TestOfOath's Happy Place

You gave me the name brother, I had named it African Ice Cream, we traded ICC #5 and ICC #98 seeds cause I wanted to try crossing it with my #5 instead of S2’ing it but they didn’t have any similar qualities when I grew the #98 so I ended up S2’ing my ICC #5 anyways.

Also, 1973 Durban is a landrace cultivar reproduced from the source in 1973, not Durban Poison, which would be any number of crosses from any number of breeders.

If you’d like me to change the name you suggested, I’d happily do so. Just seemed easier and cooler sounding than African Ice Cream and you literally suggested the name to me. Doesn’t matter to ME, as its just two words put together at the end of the day.

I’d appreciate it if you didn’t bring drama like this to my page, DMs would’ve been the place for this don’t you think? Like I didn’t bring drama about #98 being nothing like #5 in any way shape or form to you, in DMs or in public, because I don’t do drama and baseless attacks on people’s character for no reason, let alone without facts and evidence.

You couldn’t have said this 2 years ago?