TestOfOath's Happy Place

Alright so here’s a couple lessons I learned. 1 teaspoon equals about 7 grams, a little over I think I can’t remember exact number. RAW nutrients give their measurements in grams per gallon. I decided to estimate at first, also thought 5.1 pH in hydro and letting it work it’s way back up was beneficial to get micronutrients and was probably just way too high thinking that. So I ended up putting 2-3 teaspoons at first and then 4 teaspoons when I started noticing deficiencies, mainly potassium. Turns I was giving 2-4x the recommended amount every time I added water/nutes which probably compounded exponentially over time. This led to a cal/mag dump from excess potassium which led to problems upon problems I didn’t realize I was causing.

Decided to give straight water for 2 whole feedings of them drinking a gallon at a time, after the first straight water ppm (on my shitty 2 year old vivosun) were 8-10k and I think that’s bad though I don’t quite follow a chart or anything… Truthfully didn’t check the second time, only fed em cal mag and straight water for the past week or so, adjusting pH to 6.0-6.1. Nugs have been showing visible improvement though the top leaves are too far gone to be able to tell, so I added half strength nutes today and we’ll see what happens. Ppm are now 3-3.5k in the crosses, 8.5k in the left WW and 9.5k in the right one…


Nugs on all the crosses I pollen chucked are looking nice so I’m hoping the giant white walkers fill out a tiny bit more over the next week or two but with the sheer size of the plants and them already falling for a few weeks harvest has to be good :joy:

Here’s updated pics too though I think I just did yesterday

Dosi Kush

Dosi Cut

Dosi Walker

And last but not least who wants to play guess what’s wrong with the Nightmare Runtz my friend was holding onto for me. Happy up until the past week or two, think it’s root lock or over feeding? Maybe doesn’t like whatever soil my friend had it in? I’m thinking transplant into 5 gallon of my promix cc40, water in for a few weeks see if it doesn’t fix itself.