The Apothecarium - Indoors / Organic / Medical

Right? Weed is starting to sound like wine… Which, really, I guess we are all connoisseurs in our own right :grin::ok_hand:

That’s awesome! I’m glad you’re able to help out you’re abuela too :metal:. Man, some of those strains… A run of old school OG Kush would be wicked to pheno hunt! I used to make oil with that, and then pour it all over my lunch when I was getting ready for work in the morning :grin:. My afternoons were always quite pleasant :joy:


“a mouthwatering ExPlOsIoN of woodland berry flavors on exhale…”
yeah. some of it is pretty absurd.

OG Kush is going to be my next big project when i’m done with GDP. a ways off, but i’m collecting everything i’m planning to use/cross.


Zone 1 - Update
ok. disappointment in the small cups project aside, GG4 is putting on a nice display, and it’s nice to see frankie stack up without the zone4 heat issues.

All the shorty kush plants on right side are getting frosty.

GG4 putting on the show

Frankie stacking up nice

Frankie without the heat damages

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
everything moving along. GDX project ended up with 4 seedlings. the other 2 were a no-show. hoping the ratio is good. everything looking healthy. slightly different leaf shape than all the GDP i have grown so far. just a little bit fatter.
godfather og still weaving. hoping it is a good mom and gives up good cuts. so far so good.

Bottom Shelf -
absolute CHAOS MESS. not only is the rainbow kush-off entry growing out of the space, but so are the AC GDP clones. i REALLY gotta move them… but it’s still to hot out in zone4. i’m going to have to move some stuff around in zone 1… will they fit? sheeze…

@Coffin_Dodger - here’s your chance to catch up…

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
nothing really to note. did some topping. root development before up-potting.

Bottom Shelf -
everything still alive. some lavender f2 male is starting to get some branches on after the up-pot. do it dude.
AC GDP replacement master clone needs a bit of TLC. a little defoliation and larf trim. get some main branches forming again. will mess with it this coming week.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!

Left Side -
Right Side -
Both sides still down for time being. though this may not last much longer. august can be pretty friggin hot here. planning a seed run with the lavender male, but i’d like to wait till end of aug, but that may not work out as planned. we shall see.

Til next time


Zone 1 - Update
moved some things around. tried to see if i could fit the 2 2gal buckets with AC GDP clones in here. it failed miserably. those two pots ended up outside. no space for them, and they will make some tasty flower outside, soo… out they went. i didn’t need to harden them. this is AC GDP. it can handle the sun.
chop day for green crack. it’s done. got about 10% ambers. sticky. interesting stank. i’m not sure how to describe it. fresh… green… sweet? the rest are coming along. i decided to play with the dry amendments a bit more this time. was interesting trying to dial in the small portions in the cups, but i think i got it figured out. got a little tip burn on a few of them, but meh, all good.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
the GDX project is rolling along. a pecking order has been established. still to early to tell, but i see some differences in leaf shape. but they are still young. when they start popping out some larger fans will be able to better compare.
Godfather OG stalled a bit. so i did some more pruning and defoliation. will probably take some cuttings and see how they root in another week.

Bottom Shelf -
cleared the AC GDP clones out. they didn’t fit at in in zone1 and zone4 is still too hot, so i tossed them outside to flower out with their mom. no hardening necessary. right out into the sun.
Ranbow Kush-Off 2024 entry now has the space to itself. it has stretched out. i may need to supercrop a few more branches to keep it inside the space and under the lights. might also need to prop some of the branches up. having close bunkmates holding it’s branches up for a while didn’t do it any favors.

got some MIGHTY buds forming on two branches that were supercropped earlier.

and the one behind

oh @Coffin_Dodger … you’re in trouble buddy. :cowboy_hat_face:

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
AC GDP and GG4 rooted clones getting too big for their britches. i topped them last week. looks like they didn’t learn their lesson last time. will snip again this week. more roots before up-potting!

Bottom Shelf -
some lavender f2 male is finally getting some branches made, stretching out in it’s new pot. got another week or two to get it’s fertilizer squared away and then zone4 should be ready for his seed run.
the other GDP boys are hating on the small cups, but hanging in there.
GUG mimosa looking ready for a transplant. same with new AC GDP master clone. both are hating on the cups and want some room to grow. patience…

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!
Left Side -
Right Side -

Zone 4 still down for summer heat. hoping to be back up and running by sept 1st. will still be hot as f^ck here, but not july and august hot. should bring that seed run to sometime in early december.

Til next time


Hot DAMN! :hot_face: Trouble might be my middle name, but that is gonna be a hell of a plant to stack up against! Great work with her, @Til_Valhalla .

We’ve got alternating nodes checked off, bud sites popping up, and finally throwing fuzzballs solidly for a few days now, but you’re looking like smooth sailing from about two weeks ahead.

