TestOfOath's Happy Place

I got those trays from Burpee after seeing the rectangular ones at my local Tractor Supply, figured I’d see what Burpee had. Apparently reviews say they’re not the best for outside, sun deteriorates the silicone, idk why anyone would just leave them outside when they’re for starting seeds but you know people and stuff lol, they suit our needs just fine :rofl:

Pure Michigan shouldn’t be too far off at this point, should be throwing pollen over the next couple weeks, I’m gonna get through this! :grin:


@Limeflavouredheadbut real cool of you to do that bud, I get to giveaway tinctures I make and stuff but I haven’t really specifically grown to help people, that’s awesome, I’d love to supply actual medicine to folks one day. I promise if you hang around long enough you’ll end up doing a seed run :rofl::rofl::rofl: seems we all wind up catching that community love eventually

And would you believe my old lady hasn’t ever and won’t touch weed? Never been high in her life and still allows me to go as hard as I do with my passion for growing, she’s a real gem for it. I get jealous sometimes of smoking couples cause it’d be cool to share my passion with her as much as I like but I couldn’t ask for a cooler lady.


Man I’d love to try some of that out! Looks tasty and I’m glad to see the purple comes through at the end just like the one I clones it from, seems like it was a solid choice to have a bunch of! :grin:

Thank you deeply for keeping me updated on how they grew!


Appreciate you brother


Sounds like you went all out, I’m jealous lol and I found a few more revegged plants with seeds since that post if you wanted me to type up a list of em when I get home tonight, I’ll have more of them all once this seed run is done but I’d love to have em out in the world n see some of em grow.
And I’ll have F3s for whoever wants em (within reason, I don’t want to step on 3rd coast’s sales in any way, feel like it’d be real disrespectful)

I’m like two weeks or so out from them dropping pollen, got early flowers on most plants, so we’re finally on the way to me actually getting this done after 6 months :rofl:

Think this was yesterday


I love the little grow bags. Grow looks great. I got some bean bags coming. If interested let me know. I’ll show when I get them.




I’ve been meaning to order a bunch of these, how’s the quality @Hemp


@TestOfOath popped all 4 PM in the water yesterday , just put them in PT. Definitely will take you up on some more when ready but these should let us know how she goes!


Love them. @Eagles009 got me into those.


I’ve got 4 going now, they’ve survived my torture testing better than any other plant. Along with blueberry x face off OG bx1…

Terrible conditions, being dumped on the floor, mites, crazy algae blooms in the cesspool I grew them in, you name it, they have kept keeping on! Some of that was intentional :joy:


@TestOfOath!!! Another major thanks!
It is no accident you are so prolific and impressive!! Your experience already speaks miles!! Besides, your Ogenerosity yields tons of fruit!! And we OGers have a blast in return!!
Blue Moon Rocks (Pictured Rocks F1)

I’m pleased to say beans have landed!! Thanks again brother!!


1111 1111 now 1111 1112. Need to take a break. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


What are breaks? :rofl::rofl: Just finished getting the earth anchors in the ground… Boy was that a hassle, had to turn each probably a few hundred times while pushing down with my body weight. I only did 3 per day :rofl: all in now though… 4000lbs of down force from all the straps combined plus each leg is 3-4ft into the ground as well. My fear of the wind is starting to fade. Now to plant and get an irrigation system going, they still gotta reveg and shit from sexing unfortunately


Looking good to bad you couldn’t of found some electric tool for drilling those stakes into the ground.


Brother I’m high jacking your page with some pics. Lol. It’s your stuff.

I’m definitely impressed so far and we should be trying them shortly


Those look so good @BIGJ you did phenomenal on em and I’m glad the genetics I picked were decent, can’t wait to try some fire after smoking roaches for so long :rofl:

So I’d always heard plants won’t show sex till at least 5 nodes and by my count this is only 4(?) on these baby Ancestral Skunk x Pure Michigan F2

Oh yeah and if you wanna try bleaching the water in your reservoir to kill algae and stuff … Don’t do it, or everything in that last pic happens lol



Some cleaning up left to do still, probably this weekend I’ll get rid of all the excess/old plastic, take it to the dump or something. BUT everything is in the ground and with a few holes left to spare, just like I spared accuracy when drilling them (cause I bought a sweet plant drill thingy) so they’re not quite as evenly spaced as I’d like but who needs perfection anywho. Might try and get some in the extra holes might leave em, we’ll see if my veg tent recovers. Stuffed all the solo cups with the names of the cultivars under the landscaping fabric, need to write em all down before I fuck up and lose track of what everything is. Revegging is gonna take some time that I’m not looking forward to… Feel like I need to focus on being prepared for spring in future years

Wanted to do autos in 5 gallon pots outside on pallets so maybe I’ll try and get that going soon too.


@TestOfOath Congrats brother!! Green Arch-ouse coming along beautifully!! Plants will be super pleased!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :man_farmer: :herb:


It is. Going to be a nice grow.


Guess I would like to live in there!! :flushed: :sweat_smile: