Tents full of happiness and love ft. Bodhi and friends

Yeah, I’m curious, too. It’s been my experience that Blueberry is very noticeable in any of its hybrids (that I’ve smoked; the only BB hybrid I’ve grown was that Silver Lotus cross from you and the Blueberry was pretty dominant)(which, good haha) It’s also been my experience that that A5Thai male is very noticeable in its hybrids. It’ll be interesting to see, like, what happens with that one haha!

I think it sounds cool, anyway.


This Rudeboi OG7 x T-1000 is loving life! I love seeing the plants at this stage with nothing but dirt and good water, makes my life so easy too. I’m interested in how this one will come out.

Afgooey has blown up in the corner… time to flip!

Blue Scream ( Original Blueberry x A5 Haze / Thai bx ) also probably ready to flip. I need to strip some lowers and get the cage on.

’92 OG Kush for sure looking like an OG. This cut isn’t from 1992 or anything… I think it was found more recently, kind of a dumb name… but whatever, we’ll see how she smokes. Suppose to be ‘classic’ OG… whatever that means :slight_smile:

Legend OG @ 56 days… looks like she could almost be about done, but gonna take her to 65. Very cologne-y smelling OG with sandy resin. Chunky nugs, very dense too.

Tahoe OG @ 56 days. Damn… can’t wait to bring this one down. Smells so good, and looks deadly. She’s kind of stealing my heart!

Bandaid Haze 7 @ 82 days. Giving pretty much plain water for the last couple weeks.

Dragon Hammer (NN cut) @ 37 days. Hope she bulks a little more… still have some time. Smells so good though…

SR-71 Purple Kush @ 32 days. Gettin frosty!

Pinesoul Project @ 14 days.

R’uh R’oh! - Found a few balls on the left TK x PS - well see how bad it gets, I may cull. This is why we test…

I got a bag of GG#4 on my desk stinkin’ up the place… time to get to trimmin’ before my girl starts yellin’ …

Y’all have a great weekend!


Absolutely breathtaking grow, as always. Sometimes I pretend it’s my own garden. I am you. And I’m straight up chubbin over here.

Funny, I just received snips of 92 OG. I’ll be happy to see what it SHOULD look like before I have my way with it. Not from 1892 you say? Now that’s lame. I thought this cut was like the be-all-end-all-OG-to-rule-all-OGs type thing.


lol, thanks amigo. you are me, you can stop pretending when it comes time to trim and mix soil :wink:

Yeah, the real '92 is around, the pre-Neville, pre-Ortega, pre-pre-pre OG Kush. Just gotta know the right people :wink:


Hahaha, that’s rich!!! Give that 1892 bud a cowboy hat and chaps and we’ve got a perfect old timey-photo.

But seriously, got any leads on that 1892? I hear when you smoke it… it makes your teeth feel wooden!


That’s the word on the street. I even heard Wyatt Earp was the one to pop the seed!

Will let you know when she’s ready for cuts… she requires a special diet of gunpowder and whiskey, and I haven’t got her dialed in yet…


I heard it was found and grown by homesteaders out in Wyoming. A war broke out about who kept the cut, “Johnson County war”. History says it was about cattle, grazing and water rights but only the descendants of the families know it was about the 1892 cut. :joy: :rofl:


Locals claim its spiked with Laudenun but its just that strong!


Legend OG @ 60 Days - getting ready to chop her… probably tomorrow morning. Nice thing about the City Pickers is that I can roll them out of the tent with the plant intact, and then move them to the processing area… ehrm… laundry room, and chop them. I’ve been letting the res run dry before chop so I don’t have to worry about spilling too much water. Also, I’ve been breaking the whole plant down branch by branch, and then hanging in a dry tent, it seems to be the best method for me going forward.


Wheelin em along! Legend looks excellent man you nailed her.


woah! well done, great colors


Alright let’s see if i can break the server with all these pictures…

Legend OG right at chop - heavy heavy yeild with this one… nugs are solid and just completely stacked up… hoping for no mold, cuz they are tight!

Tahoe OG @ 64 days… might be my favorite smelling OG that I’ve run yet. The citrusy smell is more berryish now, but she is funky and stinky. Gonna let her chill under a small lamp the next few days as I needed the space in the tent… i think she’s pretty much done, but few extra days of life isn’t gonna hurt. I had to spice up the black tent background…

Afgooey @ 7 days - lovin’ this little bush! she’s happy as can be in the corner… trimmed up more inner and lowers from her today. Love her double serrations… they remind me of a saw blade.

OG Kush @ 7 days - starting that stretch.

