THCV breeding project

I enjoy thcv rich strains so I’ll be breeding these together. Novarine and Kannabia each contain about 8% to 10% thcv to about 10% thc. Jack The Ripper has under 2% thcv so I’d like to boost those numbers up! I think I’ll use the Seattle Chronic seeds to find an exceptional male for starters! Eventually I’ll have to send examples to a lab to get tested but that’s a long ways away! Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated, cheers!


Sounds like a worthwhile project, looking forward to following along.


These ones looks like a good start, open a grow diary so we can follow along … beer3|nullxnull


That’s some THCV fire there @George.
(Edit) or actually @TexasRoadkillSkunk

(P.S. pics display like that (don’t actually show, just shows a link) if you post before they have finished uploading).

Someone was doing a seed run on the “Free The V” strain that was given out in person at some cali dispensary. But I don’t thing it concluded successfully.

@TexasRoadkillSkunk keep me in mind when you start passing out bean-shaped tickets to the V show!

:pray: :crossed_fingers:


Ok, you have my interest, following along. best of luck


If you wanna talk THCV, @Wuachuma is your guy


sorry to hear that, I went to santa cruz this summer hoping to find some but they all were out of stock. The only other dispensaries jade nectar mentioned giving them to are pretty far up north iirc


Sounds interesting. Can’t wait to see the results!


I’ve been hoping to see someone grow out that Novarine as I heard of it a while back. Seems like all the labs by me require you to show a growing license to get samples tested. Have you already checked out any nearby that will do this for you?


Nice project.

I havent heard of Kannabia or Novarine, but I like the sound of those numbers.

I started researching THCV back around 2005 after spinal injuries.
As far as I know, I was the second person on the forums to mention thcv - Skunkman being the first, but nobody noticed.
Really, nobody knew to look for it, and labs weren’t testing for it, til I started putting the spotlight on it
I saw the opportunity to cash out by shitting up and just releasing thcv genetics, but instead I wanted other patients to learn how to find it.

JTR throws out a lemon haze pheno that tested at 4.7%

Originally, I theorized that thcv production would max out around 8-9%
But Ive seen tests of 10-12%

Skunkman bred lines that produce thcv as 100% of the cannabinoids produced, but yield by weight is pretty low.

I met with Jade Nectar farms years ago and gave him a bunch of seeds as well as some clues as where to find it so that he could carry the torch since I didnt have a farm to do this properly.

Personally, I see THCV like CBD - it ought to be free since its medicine.
Unfortunately, there are many who are trying to capitalize on this. I know its going to branded soon as the miracle weight loss drug. But its so much more than that - its what got me off dilaudid and what saved my life and gave me purpose.

Now, its interesting that JTR hazey pheno has 4% thcv yet its very hard to find thcv in pure haze.
It does pop up in SE Asia, Paki, Jamaican, African more than others.


@Wuachuma dropping science


Prior to 2007, the highest thcv i saw from lab results was from the cia testing samples from around the world and the winner was Hmong/Meao Thai. I cant remember the number, but it was about 2x more than the runner up (paki)

The Hmong people are Tibetan refugees that fled Tibet back when the Mongols were still a thing. They took refuge in northern Thailand and Vietnam. It seems they brought their Tibetan seeds with them as the chemotype is distinct from other Nam/Thai strains.
They also run the cannabis industry both in SE Asia and in California. In Cali, you have Bikers, Cartel, and Hmong. Its trippy seeing 60yr old Hmong ladies trim 3 pounds of weed a day and then go clone 500 plants per person.


It’s really crazy, I have read a bunch of stories about it and the racist backlash they face in a lot of counties.


To this day i anxiously await a Tibetan original Landrace smokereport.


I’ve been growing and using THCV for about 5 years. I have a Thailand strain that I’ve worked.


I have some Thai that finishes in 2 months, loaded with THCV. I’m an inflammation patient.


Great looking project, @TexasRoadkillSkunk I’ll be watching this one


Funk yeah, im interested


Actually, their Thai was always refered to as Meao, which is a derogatory slur. They’re Hmong, but get called Meao.

It was interesting operating in NorCal and seeing Cartel and Hmong farms get busted, while the biker farms right next door had no problem.
If you know the origins of H.A., its easy to understand why.


Thanks, I’ll remember that when I upload!