The Bank of Stank

That’s great info, thanks!

Yes, I always notice the plants are worse off if I don’t veg them in their final pots for at least a week or two. I’ve definitely over watered and under watered and the symptoms can look surprisingly similar. It’s tricky to keep the soil perfectly moist on 15 different plants! That’s why I’m trying to find the plants that grow perfectly with my own personal style.

I’ve found using the drippers to water them adds it’s own challenges. I can’t cover the whole top of the soil with the drippers like I can hand watering. This likely creates dry and wet spots unless I water enough to runoff and let the plant soak it back up from the bottom.


Longer bloom. I took her to 8 weeks and her trichs were done, maybe over done at 9 weeks will help? But the 7 week harvest on her was the best tasting by far, even the fresh dried was good. Just not much buzz even on the 8 week.


hey @schmarmpit do you address the KIS organics anywhere in this thread (still reading down from the top currently) i looked it up after reading it in your first post and im super intrigued about it as a top dress feeding through the process as well as a re-amend option, i’ve been having a hard time finding a good, simple organic nutrient and re-amend program and this seems like it couldn’t be much easier; one product, both purposes. would love to hear more about your experiences if you haven’t gone into detail anywhere else. thanks!

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I think you missed the typo lol


BBBBAHAHAHAHAHA ooooooh yeah baby
I just vaped some Bubba Kush flower rosin and am totally blasted. You just blew my fucking mind.


Here’s the link. I just follow the directions as listed on the label. We have a spot in town that sells great local compost for cheap ($6 cu ft). Sometimes I use worm castings instead. Always dealing with fungus gnats in small amounts it seems. I also water in with Gnatrol when I remix everything to help control the gnats.

I just noticed that they recommend the Blumats. I might have to give them a try and ditch the drippers and pump. Maybe the Blumats could be even easier yet, and better suited to keep them all happily watered.


Do you find that you’re running into any deficiencies with the reamended soil and having to to correct with additional teas or top dresses?

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Nope, most of my plants grow just fine. I don’t do teas and rarely ever top dress. Maybe I should but…nahhh.


If any Canadian (especially GTA) is looking KIS or BlumatsI have found a local rep.
Sorry, didn’t mean to hijack…



That’s sick man. I might have to look into the KIS, I currently use Roots Organic, and I supplement with teas, aloe, coconut water and recharge. Re-amends have been a mixed bag of inputs and equally mixed results on the backend. It sounds like the KIS might just dumb things down enough for me!

As I’ve been told:

cut 50/50 with peat (promix) for seedlings and rooting clones
full strength at first re-pot
spike it a bit with bone and blood meals for flower repotting.

I’ve been researching as I’m running KIS in my fall grow.



I’ve never cut my mix for seedlings or rooting clones. They all seem really happy with it. One reason I like it so much is that young plants can last a good while in small pots with this mix.

My base soil when I started many grows ago was Ocean Forest and Happy Fog mix. Then amended each round with KIS.


This was from a local distributor, I’m sure I was getting the ‘safe’ answer.

I had grabbed a sack and cracked it open at my kid’s place for a re-pot…
I liked what I saw and smelt… grabbed a second sack on my next pass by.
Sorry, too much trivia, all the nerd stuff will be in tedious detail in my log… :nerd_face:



I’ve been real busy recently and have not been able to give the garden much attention (as much as I’d like that is). The plants are all doing fine despite it though. I’m running lots of strains a 2nd time so there’s not as much new to show. The Purple Punch, Super Lemon Haze, Mendo Breath, MAC1, Bubba Kush, Tampa Crippy, and Platinum Kush Mints are all going again. Most look a little bigger and better than last time.

I’ve found the plant size threshold for my environment using 3 gals. There is just not enough soil to support the larger plants I grew this round, some vegged as long as 90 days. Most are showing heavy fading way too early. But the bud still looks good so I’m going to ride it out and either move to 5 gal next time or keep the plants smaller. I noticed that that the smaller plants that went from 1/2gal pots to their final 3gal home are doing much better than the bigger plants that went from >1gal pots to 3gal. All got roughly 3 weeks veg time in their final 3gal pots.

Here are some newbies in the mix.

TGA/Subcool Pandora’s Box (Jack the Ripper X Space Queen). This was the sole survivor from 3 seeds, my first ever purchased pack from 2009. Improperly stored for several years, I was surprised anything sprouted. This plant has about 5 main branches and one branch went completely male. I’ve never seen a hermie like that. There was no sacks anywhere else on this plant but one entire branch was all sacks, no pistils. I bagged it, chopped off the branch, and am letting the thing finish. It did drop a small amount of pollen so I may have Pandora’s Box S1, and several clone-only cuts that could be seeded with it. But the damage looks minimal and the timing will produce viable seeds.

Northern Lights #5 (P7 clone) is very dark and happy, and smells delicious.

