TestOfOath's Happy Place

Great job on the greenhouse build.


Thanks everyone I been working real hard on everything lately. @potpotpot thanks a bunch for the info and link I didnā€™t realize youā€™d be able to get em outside of the greenhouse industry and Iā€™m fairly certain thatā€™s much cheaper in price as well. Definitely go about getting more of those when I have the chance

Anyone else having an awesome start to Motherā€™s Day? I couldnā€™t sleep past 5 am and worked till the wife got up at 730, forgetting to get Tim Hortons, so after getting the kids ready for the morning and stuff try to run and get it fast. Hit the biggest fucking pot hole, bent my rim and blew the tire. But I wasnā€™t giving up, went through the drive thru all wobbly and drove 15mph the 5 or whatever miles home. Then I have no actual jacks on wheels, so had to use the car ramps which the car is too low for so had to turn left into the ramp and use the bottle jack to lift the other sideā€¦ Was extra sketchy. Stupid lug nuts have had the shit kicked out of em and 2 stripped, after 5 minutes of the torch last 2 finally came off. Fucked something up driving like that for so long so now I gotta take it in and see how bad my front end is cause the steering wheel has a small constant back and forth vibration wobble. Luckily I have a full sized spare thatā€™s all scuffed up, cause that first one is fucked.

But I still got that breakfast though


Thereā€™s no stopping a determined Timmyā€™s fan . Happy motherā€™s day to all you moms out there.


Thatā€™s bad luck, sounds like you bent the tie rod end on the steering, about 90$ here to get a realignment if the tie rod is adjustable enough, to stop the wobbles.


ā€œWiggle wireā€


Oh man! Sorry to hear about the curveball this morning. Fortunately you can get rims repaired and save a pile of money vs buying a replacement.
If its only bent the wheel repair facility can massage it back true and check it for round on their machines also they can weld cracks and repair that way aswell.


You might get lucky and it just the spare causing the wiggle. Laying on the side getting all dry rotted and never flexing isnā€™t conducive to a nice round tire. :+1:

Def get it checked though. There 3 things you canā€™t skimp on with cars. Tires, steering, brakes. In that order.


Also to note about the spare tire is they are typically unbalanced


Also I would put the spare on the back and then youā€™ll be able to get a better drive temporarily and @Shadey is probably right but also have the hub and half shaft checked especially since the lugnuts were so badly stripped and I am glad that you are safe andā€¦ IT LOOKS ABSOLUTELY GREAT ! you did an excellent job on the greenhouse itā€™s already calling to them and I will be popping up a couple PM x empire of the sun and white thunder tomorrow and will start a thread for them thanks again The Doc


Luckily when I bought the car the dealership threw a spare full size rim/tire in cause the one on it was so scuffed up, so I had a full size spare though it has just been sitting in my trunk since then, 4-5 years or something and I had to add air to it, who knows if itā€™s balanced at all. Maybe before I leave work tomorrow Iā€™ll swap it to the back see if that doesnā€™t help the shake. Sucks too cause for 200k miles she is a champ and ran smooth the whole time before this.

I didnā€™t have any time this morning to do anything aside from swap the tire so I could get to work tomorrow still (couldā€™ve taken one of the backups but this is my good gas mileage car for my 120 mile daily round trips). Iā€™ll check the tie rods and all the other suspension/steering while I have it off. Probably just gonna end up sending her out to get the rim fixed and tire replaced and inspection/alignment.

Also really need to invest in a low profile jack and bring my tools home from the shop now that winters over and Iā€™m not using them anymore, those two things wouldā€™ve made a world of difference in my attitude about the situation this morning :joy: my 3 year old son wanted nothing but to come watch and I fully expected that bottle jack to slide and the car fall on the rotor the entire time I was doing everything and wanted him far far away but couldnā€™t explain that to his young mind :joy:

What fun times and boy do I love this community, thanks for all the kind words and advice whenever I need it, world needs more people like all of you guys


good evening my good man just to let you know the beans landed safely and me and mrs lime cannot thank you enough your kindness is most appretiated much love my friend :green_heart: :green_heart:

that is a bitch on the tyre :roll_eyes:

and your tunnel is a thing of my dreams :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i grew up on a farm and now live in the fekin city it is the worst

thanks again man oh i popped a pic in the fsac thread hope thats ok



Makes me extremely giddy that I made you guys happy, this place changed my whole growing life and I love giving back to the place that helped me :grin: just keep passing the love on bud


I thank you. I have enjoyed your page.


@Hemp Iā€™ve enjoyed your page and company as well friend :grin:

Hereā€™s some recent ish picsā€¦ Iā€™m forcing flower even though Iā€™m not 100% happy with where theyā€™re at


I somehow missed this response the first time around. I uhhh, went a little crazy with 3rd coast stuff during the 420 salesā€¦ From what Iā€™ve experienced from their gear so far, Iā€™ll happily run anything they make. I picked up the Cosmic Wisdom Pure Michigan 2.0, Possum, and bunch of older oreoz crosses. Also snagged some of the breeder cut of Oreoz and theyā€™re currently destroying all the other cuts from the same day. They smell greatā€¦ Going to pop the PM 2.0 soon, let me know if youā€™d like a cut from any of the keepers, or each of them, for your project.

So yeah, Iā€™m a junky, they all sound good, and happy to trade if thereā€™s anything youā€™re after. Iā€™m about to finally be caught up on trades, and life, somewhatā€¦ :crazy_face: :rofl: You have no idea how badly I just want to hit buy on nearly every one of the Cinca de Mayo drops, but 3 or 4 I may have to give in onā€¦


Also picked up Jimmyā€™z Dream and oreoz x lemon treeā€¦ We should probably form these things up like Voltron in some way!


Their Cherry Festival was the easiest I have grown to date.



Well sir many thanks @TestOfOath havenā€™t sampled yet but she looks fire to me


Looking good as always! Popped the four pm you sent about 10 mins ago. Whenever the rest are ready Iā€™d love to do a big, proper hunt though as Iā€™d love to find me a gem or two. Hey that little seed starter box I see you have blue/clearā€¦. Where did you cop that? I only really see the rectangular normal trays but a squareā€¦. Omg would make life so much easier! 4-8 of those would be money for the shelves in the Veg tent


for real my friend all about passing it on ( i grow for an old boy for his chronic pain, who cant any more due to sight problems) only have a 4x4 mrs lime knocks the crap outta that for her needs :astonished: :rofl:
not much left for me :thinking: more volume needed :face_with_monocle:

wanna try and get a seed run in later this year to, ta repay the OG love

growth in growing :seedling: :herb: :evergreen_tree: