The Bank of Stank

Yea, the taste and level of potency, I could smoke Mac all day, with a bit of other stuff mixed in now and then lol. Same with the 89NL5 I have.


Is that the P7 cut?


Yea, that’s the one.


Hm. That’s interesting. I think maybe people are breeding mostly for dispensaries lately. Like,”Shorten the flower times! Get that shit dried and cured quick! Get it out and let’s make some money!” I dunno, really. Could be that you just built up a tolerance to it. That could be a bad sign, as well. I can’t think of the last thing that I grew that I built up a tolerance to. Everything I’ve grown gets me baked like it was the first time I smoked it, every time haha.

Funny that you like the Tampa Crippy, though. Those are some dirty-ass dirtbag motherfuckers. Sleaziest place I’ve ever been. They know their drugs, though haha. I don’t doubt that that weed is good.


Man, I lived near Orlando for a few years and I loved crippy. Recently I was gifted some crosses with the “crippy”, I can’t wait to try em out.


The offer still stands brother. I love making seeds, but it is even better when I am able to spread them around for other people to hopefully enjoy as well. All that I ask of you (or anyone else), is that you grow them out and share your experience, be it positive or negative. Positive vibes…

I feel like I recall offering you my seeds on multiple occasions haha. The funniest part is that I am pretty sure that I have offered you this exact hybrid (Motorbreath #15 x Blowfish). As with @minitiger, the offer still stands. I will always offer my seeds to people that will grow them out, but I never want anyone to feel forced to take them haha. Positive vibes…

You are far too kind. I give all credit to working with the best genetics and making good selections. It doesn’t always work out well, but I haven’t received any complaints (besides from you about the stretch on this hybrid haha). It also goes a long way when someone who knows how to grow is showcasing your work haha, so I truly appreciate you and all of the other competent gardeners who run my work.

Good to hear all around. Overripe melons doesn’t ring much of a bell with either parent, but the Blowfish smell is soooo fucking unique, that I wouldn’t doubt that smell could be hiding in that cultivar somewhere. It might not be your cup of tea, but if was me, I would definitely be hoping that some of that stank comes from the others or with a nice cure. I just love the foul-funkiness of the Motorbreath #15 mama so much. Delicious gas on the inhale/exhale.

The fluffy/dense nugzz definitely reminds me of every Blowfish female that I have flowered out. I know that we all appreciate those super easy trim jobs too haha. I hope that you are enjoying the fruits of your labor! Again, I can’t thank you enough for giving my work a spot in your garden and for doing it such justice! I appreciate you brother! Positive vibes…



Oh, well you KNOW I have zero problem doing that haha. I’ll hold off on the seeds for now, though. I’ve got the next, like, year’s-worth of grows lined up. I don’t wanna grab any of your seeds and then just sit on them for two or three years. I know where you’re at, though, brother. Hit you up when I’m ready.


Here’s my newest round at week 1 of flower. I think I’ve reached the limit on plant size for what I can achieve with 3 gallon containers. The biggest plants in tent#1 aren’t looking great. Meanwhile, all the smaller plants in tent#1 and tent#2 are happy chugging along. If I want to keep it water-only then I’ll probably have to bump up to at least some 5 gal pots for those bigger gals. We’ll see what happens!


Flower those bitches out! Fuck it…. Haha. They’ll be fine.

I dunno how I missed that CSI Triangle S1 in the corner. Have you grown that before? How’d she smoke?

Sorry I keep asking likely redundant questions, dude, my memory’s a little shot.


Are you getting 3 out of a 2, Stanky

Exactly my thoughts. I always end up with way more weed than I know what to do with. I’m fine with total failures, though I haven’t seen many despite my best efforts. All 3 CSI are from seed and I’ve never grown them out except for the Zkittlez which was the best tasting weed I’d grown in a long time. I’ll definitely pop more if any turn out stellar.

Well I’m Schmarmy, and I don’t know exactly what you mean. But I typically get 2oz from my 3 gallons. A couple plants last round hit 2.5oz. Hitting big weight is not terribly important to me.


Yeah, dude, you’ll be fine. I’d veg plants for sixty days from seed and then flower them in three-gallon containers and everything turned out great. Matter of fact, I should probably switch back to those three-gallons. Been growing in five or seven-gallons the last couple years and haven’t noticed any difference in yields or quality of flowers. And my plants get a little gnarly-looking at the end, no matter what I’m growing in (which is fine; I’m not trying to impress y’all haha).

