TestOfOath's Happy Place

7/22 update So I finally decided to weigh a teaspoon of my Raw flower A/B since it’s directions are in grams and it was about 7… Meaning I’ve been giving 4x the nutes I’m supposed to this whole time which is probably why I’m having potassium problems, apparently excess potassium can lead to cal/mag deficiencies which in turn lead to all kinds of bullshit. Filled with plain water this last time when they were half empty, ppm was still 8-10k (not that I know what the ppm SHOULD be anyhow, seems real high though). Probably do that one more time as a flush and start feeding the way they’re supposed to be, hope I didn’t waste too much nug thickening time. Starting to get their first orange hairs over the past few days so they’re into maturity a little bit.

The land races, just fed em some real light nutrients cause they look like they ate everything in the cc40 already

Acapulco gold left, GDP right, one single ICC#5 in a monster rooter thing I’m trying out instead of the pucks

The two ATF seedlings chilling on the wind chime from my brothers funeral