The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical

i have been allergic to several types of springtime pollen since i was a kid. apparently ganj pollen produces the same effects.
splendid! :roll_eyes:

yes. count yourself lucky.


That sucks. I only have an allergy to vinegar and all that does is make me sweat, I can still eat it. I actually eat cattail pollen pancakes. Great when you are out in the woods.



dropped the mail off today.
keep an eye out.

tag me when you get 'em.



Thank you, I’ll be watching the metal box :grin::metal:

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3 stamps to get to canukistan now. used to be 2.
it better arrive on a velvet pillow held by a dude in a tuxedo with white gloves for 3 stamps!

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Holy crap! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I will save my economic rant for my dogs… My poor, poor dogs, they’re always my sounding board :grin:

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the better idea is to get with your dogs and plan out all the crosses you’re going to make with the pollen.
dogs have some fantastic input on the plants.

i can always tell which ones are going to turn out good by how many fan leaves the dogs eat directly off the plant.

this year, sour diesel, cali bay dream, black sugar and blue dream seem to be the winners. i had to put foot to ass to keep them away from sour diesel.

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Lol, my dogs still sneak used Kleenex, I’m not sure they’d be quite as helpful :joy:


ewww… :skull_and_crossbones:

and then we let them kiss us. :smiley:

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Hahaha right? 🤦

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Zone 1 - Update

lots of restructuring going on. zone4 out in the garage too hot and only going to get hotter. i harvested bubbawhip and tossed these rooted clones in 22oz cups and see what this area produces with the cups.
frankenstein, critical kush, green crack, GG4, OG Kush

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
AC GDP is chugging along. cranking out the next batch of cuttings.
new clone mom Godfather OG is liking it’s new pot and soil and is greening up nicely. will train it with the screen several more weeks before taking any cuttings.
seedling the white OG is doing well, growing a bit stubby, but this is fine. going to get it hardened up outside this coming week and toss it in its permapot. sadly late in season.

Bottom Shelf -
entry for Rainbow Kush-Off 2024™ is working on 2nd set of leaves.

Rainbow Kush on the right side is outgrowing the space. i have supercropped the main stem down and to the side. it took it like a champ. i am considering tossing it outside to finish in the sun and free up some space for other projects i have in mind… going to need to properly harden it. going from blurples to straight texas sun would be a crispy death sentence.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
all the cuttings are still alive. no roots yet.
tossed the xox gdp male clones in here to save space and weak light to grow slow. i lost one of the selected soma lavender F2 male clones. bummer. but the other is still alive. ended up being a drainage issue. had standing water trapped and rotted the roots. still finding challenges growing in the cups. :

Bottom Shelf -
moved stuff around. topped all the AC GDP rooted clones. fixin’ to take some cuttings from the HSO blueberry headband. i think i would like it in a slightly larger pots…

also happy to report the Mimosa i got from @Ris at growing up ganja is happily working on 3rd set of leaves. i’m hoping this one works good for abuela. it’s on the list.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

hot as f^ck in here. having to water daily or they get droopy and nutes issues. was 104F this afternoon in the garage. 100F outside.

Left Side -
cup experiments finishing up. some did well, others not so. i am sure the heat plays a big role.
chopped acapulco gold and GG4. jack herer come from behind plant with the excellent structure. impressive and handles the heat well also.

Right Side -
AC GDP clones ladened with seeds. branches droopy. too late for SCROG net.
selected cuts GG4, OG Kush and Godfather OG definitely preggers with XOX GDP dust. pretty psyched. will see what kind of magic these create and if any work better for abuela.

Til next time…


Got that “Magic GDP Dust” yesterday!!! Gonna probably hit some plants after Reveg this Winter. Will, indeed, let you know progress. SUPER THANKS, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



thanks for letting me know it arrived. appreciate that.
(i have a lot of problems with the post office around here. stuff goes missing/pinched/lost/tampered with/ripped open etc
it’s nice to know when something i send arrives.

yes. please tag me when you get to tossing the dust. would like to see what you’re crossing.

oh, also, i thought it prudent to show y’all a photo the breeder sent me of one of his prized F2 females and the choice colas it produced. i have yet to find a female in the seeds i have popped to date, but the male i selected was just super special in all ways. hopefully he produces offspring similar to this.

XOX GDP IBL F2 Selected Female

XOX GDP IBL F2 Selected Female best colas.

thanks again for stoppin’ in and letting me know you got it. looking forward to seeing what you produce.


GDP Males seem to have a dominate appearance in any breeding, a worthy trait. I’m very THANKFUL you did what you did. It is in safe hands until the “Dusting Session”. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


i’m excited about this for several reasons.

  1. i get to “pay” you back for the help you have given me. thank you.
  2. i get to contribute to moving the community forward in the OGTW mandate.
  3. i get to see some potentially awesome crosses come about (and have a hand in them).

there’s a sh^tload of win here.
totally works for me.


Zone 1 - Update

most are showing flower sign at this point. i think i got frankie’s N jones squared up for the stretch.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
AC GDP mom getting ready for another haircut.
Godfather OG mom weaving it’s way through the SCROG. very pleased how greened up it’s getting in the new pot. expecting great things.

Bottom Shelf -
Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 entry is working on it’s 7th internode. looking healthy.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
HSO blueberry headband gave up 4 cuts. got them in the clone dome.
AC GDP clones had some troubles rooting this time around. had about 3-4 that drooped and died. it’s been a while since i haven’t had the 100% success rate. 3 of 4 GG4 cuts survived the rooting process and transplant.

Bottom Shelf -
did some topping of the AC GDP clones. moved some things around.
took cuttings from blueberry headband and did some LST to open it up. seems to be responding well.
mimosa getting bigger. looks a little light green… see if it needs some more ferts.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower ™

Left Side -
4 left to finish up. frankie is foxtailing pretty hard. jack herer still looking the heartiest.

Right Side -
finishing up the seed run. godfather og is so pregnant, it’s already spitting mature seeds out. pretty crazy.

TIl next time


Pollen arrived, she’s headed for the freezer pretty quickly, thank you!!!


Speaking of zone, bro. Your in it :+1:
That GDP looks spectacular and sign me up when mister :honeybee: wonderful wacko wiki hits.
Now I gotta search for someone in Canada with some. Been reading up on it, and its right up my alley for some great meds.
Are you eventually going to flower the mom, is that’s why it’s in the scrog?
Rainbow Kush 24’ is off to a banging start, 5g finalpot?
Great use of your space a well :call_me_hand:


thanks for letting me/us know it arrived.
been having LOTS of problems with the post office and incoming seed mail. my packages keep getting pinched/opened/tampered with etc…

good to know my outbound mail isn’t being f^cked with.


appreciate your compliment. thanks for stoppin’ by.

we can try and send you some cuts come spring. too hot (here) now to even try. they will die instantly. 100F today and it aint even noon.

not for the forseeable future. i leave it in scrog because i have very limited space. when the branches get too long/scraggly i give her a haircut. usually works out to about twice a month that i take cuts. if it’s cool out, that’s when i will send cuts out. the rest get tossed. (space issues)

at some point the mom will get too unruly and i will toss her outside in the spring to fulfill her mandate. i will take master clones to keep it going tho. this strain is abuela’s go-to at this point. she has never grown a tolerance for it and it always works perfectly for her. this mom will be around for a while (knocks on wood).

nope. i will keep it in the 4gal. (again, space issues)
the one i started earlier i tossed outside to get big. it’s getting plenty big! lots of top colas getting fat all the way down the branches.