TestOfOath's Happy Place

I use the drowning technique I call protocol 0 to eliminate an infestation. I basically drown the bugs in water and wash them off with the sprayer. Of course it is a little easier in hydro, you can soak the whole plant.


Redneck air purifier cause fuck these bugs. But case study supportedā€¦ :joy:


Lmao :rofl: thatā€™s good shit :facepunch::+1:


Donā€™t know the meaning of the word :wink:



Sometimes getting high leads to some great ingenuity :joy: was like I got the lights on top of the tent kinda far away from everythingā€¦ Not helping very much at 8 watts. Fuck I have zip ties and that fan looks easy enough to strap to. Boom bam made it happen capn


Isnā€™t that the truth lol now time to see how effective it is


Alright so hereā€™s a couple lessons I learned. 1 teaspoon equals about 7 grams, a little over I think I canā€™t remember exact number. RAW nutrients give their measurements in grams per gallon. I decided to estimate at first, also thought 5.1 pH in hydro and letting it work itā€™s way back up was beneficial to get micronutrients and was probably just way too high thinking that. So I ended up putting 2-3 teaspoons at first and then 4 teaspoons when I started noticing deficiencies, mainly potassium. Turns I was giving 2-4x the recommended amount every time I added water/nutes which probably compounded exponentially over time. This led to a cal/mag dump from excess potassium which led to problems upon problems I didnā€™t realize I was causing.

Decided to give straight water for 2 whole feedings of them drinking a gallon at a time, after the first straight water ppm (on my shitty 2 year old vivosun) were 8-10k and I think thatā€™s bad though I donā€™t quite follow a chart or anythingā€¦ Truthfully didnā€™t check the second time, only fed em cal mag and straight water for the past week or so, adjusting pH to 6.0-6.1. Nugs have been showing visible improvement though the top leaves are too far gone to be able to tell, so I added half strength nutes today and weā€™ll see what happens. Ppm are now 3-3.5k in the crosses, 8.5k in the left WW and 9.5k in the right oneā€¦


Nugs on all the crosses I pollen chucked are looking nice so Iā€™m hoping the giant white walkers fill out a tiny bit more over the next week or two but with the sheer size of the plants and them already falling for a few weeks harvest has to be good :joy:

Hereā€™s updated pics too though I think I just did yesterday

Dosi Kush

Dosi Cut

Dosi Walker

And last but not least who wants to play guess whatā€™s wrong with the Nightmare Runtz my friend was holding onto for me. Happy up until the past week or two, think itā€™s root lock or over feeding? Maybe doesnā€™t like whatever soil my friend had it in? Iā€™m thinking transplant into 5 gallon of my promix cc40, water in for a few weeks see if it doesnā€™t fix itself.


looks like nutrient overdose Iā€™d leach the pot or at least check the EC of a sample. I mix a soil sample with distilled water and jam the probe in. Iā€™ll also do that with ph test, see WTF is happening. I think those are the most important root measurements along with moisture. If those check out, i move onto the canopy test the environment there.


Also for anyone following, Iā€™m starting to see roots on a couple Acapulco gold and most Kens GDP already. Was trying a monster rooter but the ICC#5 keeled over within 2 days in it, not getting enough water or oxygen idk which so apparently those arenā€™t replacements for pucks, more meant to root without the use of a cloner I think. Also they donā€™t expand or anything like peat pods so Iā€™m not even 100% what use I have for them anymore, same with my rock wool cubes lol.

When I took out the dead ICC#5 in the monster rooter it ripped in half and dumped some of itā€™s debris into the waterā€¦ I REALLY donā€™t feel like changing it out yet so I added in 6ml of clear Rez (it recommends an oz per gallon) to try and make sure its semi clean still, not that the things arenā€™t sterile or whatever, Iā€™m just trying to avoid the algae and bullshit from last time but I think Iā€™ll be OK.

Replaced the dead ICC#5 clone with a LIVE one just cause


Replaced a dead one for a dead one? :wink:


Typing too much while not concentrating enough :joy::joy::joy: fixed it lmfao, thanks for the awareness I probably wouldnā€™t even of noticed either


I think you did that to see if we were paying attention!

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That makes me sounds much less goofy so yes thatā€™s exactly why I did it :grin:


So roughly 3/4 of this bag was me teaching myself how to press effectively and efficiently :grin: working on getting the wife to help me make coconut oil with it, then gonna use some recipes from here for edibles and try and find some for topicals though I guess you could just use the coconut oil for massages if you really wanted (my wife is a certified massage therapist, NOT a masseuse, cause THEY give handies)

ATF seedlings still stretching good n fast

Probably canā€™t even see through the condensation but clones are all happy and turgid

And a Supafreak from @corey and Nature Essence from @DannyTerpintine after soaking for 24 hours cause I just couldnā€™t help myselfā€¦


Very nice. I just made some oil the other day out of 25% decarbed hemp(bubba kush), 25% non decarbed hemp (lifter) and the other 50% was some normal thc flower lowers, trim and thc flower press bags like that. Came out great. Made me and the wife a mug brownie with 1tbsp of the oil and we split it. Made for some pretty decent medicine indeed.


So what ya saying your wifeā€™s not handy ?
Mine neither


It works. Lol I like it. Have you seen the videos where people do it with the old school fans for wasps and hornets? The oil how do you make it?

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@Hemp I have not! That sounds interesting, Iā€™d watch videos if you could manage to find it again.

From what I can gather I throw all those bags in a crockpot with all of that coconut oil and just kinda let it go for 24 hours or so. Then you can make all kinds of stuff with coconut oil, gummies or lotions/balms, lip balm, bath bombs, etc.

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