Gonna have to fish ours back off the light again tonight, too- grew to within an inch of the damn HLG fixture again already.

Either way, so much fun for a grow along. Looking forward to the results.

Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


RAINBOW KUSHOFF 2024 : Show-Me MO Buds

Sir? Excuse me? …Sir?
Are we sure there isn’t a “Goddamn Redwood”-pheno on these? :evergreen_tree:

Just a quick update here, in case I don’t make it out of the jungle that’s become of our tent, which at this point seems pretty likely. :laughing:
At this point, if they don’t stop stretching in a real way, supercropping is inevitable. These ladies have been looking me eye-to-eye for a couple of days now, and I’m 6’3". Granted they’re standing on 18 inch buckets, but that puts them at solidly over 5.5’! I wasn’t expecting that kinda stretch- especially with all the LST. Racks of fuzzballs everywhere. Only inches to the quantum board again, and I doubt I even have more than a couple inches of head-room to ratchet it up. Meristem supercropping’ll probably be this “weekend” unless something major changes before Tuesday night.

Hope all’s well in the deep south

Stay up


impressive auto strain is it not? the veg and stretch on this plant are truly monstrous.
and again… so many sh^t all over blimburn. i have had some real gems from them.
haters gunna hate.

the one outside is so massively over ladened with colas it can’t hold its branches up anymore. i’m getting some fade out there, but still a bunch of clear trichs holding back the harvest.

will be doing my updates later today. (busy yesterday) i have a bunch of clones to take from godfather first…


Zone 1 - Update
small cups. yadda yadda. GG4 just about done. OG Kush not far behind.
dunno what critical kush is doing. looked like it was going to finish, now has a bunch of new growth on the colas. uhhh… ok… frankie is still creeping along to finish.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
today will be godfather’s first haircut. going to try and take 8 viable snips and see if the break has restored my 100% cloning rate.

the GDX project moving along. the pecking order clearly established. i’m hoping #4 isn’t a male as it has been the most vigorous of the bunch. time will tell. #3 finally decided to show up to the party and grow a bit. (this one would be the urkle/ken genetics leaning from my experiences… sssslllooowwww)

got myself a true frankie clone from a very generous OGer. background left. it survived 2 days in zone4 quarantine @ 102-104F. it’s insde now and seeming to have picked up a bit. perhaps the extreme heat shocked it into utilizing it’s root system a bit more. also, i would expect nothing less from a monster like
frankie. will have to find a spot for it to veg and take a round of clones for flowering.

Bottom Shelf -
Rainbow Kush-Off 2024 entry is chugging along. getting some color to the pistils. plant STANKS. it’s all you can smell when you walk in the room. had one of the back branches break moving the pots around. still seems alive. trying to prop it up/hook it on the adjacent branch.

this is where you’re going to catch me up and surpass me most likely @Coffin_Dodger. mine seems to be fully entrenched in flower. push it hard while you still have stretch time… it’s quite robust.

RK bud PrOn

RK bud PrOn

Broken branch… :frowning:

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
had to top these again this week. they shall be transplanted/up-potted later today. i prepped the pots this morning before all the visiting nurses showed up for abuela.

Bottom Shelf -
AC GDP needs to be up-potted (front left)
GUG Mimosa from @Ris also needs an up-pot (front right). it’s a complete beast. both will happen later this week. still sorting spaces out as zone4 still too damn hot to utilize.
Soma Lavender F2 Male is branching out and getting ready for his magic mike moment. soon mr.lavender… soon.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!
Left Side -
Right Side -
Still down for the high temperatures. Aug is typically our hottest month. it’s 106F today. nice and dry tho.

Til next time


Zone 1 - Update

groan. small cups. i want these done and out of the way. project has outlasted my patience… lol.
keep checking the trichs. nothing ready yet. i think some are going to get yanked next weekend regardless. got some stuff in zone2 waiting for their spots in here.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
AC GDP master clone is back. this will be the new AC GDP mom. did some snipping, clipping and LSTing. it will be several weeks before the first haircut.
Godfather OG gave up a bunch of cuts for it’s first haircut. got them in the clone dome in zone3 getting their roots on. hopefully i get my clone mojo back on this run.

GDX project rolling along. up-potted all the seedlings to 32oz containers. space is still an issue so these will have to undure a few cloning cuts before being up-potted and finished off.

Bottom Shelf -
had to add the up-potted clones to zone2 bottom to get their roots established for about 2 weeks before heading into zone1 for their flip. i topped them all before putting in with RK

Rainbow Kush-off contender has unwanted roommates again, but is still doing it’s thing and fattening up. it stanks hard.

Also up-potted @Ris Mimosa and stuck her in here to get roots rocking in the new pot. mimosa will be joining the clones in zone1 for the flip. did some LST in preparation of fitting into zone1.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
a bunch of godfather og snips getting their roots on.

