The Bank of Stank

“Deth Starr” Nice to see Dave Grohl playing drums…


Looks like all the various mites have been wiped out in the quarantine tent. The clones are growing happily and I have not spotted anything in a couple weeks now. I’ll leave them another week or two just to be certain. I’ll turn up the heat and humidity some more to make sure nothing hatches or gets moving again. The bugs go into overdrive in those conditions.

And at 44 days now everything is smelling and looking divine.

Here are some of the new contestants this round.

B1gwyrm Chem. She’s got great structure and is going to yield really well. Most excited to try her.

Papaya is very leafy and smallish buds but they surely do smell fantastic of sugary citrus. The mom has already been culled because of the nanners she got down low in no light.

The Skunk Tangerine is probably the least photogenic out of everything but the smell is so intense. Just brushing up against it leaves your hand smelling like oranges for an hour. My wife always knows when I’ve been in that tent.

Guava Hashplant #1 x C99

Maui Wowie x Purple Urkle

And I got to put up the La Confidential. She always surprises me by how fast she finishes. I take her at 50 days and the smoke is devastating.


Talk about a bouquet of flowers. Is it Valentine’s Day again? Lol looking good


Hot fire right there


Grape Ape at day 51. I’ll definitely be keeping her around for a little while. This is my 2nd run with her. She’s done at 8 weeks, smoke is potent, and has the loudest candy grape smell I’ve ever come across. I’m going to try and let her go 9 weeks this time, if I can withhold. The only slight downside is the extreme vigor of which she grows. Just like the LA Confidential, it’s hard to keep her small and well-fed in a 3 gal unless you flower straight from rooted clone. I keep cutting her back in veg but she pays no attention.

New clones getting flowered next round are Durban, SR71 Purple Kush, and Apple Fritter from farmerjoe, and the previously mite-infested Forbidden Fruit from PNW.

Plus I have confirmed a couple boys and couple girls of the Deathstar Rephresh seed plants. I’ll definitely be making seeds with the Deathstar clone and flowering out the girls for smoke. They are the stinkiest plants in veg that I’ve had in a long time! Every single one. The AJ Sour D is definitely shining through. Tons of trichs too under the scope.


So much to unpack there. SR71, AJs Sour, Grape Ape, that tent has got to be a fire code violation


Looking good. That Durban sounds intriguing. SR71, too.


They call her Big Chem for a reason. I figured it’s because of b1g wyrm, but damn this plant just packs it on! At only 56 days and she is flopping all over from the weight of these greasy buds. Lots of trichs are ripe but I’ll give her at least 9 weeks to swell even more. I’ll bet she brings in the most weight out of this little 3x3. I just love the stink on her, chemmy, sour, 90’s funk. Hard to tell girth in these pics but she’s B1G.

I think Trinity probably takes the cake for heftiest buds though. They are definitely bigger in size but the plant as a whole will likely yield less just from structure and bud spacing. She’s doing much better this round than last. The Build-A-Soil nutrient pack is doing much better for me compared to the KiS pack. All the plants are staying happier at the end.

And we’ve already gone over the Triangle Kush but she’s just too pretty to leave out.

Out of these three I think I’m going to drop the Trinity. The smoke just doesn’t have the same wow factor. But she’s such an easy grower and will happily stay in a 4" square pot right up until final transplant without missing a beat. Whereas the TK is just a fussy bitch with terrible structure and is a dog to clone. The Big Chem is another easy grower.


Looking real good. That Trinity is definitely chunky. Good to hear about that B1gwyrm Chem, too. You’re making me reconsider my lineup for next round, maybe I’ll plant some of those Shadynasty seeds instead of the Lucky Dog ECSD cross…


Ooooh I don’t know. I’d probably go with the ECSD cross as well. I mean Skunk VA bred it right? What’s the ECSD crossed with?

I’m sure you’ve seen the review of ShadyNasty on Higher Thought. That cut he grew just doesn’t seem to resemble Big Chem in any way, but who knows what you’ll find in seed.


