The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical


been tapping the XOX GDP F2 male over a parchment box for about 2 weeks now trying to collect some pollen for the interested parties. looks like it worked.

this is all i was able to collect/after straining out the plant parts. half of it magic dust floated away in a big f^cking cloud while transferring it from the parchment box to my trim bin. n00b mistake. lesson learned.
(eyes itchy and watering, sneezing. yep… it’s pollen)

scooping it all up showed more than i expected. COOL!

divvy it up. 5 equal portions and a bit left over for me in case the male clones meet an unfortunate end.
got 5 packs. just enough. i put a pinch of long grain rice in each baggie to keep everything dry for their respective journeys.

EDIT: i apologize in advance. there are probably dog hairs mixed in… my old boy is 18, deaf, blind in one eye, so i have to carry him around a lot to go outside and pee etc. i am ALWAYS covered in his fur. despite my best efforts to have a “sterile field” when i was cleaning/sifting the pollen and having washed everything before (and after) use, there are ALWAYS dog hairs. everywhere.

special thanks to @DougDawson for his pollen collection seminar. appreciate your lesson sir. hopefully i did it properly and it is viable when received on the other end.

you asked and the halls of valhalla provide.

your packet of XOX GDP IBL F2 pollen is ready.
send your deets, and i’ll get these off to y’all.

til next time.


Holy crap, the madman @Til_Valhalla did it! That is indeed a goodly amount of pollen. This is very exciting, and thank you so much for sharing it with those of us whose eyes turned green when we saw what you have :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

DM is on its way to you shortly


DUDE U MADE MY DAY… I know my GDP females gonna bless us with some great beans…


Awesome work man

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"Good on you, Bro!!!" “Personals” incoming, SUPER THANKS. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sure looks like you did a fine job to me bud, congrats on the successful collection. With a grain of pollen needed to create a seed being smaller than the human eye can see, what you actually got there is thousands and thousands of seeds. Great job. tup


all set. will mail out tomorrow.

all set. will mail out tomorrow.

all set. will mail out tomorrow.

my only fair request is y’all tag me when you get to work with the pollen. super interested in what y’all come up with.



thanks for stoppin’ by. appreciate your compliment.


thank you @DougDawson. your tutorial was key. appreciate your help.

man, i gotta say i was watching you collect pollen in your BOG LSD thread… looking at the loads of pollen your were raking in and then my little stash. but for a two branch male, he tossed enough for my project and enough for 5 more.
that’ll do.

again, thanks for the lesson and encouragement.


Thanks for the show, it’s cool to see man… gdp is a good 1 and I had a chance to grow it… but it was my second attempt at growing… so u know how that went right? :laughing: :-1:


It’s a pleasure bud. We are all in this together. Individually we are all lacking knowledge of one kind or another but together we know pretty much everything :wink:


I like that :point_up: … it’s so very true!!!


i know your next one will be MUCH better… :slight_smile:

now that i started the perpetual with GDP , i have enough surplus for abuela that i can dip into it far more often than i used to. it tastes good, smokes smooth, takes away the aches/pains, allows for higher brain function and helps with the insomnia. such a GREAT strain.


That’s awesome. Yeah I can’t wait to be better haha… I think it’s going better now so far so good anyway… time will tell

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Definitely sounds like a winner… theres a reason it was part of the making of fruity pebbles og :grin:


i think GDP has been crossed with everything under the sun. for good reason, it makes fantastic crosses and great medicine.


For sure man I agree… well from what I’ve heard

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May have snort-laughed a little at this, haha

Thank you sir! My deets are incoming :metal:


whelp… we going to find out next season if i get any seeds… and from the looks of it, i’ve got seeds. :slight_smile:
will pop one or two outside next year (unless i miraculously find missing abuela strains)

my pain is your reward.



I hear this a bunch from folks. When I collect I come out of that cloud covered in pollen and oddly it does not bother me in the least. It appears I am pretty dam lucky.