Bottom Shelf -
alot moved around here.
frankie got up-potted and stuck down below to root and veg a bit.
small bucket has an AC GDP clone, and a GG4 clone. waiting to add a godfather clone in the bucket and sent those out to zone4 with the Lavender male. that seed run will be happening soon.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!
Left Side -
Right Side -
still down for the summer heat. will be cleaning it out this week tho… it should be ready in a week or two to start the lavender seed run.

Til next time


Zone 1 - Update

goodbye small cups, hello 2gal pots with AC GDP and GG4 clones.
just installed yesterday.

frankie finished up ok. i will do better in the future. it smells nice. kinda sweet, kinda skunky, kinda old-school weedie.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
AC GDP mom seems happy, but still a little messed up from the transplant. that’s cool… take your time.

GDX project coming along. they got some top dressing and seem to be liking it. i think this will be the last week in this space, they need to strech out a bit so i can take some clones. zone3 bottom will be their next stop.

Godfather OG seems to have snapped out of it’s stall and is putting on some new growth.

Bottom Shelf -
Rainbow Kush-Off entry is just packing on flowers. branches getting weighed down. need to make them a trellis and pick the branches back up.

only roommate remaining is @Ris mimosa. i wanted to stick it in zone 1 to finish in there, but i think it’s going to end up in zone 4. will give it it’s own side for a bit so it can stretch out nice.

Mimosa looking healthy after it’s topping and LST work.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
cuttings still getting their roots on. no sign yet of roots. still waiting.

Bottom Shelf -
once i have a rooted godfather og cutting for the small white pot, i will be clearing out the lavender male for his run.
frankie recovering nicely from the topping.
xox gdp males still alive, tho having some issues with water retention. will get it sorted out this week.

photobomb by queen oxene

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!
Left Side -
Right Side -
still closed, though expecting a restart in about 1-2 weeks. bleach bomb cleaned it out this week.

Til next time


Looking great brother! You do an amazing job staying on top of so many plants and different grow zones. Gonna grab some cuts from my Abuela’s cut mom this week to get at least one ready for this next flower run. Thanks again for sharing her.


thanks man. appreciate your compliments. means a lot coming from you.

things have certainly changed a lot this year… running clone moms in a perpetual now takes up space and has reconfigured everything inside. i’ve been thinking pretty hard how i want to proceed from here on out. it certainly slows getting through the list strains down. there is zero space left for another zone…
the small cups was a dismal project, so that’s out… i’m trying these 32oz containers with the GDX project as they will be easier to work with dry amendments and also grow plants big enough to take cuttings. will see how long that lasts.

i am pleased your GDP cut is still alive. glad to hear it’s still healthy and you’re ready to take cuttings.

very curious if they will help out your wife. i hope they do.

hit me up in the fall… i will have some godfather cuts for you. :wink:


Hey Til, finally got caught up on the thread. Wow a lot has been happening since the start of the summer. Godspeed in the good fight against those bugs :saluting_face: I know you’ll come out on top

Thank you again for the XOX GDP pollen :pray: Last night I started making a list of potential plants I could use the pollen on. There are some that could be used as soon as in a month or two. In particular, I have a cut of GDP that I received from JP earlier this year before the summer heat. According to him it is the real Ken Estes line

Now that I’m caught up on your GDP project, I’m gonna use my pollen on my GDP for a seed increase. It’ll be the first plant I use the pollen on. That is far more important than making any crosses (but maybe there will be enough for that too? I’ve never made seeds so Idk how stingy I can be with pollen on each plant/branch). If any of these are a success then you’ll be the first to get seeds. :v:

Also, when the day comes that I run my pack of Shoreline GDP you’ll get a tag. (Full disclosure I have no clue when that will be) If any males are found then I’ll do my best to get pollen for you.

I don’t want to over promise anything. Still have a ways to go and a lot to learn about how to do it. But I hope that if I’m able to be of service for the GDX project then I want to do what I can to help.


always something going on in the halls of valhalla…

glad i had some pollen left over for you. hopefully its viable and you’re able to put it to good use.

will see what the GDX has in store. it will be small scale for the time being. only 1 of the 4 seems to have “kens” leaf shape and structure. 2 are a blend and one is very much not kens.
but… it’s ultimately about the medicine being compatible with abuela.


Zone 1 - Update

cups out, 2gals in. they seem to like their new home and are being agreeable to weaving through the scrog. no branches were snapped in the making of this photo.

Zone 2 - Update

Top Shelf -
AC GDP mom stretching out in new container. done a bit of weaving, but it’s got a way to go before taking snips.

