TestOfOath's Happy Place

Most everything had good size tails or at the very least cracked after 2ish days soaking in the contact lense cases. Used peroxide water to germinate and used peroxide water when soaking the dirt from the new bail of Promix HP CC, just to be safe with this huge undertaking. Figure even if I kill microbes right now I can add em down the road, better than seedlings dying again.

Also sprayed everything down with a heavy hydrogen peroxide mix last night to keep battling the PM… Need to grab some sulfur or spray some potassium bicarbonate. Got my two box fans on high, temps are 73-83 lights off and on, dehumidifier is set to 55%. Wondering if spores came in when I was drying my outdoor grow on the racks in my indoor room cause all I did was a lemon juice wash, not that there was large amounts of PM anywhere but could of been some leftover spores maybe