The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical


Damn posties… (someone on this site is going to work for the post office, and eventually they’re going to get really pissed off with me calling them “posties”… I apologize in advance :joy::metal:).

Hopefully the rest of your packages arrive too!

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they did. 4 for 4.

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With our asshole customs guys? Plus Canada post. I doubt they’d make it. But there’s never any harm in trying :wink:
Thanks for answering this noobs question Val🤙
I don’t care what CD says about ya. You’re OK in my books :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Jk on the cd saying things btw.


I’ve gotten snips up to Canada before and they’ve survived 5 out of the 7 times I’ve tried. Just need to have cool weather and send it express. Most of the snips took about 10-12 days to arrive but getting to B.C. took like 15 as I’m on the East coast of the US.


Zone 1 - Update
creeping along. frankie starting to stack up nice.

the indicas on the right side are starting to get their flower on.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
CALAMITY has struck. AC GDP clone mom has been infested with spidermites. taken outside and sprayed with the hose multiple times. nuked with citric acid. re-sprayed with hose again. left out in the sun. i had intended to get them all sprayed down with spinosad tonight, but brother in law was here and we were watching the argentina vs colombia game… and now it’s too damn late. i’m tired. it’s been a sh^tty week. even if i can kill off the spidermites, i won’t bring it back inside after an infestation.
thankfully, i have some healthy clones. will have to select one to become the new mom. 3yrs kept this one alive … disappointed at this turn of events. but like i said… it’s been that kind of week… >:(

godfather og has remained untouched, but i sprayed it with the citric acid and left it overnight. took it outside and sprayed it down as well.

totally cleaned up the top shelf zone. bleach nuking.

then put a freshly cleaned off godfather og back in it’s spot.
i am not surprised that the spidermites left godfather alone. they LOVE GDP. they will forsake all other healthy green plants in the garden and go right to the GDP. EVERY. F^CKING. TIME.

Bottom Shelf -
to be safe i did the same spray with citric acid on rainbow kush and left it overnight. took it outside and sprayed it off as well. bleach nuke cleaned bottom shelf area and put rainbow kush back in it’s nice clean area.

replaced after cleaning


Zone 3 - Update

Top Shelf -
HSO blueberry headband cuts hopefully getting their roots on. one of them looking a bit droopy. hopefully it pulls through.

Bottom Shelf -
i treated all the bottom shelf plants like zone 2. sprayed with citric, rest 24hrs then taken outside to spray with the hose. did a little pruning and defoliation while at it. they are GDP so they are mite magnets. rather be safe than sorry and possibly lose EVERYTHING AC GDP… that would be BAD. VERY BAD.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!

Left Side -
these guys are just getting their asses kicked with the temperatures. i think i’m going to chop godfather og and og kush. jack herer needs some more time and so does frankie.

Right Side -
going to let the seeded GDP go another week or two. want as many mature seeds as possible.
the small plants in the solos are finishing up at very different rates. godfather og is literally spitting mature seeds out. i have a little pile off to the side of the seeds that have fallen out. the other two need a LOT more time. nothing looks very mature.

hopefully this coming week is better…
Til next time.


Looking fantastic bud! Other than the spidermites of course, that sucks!! I had them once, they came in with watermelon seeds… I ended up filling my bathtub with water and drowning my plants for a couple hours each. A little shake every now and then to get out any air pockets.

Spidermites suck!!!

The rest though, damn, looking great!!


Sh!t- Sorry to hear, and best of luck in the battle, bro. You got this.

For what it’s worth, if I was the judge, I’d still easily put your little one ahead of ours. Your branching is far more developed, and she’s bushier in general. :thinking: Our light having a heavy far red might have some to do with that.

Stay up


i am a hardened bug-war veteran. they don’t stand a f^cking chance.

still early, and still interested to see what y’all turn out. this seems a hearty cultivar.


Zone 1 - Update

really not a lot to say here. they’re in flower. in small cups. nothing spectacular to show.
one point is that i get to see frankie flower without the added heat stress of zone4

Zone 2 - Update

Top Shelf -
nothing new here. clean empty space (which may house the seedlings for my next phase of GDP project.) the replacement AC GDP clone mom has been chosen and still getting it’s roots on in the solo cup in zone3.
Godfather OG seems happy in it’s new role. greened up nice and is sending the branches out. few more weeks of weaving the scrog net and i’ll start taking some cuttings.

