The Bank of Stank

Thanks brotha, in the process of getting a new place so got my fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:. I have some preservation runs I wanna do as well. I’ll let you know what I end up with and if you might wanna try anything I have when it’s time. Just keep rocking it bro.


So this is supposedly a Harry Palms cut of Papaya (a pheno of KC Brains Mango). I sourced it from Shinonbi on strainly, who I no longer use because of a few messed up orders and questionable practices. It’s easily the weakest clone I’ve grown out so far. Super leafy, small buds, very mild smell of sweet citrus and…soap? But worst of all it throws pollen sacs very easily. I found a bunch in the shaded lowers and even some in the fully lit tops (see pic of one peeking out). The pollen hasn’t seeded anything in the tent so either it’s not viable or the plant is so leafy that it couldn’t get anywhere. This was one of the few cuts I refused to grow a second time.

Here she is after I pulled off a good amount of leaves just to show structure.

Would not recommend. This one might be headed to the edibles pile.


Huh, that’s surprising, Jeremy from BAS ran the papaya oz melon and seemed to really like it for what it was, I wonder if maybe the papaya itself was more of a breeding tool than and actual banger line in and of itself?

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this is the only instructions i see: “Re-Amend your used Organic Soil at 2-4 Cups Per Cubic Foot”

I’ve been using craft blend but as a top dress, vegging in it right now it’s killer, but now i’m kinda confused on how to re-ammend my 60gal living soil pots, it’s 8 cubic foot, the 2 to 4 cups per cubic foot seems a little heavy and expensive, i would put 16 to 32 cups of craft blend in each pot?

And they also have this

And this


Yeah, I mean he used that Papaya cut to make many great crosses and still does. I think it more likely that I do not have the legit cut. The clone game is full of phoney baloney to make a quick buck. Only a few people I use that I can completely trust what they say.

But I’m with you, it could be more of a breeder tool than anything else. Watch I’ll smoke this bud and be filled with regrets for letting her go haha. But I have no time or patience for a cut that herms.


I wish I knew more and could help. I amend on the lighter side of their suggestion, 2ish cups per 1cu ft. It does seem like a lot of material, and I got in the habit of adding more perlite and EWC (or compost) from the KiS instructions. All I can say is that the plants seem happier using it.

60 gal pots, that’s huge! I’m usually working with 50 gals total, just two 25gal totes of soil each round. I run in little 3 gal fabric pots with all my plants.

I’ll be looking into the other stuff you posted. They have lots of different stuff available. I just try to keep it as simple a possible. Since this worked so well it’s unlikely I’ll change for a while.


Just remember that virtually every producer of anything ever is gonna recommend you use more of their product than is necessary, just so you have to buy more, more frequently. Even BAS haha.

Didn’t you just mix those pots up pretty recently, @supershitfuck? You’ve only done one cycle in them so far, right? I’d wait to re-amend until after two grows and then probably only use half the recommended amount, maybe even just a third. Did you ever end up adding worms to your pots?


I agree with @minitiger.
I’ve never used the total recommended amount. I split that amount between the craft blend and gnarBar. So the total amount is the same more or less just half the amount of craft blend if that makes sense.
I use the milled gnarBar for the re amend


so nice to see a bunch of other people using BAS

Yeah 100%, i have been thinking about how te re-ammend my 60gals for a while but i’m just going to e-mail buildasoil and ask 'em what to do with what i have, should be plenty, i have the big 6 micronutrients, and a bunch of craft blend, and a bunch of buildAflower, i gotta say their stuff isn’t only good it’s pretty cheap too, considering it’s shipped almost overnight, good deal

1 cycle yeah, it was premixed BAS soil, i harvested monsters from 'em, have not touched the soil since, it’s been like 2 months, i’ve been growing seeds in 1gals for now and they are sitting on top of the pots, i made a thread i’ll tag you, and no i have not added worms yet but very soon i’m going to revive 'em and plant some cover drop and stuff, i should definitely get worms, sounds like i’m missing the boat without them but it also hella fucking worked without them


The LA Confidential is dried and ready to smoke before most plants have even been chopped. I just wish she had smell. Something very soft and sweet finally comes through on a good cure. But you need stank to remain in this bank.


Coming up on 10 weeks, the Skunk Tangerine is ready. She bushes out and doesn’t stretch much at all. All the tops formed these nice dense spears. She is VERY leafy. This is one of about 6 tops to the plant. And thankfully the orange peel stink is still very strong. I can’t wait to coat my pallet with these tangerine terps!

And the Death Star has faired MUCH better this round being in the 5 gal pot. But I think the extra room just made her twice and big and she is still pretty hungry at the end. She grows vigorously but doesn’t really stretch up as much as out and around. Here’s one of many tops to this big floppy bush I have going now. She’ll bring in quite the haul, and I’ll need the extra bud because next round she’ll be filled with seeds instead!


Out of 6 of GrowHard’s Deathstar Rephresh I ended up with two females and four males. I started the males in flower several days ago. I’ll collect all their pollen, mix it, then hit the Deathstar clone next round. The boys and girls are very stinky in veg, me likey!

Da boys.

Da girls.


That first male looks real good, nice and branchy, good internode spacing. Those other three… haha.


I know. I’m almost thinking to use the first male pollen only.


I mean… A little selective breeding never hurt anyone. They don’t ALL have to be preservation-type runs haha.


Yeah this is anything but. I just worry that the golden pollen is hiding in that ugly bean pole one haha.


You could also do a trichome scan, see if any of the males seems like it has more on the leaf bracts near the pollen sack.


I apologize in advance for the all-caps, but THIS IS WHY I NEVER MAKE SEEDS haha. There’s too much to think about, too much to consider etc etc. I get all nerve-wracked just thinking about it haha, worried that I’m gonna make the “wrong” decision or miss out on the one stellar male that I should’ve used or contaminate the gene pool or whatever.

I totally get why you’d include all four males, despite the less-than-perfect looks of those three. Makes sense to me. I guess it’d just mean you’d have to look through more seeds, but that’s usually pretty fun, so…


Peace All. @schmarmpit I went and copped the BAS nute pack that U have spoken about.

Just got the package yesterday and will be using it starting today. I plan to use it with a mix that I made but feel like it’s not as strong as I would need. Was thinking maybe use just pro mix, castings, chunky perlite and this mixed at the ratio they say. Am gonna try a side by side with what I just stated and then a mix of my amended mix extra perlite and then this as an extra pusher.

HAPPY 4:20 JUST came


I look forward to seeing the results of your comparison.