Well, I’m already for sure gonna plant some of Doc’s Sour Diesel/AfPak cross, that Outer Limits. I was thinking it might be fun to do a little side-by-side with Skunk VA’s ECSD cross (ECSD X that ‘91 Chem bx3 male he’s been using for a while), but looking at that Chem you’re growing… I dunno. I’m definitely not gonna run two Chem crosses in one grow, so it’ll be one or the other. I’ve still got a while to decide. And yeah, I’ve seen that review on higherthought, that’s like the main reason I’m so eager to get to those SHADYNASTY (my iPad just autocorrected Shadynasty to all caps. Weird…) seeds. He seemed to really like that one plant.

That’s funny. I’d actually forgotten about that joke, but I started “It’s Always Sunny…” on season 5, episode 3 when I started trimming last week. Took so long to finish everything that I got to season 8, episode 1 by the time I was finished. Love that episode. “Shady Nasty’s?”

Just outta curiosity, what’s that buildasoil nutrient pack you referred to in that last post? I looked on BAS, not sure I found what you’re talking about. It’s something you’re topdressing with? Like once every week or two? I’m thinking I might get something like that for some of those longer-flowering plants I’ve been growing lately.


Peace All. Yes @schmarmpit plz break down Ur soil for me. U go with all BAS products or make Ur own. I have had mild success thus far with making my own but I see little things that I may have not done that pop up every once in awhile ( have only been running this for a month maybe a bit more) and I would like to be failed in soil wise like U so my only issue would be temps (which is not easy). Ur grows always look great btw. Like the photos be comparable to the breeders photo of the strains. I wanna grow like this…lol. Thanks for reading. Stay safe. :fist:t5::call_me_hand:t5:


This is what I’m using. I just reamend the soil after every grow as they have written in their instructions. I don’t do anything besides water. No teas, no top dressing, even though I’m sure some plants would LOVE it haha.

EDIT for @7ANJA7OD: So my base soil was basically just a 50/50 mix of FF Ocean Forest and Happy Frog. I ran my first “organic” grow with just that. As expected, most plants ran out of fuel by the end of flower, but they still made it surprisingly well with just that base mix. A pro would probably top dress or feed teas or something. My key was transplanting into fresh soil in their final pots and then flowering within a week or two.

After each grow I shake off all the old soil into a big tub and mix it up with a premixed nutrient pack. I started with KiS Nutrient Pack and that was decent, but have noticed much healthier plants after switching to Build A Soil. They both recommend adding some compost (or worm castings) and more perlite, and that definitely is needed. You want to keep it light and aerated.

Water the whole time and that’s it. I’ve been recycling soil like this for ages. At one point I had to reset because the soil was infested with thrips and/or fungus gnat eggs and I couldn’t shake them. So I through it all into the garden beds and started over with the base soil mix. This is maybe my 6th? grow now with that soil. It’s a pain to mix it all up every time but I love the laziness of water only the whole grow.


So there are instructions for using this that U posted? Thanks for the info. I gotta cop some soon then. :fist:t5:

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Love the craft blend! It’s great in the worm bin too!


The instructions are on the side of the bag and in that link that schmarmpit posted.

Ah, okay, so it’s just a pre-mixed re-amend thing. Got it. I have most of those ingredients already, separate bags, and re-amend every-other-grow, but maybe I’ll try out that BAS stuff next time.


Yep that’s it. I started in organic with all the separate amendments. Not only did they take up so much room, but it also took so much longer to mix each individual ingredient. As I find myself with less time each passing year, simple things like premixed amendments have been a godsend.

And I’ll also say I use the same soil for everything from starting seeds, new clones, final transplants. I’ve never once seen a seedling burnt from it like I’ve heard so much. But I do sprout first in paper towels so maybe that’s part of it.


Yeah, me, too. And I don’t use paper towels, I just plant them directly into the soil. Never understood that whole “starter soil” idea at all. I’ve planted in soil that I mixed up like the day before, too, and never had an issue with stunted growth or leaf burn or anything. I will say, though, that I soaked the five seeds of that Ancient OG x AfPak I planted a while back in a little water and fulvic for about twelve hours before I planted them, first time I’ve ever done that. All five were above dirt super-fast, so I’ll probably continue with that method from here on out, especially for seeds with extra-thick husks, like those Lemon Thai f5’s I got from Doc D a while back. Those things are THICK.


I love dropping in here and seeing what your up too. Man I can’t wait to get back on the horse. Keep rocking it bro!


I’m excited for you too. It feels like it’s been forever. Any timeline or are you still just waiting to see what happens? Just let me know if there’s anything you’d like to help get you started again!