Bottom Shelf -
moved some things around. transplanted some rooted AC GDP clones into permapots for flowering. they flank Rainbow Kush to L and R.
Rainbow Kushoff 2024 entry is just getting after it. i may have to supercrop this one too. it will soon outgrow it’s area. there’s about 4-5" of clearance to the lights. lateral branches catching up to main stem. going to be several cola tops.
i am fine with this.

watch the clearance, clarence.

Zone 3 - Update

Top Shelf -
weird sh^t going on with my clones. something was wrong with the last batch too. these look like they’re fixin’ to die. may need to disassemble and sterilize and start over.
one of the clones left for dead decided to fight on. another testament to AC GDP’s constitution. get some.
need to up-pot the Soma Lavender F2 selected male. his time is coming up… soon

Bottom Shelf -
enjoy the space while you can… going to fill up again shortly.
the 2 xox GDP male clones getting their roots on and looking healthy. nice.
hs0 blueberry headband is recovering from it’s haircut.
i just topped GUG Mimosa. it’s got a little leaf damage from the first anti-spidermite spray. got a bit overzealous with the citric acid. (have i mentioned how much a f^cking HATE spidermites?) other than the leaf damage it’s quite healthy.
last but not least is the selection to be the next AC GDP clone mom. so bummed the original had to be pulled.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!

Left Side -
i’m thinking this experiment is about over. many lessons learned with the cups. some good, some not so. i don’t think i will continue with this method, though will use the cups with the intent of up-potting. the cups DO have their use for space etc.
jack herer looks about done. it’s been seeded, but some of the flower still looks viable to test with abuela.
frankie is all sorts of f^cked up. lol… the heat in the garage did it no favors, plus it’s a monster plant i stuck in a friggin cup. that’s on me. frankie needs room to stretch and do monster sh^t. i did not provide. i will most likely pull it when i pull jack later today. it’s clearly been seeded and has been foxtailing since it got into the 100F range.
clean the area out. shut the lights and fans. save some power until the next project is ready. would prefer to wait till it gets a bit cooler out there, but i doubt time/space will cooperate. :man_shrugging:

Right Side -
been waiting for the AC GDP to show some signs of mature seed. they’ve been cracking their pods open all week. i will probably pull them all out this coming week… maybe weds. time should permit. pretty psyched i got this done. hopefully the progeny live up to the parents.
the other cuts are getting plumped up. godfather is still spitting mature seeds out. ostrich egg sized seeds.
GG4 is showing mature seed signs.
OG Kush seems to be the mystery holdout. i know it’s seeded but it’s hiding the pregnancy for the time being. of the 3 it looks as though it’s going to produce some nice bud along with some seed. bonus.

AC GDP mature seed PrOn

Til next time


HA! like hell i did…

13 days later:
i need to retry frankie in a larger container where i can suitably mess with the nutrient balance. i know i can do it better. the cups are a challenge with the organic dry amendments. regardless, these are still looking better than the heat blasted one in zone 4.


Zone 1 - Update

pretty much same sh^t. small cups, unremarkable stuff. of note is the frost coming in on GG4. looks nice.
part of me is irritated with this small cups project. feel like i’m wasting space/time/light … but another part of me is thankful for a break in the action. been driving this all pretty intensely for a LONG time. maybe i did need to pump the brakes a bit and take a breath…

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
left side - new GDP related project started. Purple Caper’s Grandaddy “X”. this was supposed to be phase 4, but going to kick it off earlier as i had troubles finding an XOX GDP female or a Shoreline GDP male. i will roll back to those at another point. changes in season coming up and i need to have space available for another project. so grandaddy X is up. i had a 5 seed pack, that ended up having an extra for 6 in total. i started them in paper towel and tossed them in soil and 22oz cups once they had tails. i put those without tails in the dirt as well just in case they were late bloomers. so far, nothing. so 4 it is. hoping for a good ratio of males and females. we shall see…
right side - godfather og chugging along. been doing a lot of weaving and defoliating. it has a tendency to toss LOTS of lateral branches off the lateral branches. total beast. doesn’t even look like i removed any leaves…

Bottom Shelf -
the Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 entry is out of control. grew up into and past the lights. i had to supercrop the main stem to keep it within the space. it really needs a LOT of space. i need to get these AC GDP clones out of here so RK can stretch out and do it’s thang…
the AC GDP pots to L and R are taking to their pots nicely and stretching for the lights. everything is nice and healthy down below.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
cuttings getting their roots on.

