Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah man you will have a good time going thru those two packs. Taste is good, after the cure its developed a more piney/hash taste to the smoke. It lost some of the sweeter notes that it had right after chop. Taste good though, I"m smerkin a bowl right now :smirk:


Dank Sinatra on the left doesn’t look like she has too much longer. The Nube tent keeps moving! The dark one in the middle looks like she won’t be too far behind. The Pura Vida’s have this nice sweet smell, one kinda smells like champagne! I recognize some of the sweetness in the nose, I think I comes from the Appy dad…


I finally made it through your thread @iamyou_youareme ! Nice wrangling of these @bodhi strain’s, super curious of his work, even more so now! Excellent work both of you!! -because I know that you know that the hard work is in the breeding and likely would have responded so yourself :wink: Funny part is I have been in the PNW all my live and I think I am like an hour from where Bodhi is at but I have never run his …yet. Thanks for all the great info, some entertainment and creating new bean needs FML :man_facepalming: . Keep up the good work



Thanks to you and everyone else for tagging along! You should definitely check out some Bodhi strains, just pick one that speaks to you and run with it! Bodhi is down in Santa Cruz, CA, there might be some dispensaries or collectives with his cuts around there. I know when I was in Santa Cruz visiting the Kind Peoples dispensary had a few of his cuts… if only I could have brought them home!


Everything’s coming right along. :slight_smile: You could pull the Dank Sinatra F2 at 56 days for most phenos, but some like the chunker(s) on the left’ll reward you with extra everything if you give them another week. Looks like you got it dialed in.

I’d be kinda curious to see how a cross with one of those chunkers and your GTH would turn out. Could be interesting for both yield and potency. :muscle:

Pura Vida ain’t looking too bad either. I know what you mean about the sprite smells from the Appy dad. The more feminine marshmallow and baby powder HPK leaning phenos I think are my favorite, but I’ll wait until this unseeded flower run is done to decide.


Are you logging the unseeded Pura Vida run, @nube? I wanna check it out if you are.


Yessir, pics & smoke report will go in the preservation run thread when I have something worth reporting. Right now they’re only a few days into flower because I’ve been super occupied by a snuggly snarf. The plants got very very big as a result. lol whoops!

I’m anticipating a lot of bending and tying down as they stretch, and this time I’ll be using tomato cages since they got the deep freeze outside - hopefully the 5F and 8F on consecutive nights killed everything on them. If not, I’d think it’s hard for anything to get too established in 2mo of flowering, especially after spraying the plants twice with IPM after they got into flower.


That could be fun :slight_smile: I have some GTH F2 that I need to pop, I bet I could find a suitable dad. Or go the other way and find a nice Dank Sinatra dad and try to tame the beast!

Yeah I keep reading about the marshmallow smell, definitely keeping my nose open for that… my SSDD changes ALOT from a really sweet/berry smell to a more creamy/buttery smell when near harvest, I"m guessing the PVs may do the same. The Pura Vida’s have been really easy to grow so far, not one has really shown any trouble. Excited for some others try pop some of your F2’s and see what out there!


Banned album cover circa 1989
Don’t get much better than this


Yeah, I read Anthony Kiedis’ autobiography a few years ago and he talks about how the model later sued because they released posters or promo material with her nipple exposed… hah. Dude has lead a crazy life, surprised he’s still around.


They have Freakshow teens but I haven’t ever seen a Bodhi strain there. I was there today delivering. All Bodhi gear I’ve grown was fire so far and Lavender Jack is one of my favorite strains and it’s from -Bodhi


Yeah, I would have no idea now, I think it was 2016/2017 when I was out there. Beautiful place though, jealous of you guys… there’s gotta be some good Bodhi cuts floating around in Santa Cruz somewhere :slight_smile: I’ve seen some pics of Lavender Jack that look absolutely gorgeous. Would love to try that sometime!


Where are you located? US?

1 Like

Yeah man, I’m in the U.S. east coast


I used to work at the Farmer’s Market at 3rd and Fairfax (LA) and saw Anthony Kiedis totally hitting on a couple of, like, fourteen year-old girls one day. It was gross. I don’t know for sure if they were fourteen, they might’ve been fifteen. But they were definitely not legal.


haha, not surprised… I think he mentions in his book he fucked like a 14 or 15 year old chick. :face_vomiting:


Should we be laughing at this? I dunno if we should be laughing at this…


Cool story bro. Doubt its true. Kinda sad to go around throwing dirt on someones name without evidence.


No way to know what is true, but he does mention in his book that he slept with underage girls. I like their music, but don’t really condone that behavior, but like I said, dude has lived a crazy life and sometimes you have to separate the art from artist.


Back to our normally scheduled program…

Dank Sinatra F2 1 looking really good. The gHash seems to definitely carry the resin type over to most of it’s crosses…

Dank Sinatra F2 2 is getting close too, maybe a week or 10 days.