The only difference I’ve noticed between the three-gallons and the seven-gallons is that the seven-gallons are a LOT fucking heavier haha. Moving freshly-watered seven-gallon pots back into the tent sucks. It’s started to feel like a chore the last week or so. That’s how I know it’s time to chop haha…


Nice. But I mean you have to be watering less in the 7 gals right?


Less? Yeah, maybe a little. Do you mean less actual water or less frequently? I still water every-other day. I’ll always water every-other day. I’ve noticed that for the current grow, I’m watering with a little less actual water. Eight cups or so, as opposed to the eleven or twelve cups that I usually water with. But that’s just because root development on all of the plants this round was less than ideal. I think.

But yeah, I dunno. Definitely not watering less-frequently. I’d LIKE to water less-frequently haha. Or at least not move the fucking pots in and out of the tent every-other gawddamn day haha. It’s fine. It’s just cuz I’m getting near the end. I always get lazy at the end. Pretty soon, I’ll be moving little three-inch starter pots around and thinking,”Gawddamn, I can’t wait to get these bitches into some big ol’ pots…”


I just started a Mendo breath on the 13th lol. again, much smaller than your plants :stuck_out_tongue:. I just up potted my purple punch mother, she a kinda struggling so I hope to perk her up and get some healthy cuts to start a new mom and to bloom one. I need to save her for a project I was planning, but living in 16oz containers is taking their toll after over 6months :sweat_smile:


That’s what I was after, and that blows my mind. I would think you water them in good and get at least 3 or 4 days in between. I’m going to stick with 3gal lol.

I actually had been vegging those 3 CSI for over 80 days, but only in the 3 gal about 2 weeks prior to flip though. I had them on backup after my whole powdery mildew experience, in case I had to start over. But I didn’t and I wanted to keep them going anyway. Been a long time coming. Unfortunately they were watered a little too heavy by the automatic system and are trying to recover.


I got you for a little while on her if you want cuts. I’m likely dropping her after this round. Just not as much “punch” as I was hoping for. We’ll see if going to 9 months helps any.


Is that cure time, or you going to try and go for a super long stretched out bloom :joy:.

Thanks, I’ll let you know if I need a replacement, fingers crossed I won’t. Just means I need to start new moms ASAP, though I’ve been saying that for over a month :sweat_smile:


Well they’re in airpots, you know? I think that the airpots just kind of dry out quicker than a plastic pot. I’m also not watering to runoff. I used to do that, but even then I’d still need to water every-other day.

Or I don’t know. Maybe not “need” to water every-other day, but I like to try and keep things consistent. Definitely don’t subscribe to the whole “wet/dry cycle” theory. I’m sure you know this already, but organic growing, from everything I’ve read, you just wanna keep things consistent. And you definitely don’t wanna let the soil dry out. Having said that, I probably could’ve skipped watering today and everything would be fine. I would’ve really liked to skip watering today (had a little get-together yesterday, drank way too much) haha. I was definitely not in the mood to lift some seven-gallon pots out of and back into the tent. I made some phone calls this morning and laid around on the couch for a while and drank a few beers outside and went for a short swim and did everything I could to tell myself,”It’s alright, dude, just skip watering today…” haha. But I eventually got in there and did it.

Creature of habit and all that…


I’m using 1.5gal containers with promix and an organic amendment blend. With how inconsistent the sizes of my plants are, and how different strains drink different amounts, I now water based on weight of the container more than anything. Some plants drink more, even if they are smaller than others. Other plants were showing deficiencies before, and I read that overwatering can cause issues that look like what I was seeing. So no longer am I watering every plant every day just to maintain a routine. some need it, some don’t. It’s about every 2-3 days, and I’ll water deep every now and then till there’s a tiny amount starting to seep out the bottom. Then I’ll add a couple cups when I feel they are starting to feel lighter and the top of the soil is starting to dry.
@schmarmpit this look familiar with the slurricane? She didn’t drink much but I kept watering frequently

My little plant barely developed enough roots to even hold the top half of the soil volume together, it was constantly moist and didn’t need or want to developed a heavy root structure. Then again I flipped the same day I up up potted, and it was only a 6” clone. Whereas MAC drank a lot, and held the whole containers worth of soil fairly well when I emptied it out after harvest.