Bottom Shelf -
moved a bunch of stuff around. tossed some more outside. they got the mites.
i pulled EVERYTHING out and bleach-nuke cleaned out the entire space. inside and out.
everything got pressure washed, then insecticide nuked with spinosad/neem/citric acid. nothing that i put back in had been infected, but i wasn’t taking chances.
i put all the boys in the back. 2 xox gdp males and the one remaining Soma Lavender F2 selected male. i up-potted the lavender male for his pollen/seed run. that’s coming up.
the new AC GDP master clone and GUG Mimosa are up front. i topped mimosa and defoliated. it looks a bit weird, but it’ll bounce back.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!

Left Side -
empty. down for high temps/maint/cleaning.

Right Side -
the last 3 select clones (GG4, OG Kush, Godfather OG) that got hit with the XOX GDP pollen are finally all showing mature seeds peeking out of their pods. i had intended to harvest them today, but my army buddy is coming by tomorrow and i’m going to show him how to harvest/wash/dry. He took some clones and seed from me in the spring. it’s his first grow, so this will be a good opportunity to learn how to do those 3 important steps… and get into some sort of army buddy mischief…
will save these for him to get hands on with since i grew for seed and not flower. he can’t f^ck these up.

Til next time


Nice man, very nice… I’m always really impressed with your whole setup, but wow that’s a lot to maintain too.

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thanks for the compliment. appreciate you.

it HAS been a lot to maintain. been pushing it pretty hard trying to get through the list.
the open/empty/unutilized spaces are making my OCD tingle, but i’m just enjoying the lull to be honest. i’ll be plenty busy in the winter. plus i have a bunch of kickass plants outside to deal with … i’m busy enough. :tired_face:

so yeah… zone 4 is going to be closed for a few weeks after tomorrow i think. clean it and just let it sit for a bit. it’s too hot out there to try and flower out another crop. zone1 will have to handle most of the flower now.
when zone 4 is back up, i will be running the soma lavender f2 male and selected clones.


a few days of shucking. first time doing it on that scale. it’s a lot more involved than i thought it would be, but i think i finally figure out a better/faster way to do it by the end.
this was the cross i wanted to do first. AC GDP with a suitable male. i had wanted a shoreline GDP male to start with, but i have only found females in the pack (a good problem to have, unless looking for a male) so far.
conversely, i was looking for an XOX female to start, but only found males in the pack (a bad problem to have if looking for females…) so far. i selected the most remarkable male.

these are the results. it produced way more than i expected. going to select a bunch for myself and should have some left for interested members in the community.


Oh wow, not a bad haul! Sounds like a PITA search for the parents, lol

If you’re looking to get rid of seeds, I’m a bit of a GDP whore :grin::metal:


to some extent. (mostly not getting what i wanted (m/f) out of the packs) i just didn’t want to stall the project any longer. TBH it worked out OK with the xox male. shape, structure, stank and vigor boxes were all resoundingly checked. i just hope the offspring end up being as special as the parents were (are - i still have clones alive)

now my eyes are on the new “Grandaddy X” seedlings. this is an interesting cross.
Kens GDP x Grand Caper
(Grand Caper = Kens GDP x Purple Caper)

so it’s already 3/4 Kens GDP. the breeder added the purple caper into the mix to address some “issues” inherent with Ken’s.

  1. vigor - Kens GDP is a typically SLOW moving plant (purple urkle genetics move slow)
  2. yield - Ken’s GDP has plenty of flowers, but they are usually pretty small. despite Big Bud being in it’s lineage, GDP isn’t a record producer
  3. coloration - despite the word purple in GDP, it doesn’t always display it’s purple colorations

the end all be all to this project is whether or not it works for abuela. so far we have:

  1. Blimburn - selected AC GDP from these seeds. this selection has worked best for her (so far)
  2. Shoreline GDP - all females have worked so far.


  • still need to find an XOX female to test on abuela.
  • still need to find a Shoreline GDP male for the breeding program.
  • see what “grandaddy x” produces and if any of it works for abuela

this is going to be a LONG project for sure.


Wow man, yeah, you have a nice lil project ahead!

But that Granddaddy X reward sounds deadly!


yeah. will see what grandaddy x produces. sounds good on paper so far.


Lol, doesn’t it all :grin:

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they do like to use the big words to “spice” up the descriptions…

what very little information i could garner from other growers about the breeder were positive with no complaints logged. but the people with breeder experience were pretty sparse. decided to take the gamble and get a few different strains of his stuff. he was working with a lot of old school strains (OG Kush, GDP, blackberries, blueberries, chocolates, etc) a bunch that are on abuela’s list.
so far, so good (knocks on wood)