September 28, 2017, 12:16pm
Very diferent was done by L. Dobermann with his dog : In “cannabis breeders jerga”, he used VERY DIFERENTS landraces to make a polihybrid, n later other breeders makes the dobermann a IBL…
…pero eso no quiere decir que una variedad cannabica IBL presente un único genotipo, como igualmente existen diferentes genotipos de Dobermann (negro fuego, rojo marrón, …)
First define your goals. Are you growing for yourself or for commercial production? Indoors or out? Mostly sativa or mostly indica? Keep only the plants that have the qualities you want, and mercilessly kill the rest.
Select plants that don’t fall over; if you have to prop them up with toothpicks, you might as well cull them. Keep the ones that are free from abnormalities and hermaphroditism. Hopefully you’ve got enough many seeds to be ruthless. Keep the ones that show better resistance to dis…
A least in Grow-faq-webster
What is an F1 hybrid?
Posted by Vic High on February 13, 1999 at 22:09:27 PT:
This page isn’t about ego trips and pissin contests to see who knows the most. It’s meant to be about sharing info and furthering our understanding of cannabis genetics. So here’s a step in the right direction. Anyone else want to join in?
What really is an F1 cross?
Well defining the terms P1, F1, F2, homozygous, and heterozygous can be a simple task, however, applying them to applied genetics can often create c…
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