TestOfOath's Happy Place

He needs one of those old-school power hitters. Put your little roach in there take you a few little nose hits. They will wake you up. Do you guys ever do nose hits? My mom showed me that when he gets down to the end of the road you just inhale it with your nose. I was tobacco user Copenhagen snuff. I will just eat the roach


I don’t believe in wasting any weed

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Remind me those metal pipes I had in high school with the little chamber you could pack with bud. When I would run out (seems like all the time back then) I would smoke the resin coated bud from that chamber and get high AF. :rofl:


Now thats what Im talkin About …Chamber weed! Yes Thanks for the memory @ReikoX


I STILL have mine! Man, 27 yrs later and I still have 2 of them (cause it was cool to screw them together to combine them as well). Haven’t smoked outta one in, oh, geez, 15 years? But I STILL have em! LOL Blast from the past! (And I have my original Dugout, and my patent-pending Sweetwater pin grinder from back then).


I had one for ever. I liked the smokeless top. I liked to change them up. Brass was my favorite.

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Nice . I’m in love with one of you girls. I have something to trade. Bug eating lizard. I know you may say it’s to much of a gift. Your worth it. Lol. Happy Mother’s Day. I’m a fking nut

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I’ll take your lizards! Seems like I’ve got plenty of food for them :joy::joy::joy:

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Anyone got a coconut oil based gummy recipe that WON’T mold? Or advice on how I can adjust to avoid mold? Can I add straight up lemon juice to the mix?


That’s shitty , I haven’t found a decent coconut oil based gummie recipe yet . Between separating to not setting properly. I’m thinking a tincture based infusion is a better choice.


We keep ours in the freezer for that reason.



Sometimes I leave stuff in the refrigerator with the top off it doesn’t mold as Bad. My butter does it. A little isn’t bad. I don’t know it depends on how I feel about it at the time. I’ll pull it off bread. Toasted it. But that’s bread. I actually thought they were chocolates. I read that that machine does it the best.

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Cool Lil shapes.


Hate to see you lose out on all that goodness cuz! We do like @Gpaw said, keep all those edibles in the freezer until we want one or two… I’d cut off the parts with the mold, so it isn’t a complete loss though. Just me maybe… of course by now, it may be too late.


@TestOfOath happy thanksgiving

ONI makes fat buds. They should have been bigger. Next round will be. The other is LN


Another sporadic update, had a hefty amount of setbacks, seeds being buried too deep and things dampening off… PM even though my temp is 83 and humidity is around 60, never had the problem before now, spores got brought in or something? Idk. Embarrassed about some of my unhappy plants cause I can’t figure them out…

Anyways the Ice Cream Cake #5 reversed male got cut down cause it was more or less finished dropping, two females are chock full of seeds and I’ve got a tiny bit of pollen left to possible use on some ice cream cake #4 a buddy has if I’m lucky. Not so freaky Supafreak recovered a bit from the root aphids and is flowering along. I can’t seem to figure out what these landraces want to be fed, seems like no matter what I do they’re unhappy. Top dressed them all with a few down to earth amendments last night. Durban x nature essence was a success and that end branch got chopped, Durban is another I can’t quite figure out, leaves keep slowly dying and falling off. PCK gonna be chopped probably the end of the week, super frosty and dense nugs. Dropped a Durban x Nature Essence seed that germinated straight off the plant, also some Romulan grapefruit and grape Romulan God from @NeverBullSeeds, the flavor and smell on his romulans are among my favorites. Pink lotus f4 still acting funky, got transplanted and roots were almost non-existent so I hit it with biorhizotonic after transplant. the real freaky Supafreak just finishing up revegging so it can recover and flower real nice. And very bottom is 2x Cookieland, White Thunder, and Blue Moonrocks, been getting some funky coloring and went overboard top dressing langbeinite and dolomite lime so they got a little curly and stuff, transplant into bigger pot and some added amendments should level them out soon


So with this ice cream cake if all of them were clones from the same female mother and I reversed one female clone to pollinate the other two is it an S1 or F2?


Those would be s1’s


If you have mildew, you need to break the cycle before the next bloom. Spray some sulfur on there twice 2 weeks apart in veg and it’ll be toast.