CSI: Zkittlez S1 is a weird gangly plant that stretched hard and needed support, but is now starting to stack some large sized buds that smell like candy and gas.

CSI: Lemon Party S1 reeks of lemons. Got that much right. Very frosty smaller buds on a plant that didn’t stretch too much.

CSI: Triangle Kush S1 looks great but doesn’t have much of a smell I can pull right now. There’s lots of competing smells in this tent.

Kush Mintz (clone) is by far the tallest plant out of them all. The stretch was crazy on this one. But the buds are stacking great, smell awesome, and look very frosty.

LA Confidential (clone) is showing the heaviest lack of nutrition from being too big for her britches. But like the others she is still stacking nicely. Probably has the tightest buds so far. I have to say this looks nothing like I expected from an LA Confidential and I’m doubting its legitimacy. But if the smoke is good I’ll call her whatever she wants.

My plants always seem to fade early and get very colorful under these bright LEDs and far red/blue strips, especially when they get too close like this one. Whenever I need a “healthier” looking shot I just go lower down the plant into the shadows where they seem to grow perfectly haha. This is the same plant as above. Maybe I need to turn my lights down.


Haha that’s a big change of heart. :wink: It’s part of why I cringe when I see people declare their keepers at day 35 of flower. It’s like, damn, you really need to harvest, cure, sample, share, and resample before deciding what to really keep. It makes it hard to keep to plant counts…but I digress. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

However, you ended up having the same experience with regard to potency as I had with both the MAC F1 (from seed) and F2 from seed. I actually don’t like the flavor of any of the phenos I had from either gen. Cookies crosses are just blah across the board. Never met one I’ve liked.

Cool to see you growing out some CSI. I wish I’d bought in on his gear back when it was cheap. It’s so expensive nowadays, but I guess it’s worth it for legit S1 from verified cuts.


I honestly don’t think growing in three-gallon pots is any big deal, strain-dependent. If it’s something that’s gonna take, like, twelve weeks or more, yeah, you probably wanna grow them in larger pots. But I grew in three-gallon pots for several years and then, since I’ve switched to bigger pots, I haven’t really noticed any difference in yields or quality of flower. All of my plants get yellow-ish and crispy around week six, no matter how big the pot they’re growing in is. The only time I thought,”Maybe I shoulda grown these in a bigger pot,” was when I grew Bodhi’s Tree of Life. They were obviously begging for N later on in flower. But yeah, I don’t think three-gallons are any worse than a five- or seven- gallon pot for anything that finishes in less than eleven weeks.

THAT actually might make a difference haha. I vegged some plants for 90 days in three-gallon pots when we bought our house, just because I didn’t wanna be moving plants from house to house while they were like four weeks into flower. But even then, they still turned out real good. That was my The Fuzz grow. And some other stuff. It all turned out fire. I don’t think the extra veg-time and lack of nutrients or whatever affected them at all. I mean, maybe it did. Maybe that grow could’ve turned out even better, but I was fine with it haha. The two The Fuzz plants actually turned out a little TOO strong for my liking. One-hit quitter shit, for sure.

Haha, yeah, you gotta smoke that shit before you determine whether or not it’s a keeper.


Apparently not in this age of cookies crosses and hypester greaseball IG cockroaches. They and their ilk keep getting banned, but, like roaches, they keep crawling back out of the woodwork…only caring about looks, photoshopping pics nonstop. It’s an epidemic, and I feel like it’s our job to teach the next generation what’s what.

And if that didn’t seem like enough of a grumpy grampy rant, get off my lawn!


Haha you guys are awesome.

I feel like I’ll never find a “keeper”. Coming close to finishing 2 full grow cycles with these same clones and I still can’t decide what to do. It just takes so damn long to really appreciate what a strain can do. And then I finally think I’ve found one (like Bubba Kush) but then I get bored of the same thing no matter what. I’m itching to get back to my seeds and will likely give up on this clone journey. There’s just nothing in the mix that has been sooo much better than anything I’ve grown before. I thought I was missing out but seems probably not.


Yeah. I mean, that’s kind of my deal. Besides the Purple NL2, everything I’ve grown, for six+ years, has been pretty gawddamn good. I don’t smoke all day, every day, so maybe that has something to do with it, but I’ve given my weed to people who DO smoke all day, every day and none of them have said,”This weed sucks.” They’ve actually been like,”Can I get a little more of that?” haha.

Good seeds from thoughtful breeders grown organically and carefully seems like a “can’t miss” sorta deal. I’m not faulting you at all for not keeping your “keepers” around. Let’s check some other shit out. There’s a lot of seeds out there… Most of them are in my fridge haha!

You already know how I feel about this. Please don’t get me started. Yet again. Haha. I could write a full-on essay about that shit. 10,000 words, easy.


I settle on top extractor and second best. Then I keep grinding for a better hash yielding plant.