TestOfOath's Happy Place

I been hitting it with hydrogen peroxide water every few days cause I wanna stay as non toxic as possible, I have potassium bicarbonate as well but it hasn’t really been bad enough to use it, little spots of PM mainly. I’ll have to look into getting some sulfur to try out too

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Suck the air dry. If you can. Strip leaves as much as possible. They will grow. Bud sucks up light also. Just my thoughts. HP with neem oil. Rh that high. Man I hate it for big room growers. Bugs out west bad water . Fans help. Sucks the air out is all I can say. @JoeCrowe I keep on. I’ll get the bleach out.

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Reports from as early as 1903 mention the use of potassium iodide (KI) as an antifungal agent . The therapeutic effect is probably mediated through the direct action of iodine on yeast forms of S. schenckii; a solution of 0.02 mg/ml kills in 10 minutes.

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I’m no pro but I grow. I hit mine early. Hard


I try to keep my vapor deficit within the right temperature and Rh range for veg or flower depending on what I’m doing, it’s just weird cause this is my 3rd year growing in my house and never had the problem before… I do need to bleach the whole room after this flower run before I swap anything out to the flower area again, I’m a messy fucking slob when it comes to growing and it’s biting me in the ass.

I use two box fans in opposite directions to move the air around my flower area but they both sit on the floor, it always used to be enough circulation but idk anymore, if I need them blowing directly on the canopy or something.

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Anyone ever used hydrogen peroxide water to wash their weed at harvest instead of say lemon juice as a “fungicide” rinse? Thoughts on it vs the lemon juice?

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Yes. But @JohnnyPotseed know more on this.

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Also I did a thing last night… Got antsy and felt the need to get everything going for a couple months down the road when I start this huge breeding project so I dropped my 10 Pure Michigan F2s and 5 of each of all of the others listed (I think there was one I only had 3 of) and I’m still waiting on the pancakez buy will drop 5 of those when they show up as well. Really hope I don’t fuck this up like the last seeds I dropped lol


Next thing you know we will be doing line dancing. Advanced is 50% off and more in some places. The want bust a case. Bleach is strong. HP does the job. That’s what I use no bleach. I will drop black flag if I need to. Just talking trash. The carbon filters will hold mold I do believe. I’ll put them in the oven if I can. Be carful. I do all kinds of stuff.

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Must be getting cold. Lol

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If I think the buds need washing for any reason, I do a 4-bucket setup.
1st bucket - I use a mix with 1/2 cup of hydrogen peroxide in 5gal water
2nd bucket - 1/2 cup baking soda & 1/2 cup lemon juice in 5gal water
3rd and 4th bucket - plain water
I submerge the bud in the first bucket, very slowly swirling it around for about 30 seconds.
Take it out, and then into the 2nd bucket, same process for same time.
then a double rinse-off in the final 2 buckets


No copper spray. I read it could kill hemp plants. It will kill mold from what I have read.

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Those look amazing. @JohnnyPotseed know how to grow. He is a top hand. One Love also bleach. A table spoon or two with some warm water. Keep it off the plants. It will spot them. If to strong.

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The seeds I harvested from the 1973 Durban end nug I hit with Nature Essence male pollen I collected when I had the two males. I popped one seed straight off the branch but it dampened off (I had a bunch of others that had the same thing happen, think the batch of Promix I had was bad) so I just put 10 more in water to make sure they all pop and sprout.

Afterwards assuming all goes well I’d love to offer some to whoever wanted em in the US (I’m out of international stamps) cause I’m curious how long the flowering time got cut down from the 15-18 weeks the 73 Durban has. Unfortunately the Nature Essence females other grew out seemed to have a tendency to hermy but I got no way of telling if the males I have carry that until I get to grow some out or have testers.

Anywho stay tuned for free seeds if you’re interested


Taught to stay…Tuned In


I actually use both. Rinse in peroxide, then lemon juice, then clean water is how ive done it for awhile :grin::v::call_me_hand:


I used my trim bin for the same thing. Never used it for trimming.


Most everything had good size tails or at the very least cracked after 2ish days soaking in the contact lense cases. Used peroxide water to germinate and used peroxide water when soaking the dirt from the new bail of Promix HP CC, just to be safe with this huge undertaking. Figure even if I kill microbes right now I can add em down the road, better than seedlings dying again.

Also sprayed everything down with a heavy hydrogen peroxide mix last night to keep battling the PM… Need to grab some sulfur or spray some potassium bicarbonate. Got my two box fans on high, temps are 73-83 lights off and on, dehumidifier is set to 55%. Wondering if spores came in when I was drying my outdoor grow on the racks in my indoor room cause all I did was a lemon juice wash, not that there was large amounts of PM anywhere but could of been some leftover spores maybe


I wouldn’t know the answer to that. I have read things about cross contamination. Fan help me the most. I never turn them off. All long as the are moving. Plus cut back on watering so many at one time. Or not as much. Step it out more. Heat can be dropped when light on. 70 will suck it out.

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@TestOfOath try and out some old school acc filters. The green one. Put be hind you box fans. It will help. Neem oil in the future in your soil will help. I’m running soil from last run.

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