GDX project - all plants topped and the cuts are in the clone chamber. see how they do and how long this takes for them to root. #4 still in the lead as far as developmentally speaking. 1&2 close behind, 3 still lagging a bit.

Godfather OG born again hard this week after it’s first haircut. got some vigorous new growth coming up. that’s more like it.

Bottom Shelf -
Rainbow Kush-Off entry got a trellis installed and branches rearranged a bit. looks a bit better. but still a mess. colas are very dense and heavy. stank is stankin. very sticky.

growing up ganja’s mimosa is doing great. been an easy grow so far. plant is not fussy at all. took to the topping and LST like a champ. getting a lof of nice new grow in the center with everything spread out.

@Ris - mimosa doing great. should be out for the flip in zone 4 next week.

Zone 3 - Update

Top Shelf -
all the godfather cuttings showed roots, so i put them in soil/solos. will give them 2 weeks to root out, then up-pot to permapots. (seems my clone mojo is back. i’ll take it…)
GDX project tops in the clone dome. will see how well they do.

Bottom Shelf -
got a godfather clone in the seed run bucket. will give it a week or so, before i toss everything out into zone 4. temps are finally coming down. weird to say that 80s and 90’s feel cool… lol.
lavender male is raring to go. needs a bit of TLC. going to mess with it’s soil amendments this week before it goes for it’s pollen run.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!
Left Side -
Right Side -

soon… soon…

Til next time


this is the place to be to give it a go. lots of knowledgeable people here to give you some pointers.
read up and just jump in. no greater teacher than experience.
i just started making seed this year. will be doing my 3rd run in another week or two.
made a sh^tload of mistakes and learned a bunch of things to make up for it.

in regards to your earlier question… a little bit of that dust goes a LONG way. and when people talk about stripping off their clothes and taking a shower before going into their flower zones, they a not exaggerating. it gets everywhere. and the plants you don’t want getting preggers will.

i have tried being careful and brusing it on with the art brush (worked, but not as well as au naturale) and i have just let the males drop their dust all over the females (this works… really well) like they were meant to. both produced seeds, but au naturale produced exponentially more.


Enjoying you’re journey.
And love the photobomb by queen oxene
Screenshot_20240909_223838_Samsung Internet


she’s a photogenic little hound.

she was a rescue. had been abused as a puppy. was terrified of males. it took her 2yrs to stop hiding when i would come in the room. and another 2yrs to let me pet her.

she’s still a little schitzy from time to time, but overall, she has made big progress. she will now come up to me several times a day and wants some love and likes being told she has pretty blue eyes and a cute bandita mask. that’ll get the tail waggin’.


Zone 1 - Update
week 2 flower for GG4 and AC GDP. going to have an insane GDP harvest this year. outside and in. everything nice and healthy. been doing a lot of scrog weaving.

Zone 2 - Update
Top Shelf -
everything chugging along.
AC GDP getting woven into the net
GDX still recovering from the topping. some faster than others. #4 back in the lead again.
did a bunch of scrog weaving with godfather. want to wait as long as i can before next haircut required.

Bottom Shelf -
Rainbow Kush-off entry still fattening up, but looks to be slowing down a bit. most of the pistils have changed color. very little new pistils popping out. will check with the loupe sometime next week… see where we’re at.

Zone 3 - Update
Top Shelf -
GDX project cuttings still alive, but starting to show some nutes deficiencies. not seeing any sign of roots yet.
godfather cuttings bouncing back from the transplant in pretty good order.

Bottom Shelf -
for some strange reason the XOX GDP males decided to flower. no changes to lights, but i suspect the issues i was having with (retaining) irrigation stress triggered them. this is no bueno. cut a bunch of branches off, but that seemed to make it worse… going to let them finish up out in zone4 and collect pollen. say goodbye to those boys.
frankie clone doing well. gave it some blood meal sprinkles. as it’s starting to branch out. get a headstart on the nitrogen jones issues.
messed with the nutes and did some pruning on the soma lavender male. the tops are showing healthy green. give it 1-2 more weeks then will start the seed run.

Zone 4 - Update
dedicated to making flower™ and now seed™!

back in business again!
(massively UNDERRATED album)

Left Side -
@Ris - tossed the growing up ganja mimosa out here to get it’s flower on. it’s been an easy grow so far. nice and healthy.

Right Side -
this will be housing the soma lavender seed run. soooooon.

Til next time.


Zone 3 - Update
Bottom Shelf -
Took some time and looked a bit closer at Rainbow Kush-off entry.
Pistils have 90% changed color and seeing signs of fade in the fan leaves.

Time to take a look at the trichomes…
No more clears, everything milky and a scattering of ambers. Another week or two. Its real close.

@Coffin_Dodger - looks like I’m going to hit the finish line first…

Rainbow Kush-Off Bud PrOn (with obligatory dog hairs)

Til next time