The Bank of Stank

The big hand of buds is waving good morning to you all. The pinky was cut off in a trimming accident.

This is @paintedfire420 Guava Hashplant #1 x C99 (G99#1). My 3rd time growing out this cross. This one definitely leans more to the hashplant side of things. She stayed squat and bushed out. It made nice solid nugs all the way down. Just has almost no smell, which is a big surprise because all the other G99 plants I’ve grown just reeked of rotten tropical fruit. I suppose they all can’t be stanky. I’m sure the smoke will still be good regardless. She took 10 weeks. I’m getting so used to flowering clones that I forget how much longer a seed plant can take to ripen. But the other G99 I’ve grown had finished quicker on average.


Following along, excited to see how the Deathstar Rephresh breeding turns out. I had it once about 8 years ago on a hiking trip and it tasted like pineapple candy through the vape, my friends still reminiscence about it.


Welcome aboard! I’m excited too. Death Star was everywhere here in Ohio when it first came out. I have many fond memories of smoking it. Even now, after I’ve grown out all these elite cuts, she still can hang with the best of them. I’m hoping these seeds offer a similar experience. I’ll spread them as far as they can go.

Now pineapple candy is a description I’ve never heard of her, but I must say, I don’t often vape. I should give it a try. But the buds are so loud of diesel, skunk, coffee, and earth. There is something sweet in there though, hidden beneath the funk.


Not common for me to vaporize either, but the friend who brought it along had a little pax, and I was very impressed. It came to us as Death Star, and the nug structure on the High Times 2010 cover photo looks like a total match, but it was on the east coast so who knows!

Maybe someone else here has tried it through a vape and can corroborate/dismiss that citrus/sweet taste coming through, but the accounts of “get lost in a parking lot”-type effect I’ve read about were also a match


Fantastic! Turns out has all these!
High Times (1974-2018, various) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

That’s not Death Star on the cover, it’s Sour Grapes: image

Page 78 starts the article, which I attached. Some good pics of the living plant and flower.
Death Star - High Times 409 Feb 2010.pdf (961.1 KB)


Oh, interesting! I was mislead by this weedmaps article about Team Deathstar, which incorrectly attributed the cover pic to the Death Star

Here’s another pic I found online of a resemblance since I only saw it in a bag, had the same very light green color. Guess the only way to know for sure is to try a confirmed cutting for myself!



The rephresh boys starting to drop pollen. Time to move them away to a different room and start collecting.

And the newest round has begun.


Most of the plants from last round are dried and jarred, some for a couple weeks now. There is one standout in particular who is my new favorite, the Skunk Tangerine. You crack the jar and a tangerine funk bomb goes off. It’s definitely quality stank. You can taste tangerine in the smoke and it actually coats your palette with a tangerine flavor that lasts a good while after the session. I’ve grown lots of orange plants from seed from different breeders and this is the most orange I’ve ever experienced. And the best part is that the high is really, really good. It’s strong, lasts long, and makes me feel happy and creative. A new favorite in my crew. This is the first clone I’ve grown that I can definitely say I do not want to lose. Funny thing is, “bag appeal” is totally mids!


And here is the new crew at 1 week in, all stretching nicely.

The shorties in the 3x3:

And the biggies in the 4x4:


Sweet! I feel like anything with a sorta “tangerine” thing going on is always guaranteed to be really good, happy weed. Must be whatever the tangerine terpene is called, I guess, but the few crosses I’ve grown that have a tangerine flavor going on have always been excellent.

Fuck “bag appeal” haha… How many times have we grown trichome-laden flowers and gotten all,”Oooh, it’s so crystal-y!” only to be disappointed by the smoke itself? But you know that already haha.

Where’d that Skunk Tangerine come from? Sorry, man, I forgot.


Yeah totally. Looks don’t mean shit really. If anything I might be able to say that I won’t get great returns from squishing this on a press. This orgnkid cut came from farmerjoe as well. I’ve found the stuff I get from him to be consistently good. He has more old school tastes, which is why I was surprised he had the Fritter so had to give it a shot.


Oh, gawsh-darn-it! Guess you’ll have to roll joints instead… haha.

I thought that pic you posted actually looked not too un-crystal-y. Maybe it’s not caked, but it looks good enough. But maybe that’s just because I’ve gotten to the point now where I’m suspect of anything that actually IS covered in crystals. It’s like the shittier the weed looks, the more I’m intrigued by it haha…

I’m not saying that Skunk Tangerine looks shitty, though, I’m just saying…


I’ve been waiting patiently for your Skunk Tangerine report Lol. Summertime with a delicious orange bud is good living. Enjoy.


Sometimes the trichomes are only 100 microns tall and it’s really hard to see them with the human eye. I’ve also seen them 1300 microns tall and clearly visible! To get a really good idea of if the plant is worthy, I count the number of trichomes I can see in a microscopic image of a single bud. The human eye isn’t cut out for tasks like that.


At 17 days now and it seems that the stretch is all done. I bet the SLH has a little more to go. The TK just beasted out this round. She’s already a pretty good producer so should be even better this round. The soil mix seems a little hot compared to last time. I might skip amending after these are done, which would be a nice break come summer.

I took a 4 day trip over the weekend and didn’t even set up a watering system this time. I just watered them in heavy and turned the lights down lower. I was surprised how well it worked. I bet they could have easily made it 5 days.

Nothing much exciting at this point. The Forbbiden Fruit is already showing a little purple in the early flowers.

I’ve got the Death Star removed because I just pollinated her with the Death Star Rephresh pollen. I’ll spray her down with water in a little bit and put her back in soon enough. I’ve got more pollen saved to hit her again in another week if the first round didn’t seem like enough, but I’m sure it will be.


Looking good, dude! That TK does look like she beasted out, kinda dwarfing the B1gwyrm next to her haha. Are you putting everything in the same spot every time? Maybe that TK’s just a light hog, not digging being in the back corner this round or something.


Thanks, buddy! I always have the TK in the back corner because she stretches so much. But she’s also one of the few that doesn’t seem to mind the corner and stacks dense nugs all the way down, even in the lowers that barely see any light. This is her first time in the 4x4 with the higher power light so I’m sure that’s the main difference. She’s not any stretchier than her normal gangly self. I think she must have gotten a little more vegging time too. I’ve learned to take cuts of her early because they take sooo long to root. I must have had her rooted earlier than usual.


I noticed that it’s less strong than dr. earth amendment i usually use, smells better too, but it seems like the plants really like it and eat it pretty fast, my guess is that it’s more “balanced” no leaf burn or weirdness, it’s more of a salad type meal for the plant and dr. earth is more of a 32oz redbull and a marlboro


:rofl::rofl::rofl: that certainly paints a picture. Gotta rename all your plants “Kyle”


I’m loving the look of these ladies. The purple in the forbidden fruit is so subtle and gorgeous, I just sort of stared at it like a sunset. :eye::eye::sunrise_over_mountains: