming and worthwhile, yet also interesting. Oregon is one of the best states for its mixture of privacy and personal rights that also take into account the good of society as a whole. I sure loved living there while I did.

Getting into contact with MAPS or Ensalen or Heffter is probably worthwhile as well if your gf wants to pursue a career in that stuff. I’m sure she’s looked into it, but has she considered UNM to work on the psilocybin studies they have going with the help of MAPS? My girlfriend worked at UNM and helped to get them approved through the IRB. Albuquerque is a rough town but the geography around it is stunningly beautiful, and it’s relatively cheap cost of living…just a thought.


Yeah, she is all over it, she’s been in touch with MAPS and gone to some events on the east coast. She’s looking into UNM as well as Denver, Boulder, and Oregon, ya know… all the cool places :wink: Thanks for the name drops though, I’m sure she’ll appreciate.

Update on the @nube tent… I don’t usually do the lights out shots, but since they are close I’m not really worried about herms or anything. The Pura Vida’s really bulking up. I love the scents coming from them, clean and crisp, little Champagne/lemon/lime soda. Really looking forward to the effects, I’m out of Sunshine Daydream and I’m hoping the appy dad is what gives the SSDD it effect, but we’ll see. The one in the front right of the tent is my favorite and far as bud structure, nice dense buds that are just coated in trichomes, I may have to try and re-veg that one… I’ll get some closer shots when they come down.

Dank Sinatra’s finally starting to get a little fade, they have been on straight tap water for the last five days. I will probably bring them down the end of this week, if not sooner. The one of the left has the stronger odor of the two, dank, hash smelling. Nice dense buds filled out all the way down the plant. There are definitely some winners in these F2’s, glad I have more :crazy_face:


Update on the big tent… the girls are really doing their stretch thang now. I try and keep the Timber at about 16-18 inches away, I’ve had to raise it a bit during thier climb. Things seem really happy. The Purple Wookie v2 in the front right is getting massive, it started as a runt! Hopefully it produces well.

The OG Ghost Train Haze in the back right has responded pretty well to the screen, you can see some shoots on the back wall that I didn’t tuck under, hopefully I’ll be able to use the back of the tent for support. The other plants are really filling out. The three Atonic x Apollo 13 f4 have not stretched too much, I like the looks of them, short plants but branching is good. I’m not too familiar with the parents in this cross, just that the Atonic is high CBD, so I hope to find some interesting effects with the high CBD mom and high THC dad. The two plants in back left are my own cross of Goji OG x Black Triangle. One is shorter more bushy looking while the one in back left corner is stretchier, but not too much so. Nothing special from the stem rubs yet, but that’s not always a definitive sign of how the buds will come out. The two Black Triangles up front are happy, I’ve shaved their legs, as they are probably getting the least amount of light and don’t want to deal with the larf. Everything really filled out, hope that it doesn’t get unmanageable :grimacing:


Amazing! Looking forward to smoke reports on all these ?!? :sunglasses:


Best of luck to you both in following her/your dreams. That’s really cool and I hope it works out well. It’s such an interesting field to get into, and one I have a lot of interest in as well. Although I’d probably rather be the donor of the medicine rather than the counselors/caretakers/guides/clinicians. lol @ “all the cool places.” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The Pura Vida sure exploded. Wow! I wish you had a creamy marshmallow pheno, but that’s how it goes with open pollination F2. I don’t think the Appy dad is responsible for the SSDD effects, I thought it was the Bubbashine mama that did that?, but I’ve only smoked SSDD a few times from a couple different growers and not the butter/bb muffins pheno - never grown her myself…yet! Hopefully one of the PV will be worth the price of admission. Same for the Dank Sinatra. Curious to see how they look under that screen and in high rez. :slight_smile:

The big tent also looks super on point. I had some of my flower tent stretch into one of my COBs last week (6" stretch in two days…oof!) and I’m almost out of room, so it’s good to hear you’re managing stretch better than me. lol And nice job not pitching the runt. So many people cull seedlings or plants that don’t get off to a fast start and I think it’s silly to do so. Some of the best plants I’ve grown were the runts! They all deserve a chance. Curious how your Atonic x Apollo 13 F4 turn out. I think I have a pack or two of that one as well, and I’m always looking for good CBD plants…

Lastly, @Torontoke has 8 or 10 of your Skunk OG x c99 fems vegging hard and fast right now. Said they’re fruity smelling, so it looks like maybe the c99 pollen donor was very dominant, like you mentioned. Hope that fixes the lack of terps on the Skunk OG. :slight_smile:

I’m getting another care package ready to go out to you for the holiday season. :slight_smile: I’ll msg you when it’s ready.
