TGA Subcool Gear

That’s the first thing that came to my mind too when I saw the pic….fwiw.


I’m invested in this now. Let’s pop them beans and see what grows. Link that grow log so I can follow along.

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I drought stressed the 6 rooted clones of Chernobyl. 1 died and 3 had curled leaves. These 2 however didn’t seem to skip a beat. They are the keepers! Transplanted to 2 Gallon pots of my soil mix. Watered in with 1tsp per Gallon of MegaCrop 1 Part and 5mL per Gallon of CaMg+.


Man every time I visit this thread I dream of VORTEX
I need her back in my life !!

If any one knows where to get some seeds please hit me up


There was an F2 run of Vortex, you might be able to get some if you make a post in the trading thread! Groundbreaking Seed Group on Genetic Supply should have some if you want to just buy them. Think they are F3s now. :pray:


Thanks man for the lead on some vortex seeds
I was able to snag a few packs
Thanks my brother :pray:t2:

@AppalachianBiscuits thanks for the lead on the clone’s greatly appreciated :pray:t2:


I had all the same reservations and concerns all of you expressed, I grew Sub’s gear from 2006 until his passing. She claims these are an original Subcool TGA production. For $100 I’m willing to roll the dice.


The Golden Ticket Chernobyl clones are taking off in their new pots! Gonna take more cuts in about 3-4 weeks.


I grew out Vortex f2 from Groundbreaking last summer, and I also grew Vortex f1 from seeds gifted to me directly from Sub himself in 2005. Groundbreaking’s Vortex projects are definitely authentic Vortex. I had a really nice green mango pheno. Gotta dig back into the pack and find my baby poo :blush:


I’m looking to pop some CheeseQuake my next grow round - right now, it’s all about Skunk & Skunk hybrids this summer - “Skunk City, …”.

The CheeseQauke strain I have is original TGA Subcool gear, so I know it’s going to need “creative” germination techniques to get them going…but I have other older TGA gear from that era, that after a slow germination - produced some very, very nice plants. :boom:

Can’t wait to run CheesQuake, and also looking forward to Lemon Stilton - I hear that one tastes like straight up Lemon Head Candy. :yum:



I believe there’s VORTEX F2s up on the Genetic Supply website - I think it’s from “Groundbreaking Genetics”. I have seen them in stock, so if you look now, and they’re out; I’m sure they’ll be back in stock soon. That’s the only legitimate website I know of…but they definitely have VORTEX F2s! :boom: :100: :star_struck:


I just popped these this morning. No clue if they’re any good, but I’m a sucker for Strawberry Cough.
I’ve been thinking about trying BBBs Chernobyl S1s. I really liked the stuff I’ve had of the OG, ripping high for me.


There is vortex bx sold by JohnnyPotSeed if you wish :wink: @Tymemachine

See you


I’m also looking for some Vortex f2s. It’s looking like I might’ve been scammed on here trying to get some. Let me know if anyone has any they could part with. Thank you!

There are Vortex crosses sold by me.


Does anyone have any Timewreck f2s or anything ? been really wanting this strain since 2017 and never got to run it.

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Tell us more about this.

There was a vortex in a coop box not terribly long ago. Let me look back and see how ran it, maybe they can lead us to some.

If there is interest, I have a pack from the seed run and been wanting to work to doing a coop run. I have at least one, if not two projects I’m messing with first. But I’m open to being talked into it.


I don’t want to name drop just yet. I’m still hoping he’ll come through. But he confirmed he got the 3 packs I sent 29 days ago. I haven’t heard anything since and I reached out again 12 days ago. It shows he’s been active so it’s disappointing to not even get a message back.

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I hope that comes through. Sounds like life getting in the way, stuff. If it was Topshelftrees1, check in here BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction in honour of brother Useful


Lol if it was over some vortex from the guy who did them… me too :wink: though scammed isn’t the word. Just blown off