Blue Scream @ 0 days - just put in the flower tent today… liking her structure so far…

Banana OG @ 0 days - We’ll see what happens, heard the high is unimpressive, but just throwing her in for kicks…

SR-71 Purple Kush @ 40 days… what a mess of a plant. Mostly my fault, i didn’t stake in time and flipped her when she was kind of weird. I walked in the tent one morning and she had completely flopped over everywhere, breaking one of her main branches. I tore that out and propped her back up, but she’s not the happiest. Purfumey purple smell to her…

Dragon Hammer @ 45 days - pulling out more leaves daily… she smells something fierce thou…

Bandaid Haze 7 @ 90 days - 20 days to go… the sample I pulled at around 70 was OK, but definitely lacking compared to the stuff that went longer.

Pinesoul S1s and crosses… starting to get some frost. No signs of intersex on anything beside the TKxPS, but i picked off the balls and so far so good. Looks like the one Chem 91 may be intersex too, too early to tell.

PS S1 1 really curling those leaves down… to quote Syz “I don’t like this plant” - she’s given me issues from the start. Grr…

I don’t want the weekend to end… shit! Y’all have a good one!


What lens did you use to get such nice and up close trichome shots? I ordered a Raynox DCR-250 that should be coming any day now and was curious if you’ve used something similar before.

That tahoe looks incredible! - I see more similarities in the bud structure there with my triple sun than I do with tk->ts.

Cool leaf picture as well!



Both images captured using Tamron SP 90mm f/2.8 Di VC USD Macro 1:1 (F004) - all manual mode (Auto focus is broken) on these, and I like greater control over the exposure time… The first image is cropped some, and possibly a little closer to subject than the second image. All on tripod, LED light source behind camera, no flash. Since the plant is pulled out of the tent, there’s no air movement, being so still helps.

Cool, I’ve never seen that before. Looks like an adapter lens that goes over your existing prime lens. Let us know how it works out!

Tahoe has me pumped! I like her bud structure, gonna be an easy trim. More elongated buds than TK, and the calyx and big and bubbley… I’ve got two extra clones of her, thinking of making S1s…


That full-plant pic of the Legend in your previous post reminds me sooooo much of the Time Bandits I grew a while back. Very similar-looking. If I wasn’t sitting outside on the iPad right now, I’d go to the desktop and post a couple pics; they really do look very similar.

Tahoe looks great, too. They all look good! Plants look good!


Yah, for sure… I went back and looked at your Time Bandit pics… the way the nugs formed, with tight compact clusters that are packed on top of one another, looks very close to the Legend. Also, the rounded kinda tops and the golf ball size of the nugs… I haven’t honestly done much research into Legend, probably an OG S1 from all I can find. Interestingly I just grabbed a pack of that Time Bandit… ngl, the only reason I really got it was that I like the name, haha! I like the WiFi cut in PDX, but have yet to try WiFi 43… I’m sure it’ll be good, I think the 88g13hp blends well with all those OGs.

Haha, thanks dude!


And also just, like, the structure, with those big-ass nugs, then a gap, then another big-ass nug… I dunno. I do think she looks a lot like the Time Bandits, if I’d have grown those as well as you grew that Legend haha…

Haha, I mean, it’s good weed for sure. It wasn’t my favorite, but I didn’t regret growing it. I actually bought a second pack, just because I wanted to be sure to have a decent amount in the fridge. And it definitely was the favorite of two friends of mine, from everything I’ve ever grown. These two chicks LOVED it and still ask me when I’m gonna grow some more haha.

I agree. I think I may start soaking another one of those hybrids here in a few days, but I’m not sure which one yet.


Pinesoul update - my AC Infinity extraction fan that was running this tent randomly died, ACI is going to replace it, and thankfully I had a spare fan to hook up, but they did sit in really high humidity for a few hours… They seem to be doing fine though.

Pinesoul S1 1 - The unhappiest plant of the bunch, probably going to produce some tiny buds… she hasn’t been the easiest plant to care for. Smells mostly like the Pinesoul cut right now.

Pinesoul S1 2 - This one is much happier and easy going… bud shape reminds me more of the Pinesoul mom, smelling a tad sweeter than the mother at this point too.

TK x PS 1 - I like this one, besides the couple of balls I found on the lowers. It smells like the TK and PS combined, maybe more on the TK side, it’s getting interesting, I’m getting excited to see how this one turns out, it’s getting pretty frosty too.

TK x PS 2 - this one is more on the leafy side, but has been easy to care for. It’s short too! I’m really surprised with how much the TK and PS both like to stretch. It’s almost as short as the Bubba x TK. Smells more sweet lemony, good though!

Bubba Kush x PS 1 - kinda short back there in the corner, just chilling, smells mostly of Pinesoul, but I’m getting a little BK backend.

Bubba Kush x PS 2 - not much stretch on this one, and she’s not the happiest in the tent, but just seems the the PS is a tad sensitive to high nutrient levels. This one is getting pretty frosty though, despite her troubles. Smelling interesting, I can’t quite describe it, but I hope it develops a little more because it’s kinda cool.

Anyways… looks like I’m gonna have a bunch of piney smelling bud… may hash them all, except for some small samples to takes notes on.

Bandaid Haze 7 - who’s countin’. over here? 97 days flowering… haha. Been feeding nothing but PH6 water for last couple weeks, the bottom leaves haven’t even faded out or anything… interesting. The top leaves are messed up from a ph issue while I was outta town… seemed to recover ok though. Should I run her all to hash?

SR-71 Purple Kush - I definitely did not do her justice. But I haven’t been that impressed either. Smells kinda generic, purple, good weed smell?

Afgooey - Happy little bush… taking up the whole damn corner! I don’t like putting the SIPs on the crates, it bows the center part of the SIP upwards, and you get less space to put water in the rez. It’s been sucking down 1.5 gallons of water daily. I may be in danger… haha. I top dressed her this week to try and stay on top of things.

92 OG Kush - just stretching to the top rung of the cage… looks like OG kush.

Blue Scream - very branchy but it a good way. They’re not too clustered together and easy to prune out if needed.

Rudeboi OG 7 x T1000 - lookin hungry! But like the structure. Flipped this past week.

Dragon Hammer - 52 days flowering… prolly over vegged this one in the SIP. There’s a time that you need to flip the plants in the SIP, right as the roots start reaching the edges of the pot and start putting our good top feeder roots. I missed that window with this one. She’s a hungry plant too. I’ve top dressed three times… gonna come out ok though.

Y’all take care out there!


Lavender Jack smoke break… this second batch from the SIPs came out really good, maybe some of the best weed I’ve ever grown? The TK came out really tasty as well… I’ll throw up a pic tomorrow of that one.

Dragon Hammer @ 62 days - needs just a bit longer. I need the room though, so she may get chopped a tad early.

Bandaid Haze 7 @ 106 days - :sweat_smile: almost to 110 days… haven’t chopped her yet, but needed the room in the tent, so letting her chill for a few days under low light outside the tent and then chopping. She blew up in 2 gallon coco… if only i was a better coco grower, haha! I’m thinking about drying her really well and then making hash out of her.

SR-71 Purple Kush - chopped at 57 days. Surprisingly stinky… i took her out of the tent and had her chilling in my office before chopping and she was really putting off the stank. Very strong purpley purfumey stank. Quick finisher, very low stretch. Didn’t get many good photos, whoops… i’ll post up some dried nugs at least.

Afgooey @ 24 days - wow, she’s takin’ over the tent! Thirsty girl too… I’ve been giving her a gallon in the morning and a gallon of water in the evening, and she’s ready for another gallon the next morning… crazy!

92 OG Kush @ 17 days - not much to say yet… looks like OG alright…

Blue Scream @ 17 days - this one is pretty big too, and still stretching… probably all that A5/Mirikal in there, Blueberry is not much of a stretcher. No smells yet.

Banana OG @ 17 days

Bubba Kush (Berger) and Triple Sunshines waiting to hit the flower tent…

Pinesoul - welI… I culled the one Pinesoul S1 1, i hated that plant… though it smelled really good, just like the pinesoul cut but sweeter… it’s buds were super tiny, not even worth harvesting, so i pulled it out and replaced it with the RudeBoi OG 7 x T1000. :axe:

Pinesoul S1 2 - could fool me as being the original cut, so far… smells just like it, looks very similar… we’ll see how see finishes though.

TK x PS 2 - chunking out pretty nicely, more weight than the Pinesoul anyways. Smells are mix, probably weaker than the original PS cut. Not much of the TK smell in this one, just some weird fruity smells popping up.

TK x PS 1 - liking this one… really frosty, small buds though. Smells like 50/50 pinesoul/TK.

Bubba Kush x PS 2 - this one is getting uber frosty, though you can’t tell from photos. I’ll use macro lens next time. Smells good, like a piney bubba… haha.

RB7 x T1000 - looking much happier than PS S1 1.

Hope all you potheads are having a great evening… or dreaming nicely… or just waking up… haha! Have a good one!