The Bank of Stank

Really looking forward to your thoughts on this one the deadhead og I’ve had was killer even grew a deadhead og bx that came out real nice what she smelling like? Killing it as always one of my favorite threads to follow :facepunch:


The 4x4 is now rocking at maybe 9 days flower. Stretch should almost be over. I’m excited to have a bigger grow this round as the last one was rushed when the plants were smaller than usual.


Thanks bud! The Deadhead OG has a really neat smell while growing, like a cool fresh cleaner smell. A little bit of OG earthy/lemon too. I was constantly pinching buds to get a whiff. She’s going to yield good and hopefully the high is knockout like people say. She’s almost done drying!


Lookin great! :muscle:

I see some re-runs and some new one’s? Anything you’re excited about?

I might have to trade ya for that weasel cut. I have an AJ cut but only just now big enough to take clones off of. Hopefully be getting the Albany cut soon too. Still waiting on TK and SSDD cuts to root.


Everything is looking great! You must keep good airflow packed in like that, has that ever been an issue?
The king of variety you are, can’t wait to see how the new ones turn out for you.


Thank you kindly. Any reruns in there mean I’m keen to them. The Lemon G gets me most excited though. I’ll probably run it every round.

But of course! I may even have something I could send sooner than later. I’ve heard the weasel cut is the same thing as the Albany and the AJ. But I hear lots of noise all the time. I’ll let you figure it out lol.

Thanks! I keep decent airflow in the tents. Nothing crazy though. It’s one AC Infinity exhaust fan setup for automatic temp/humidity control. Then just one little 10" fan mounted at the top of the tent pointing down, always on. I have had bud rot a few times but it’s not common for me, and always minimal spread. PM only shows up if that pest is present, airflow matters not. Otherwise I don’t know what else might happen from bad airflow.


I see that blue dream in for another round, must be a good one! I can’t wait to cut her down here and find out for myself :yum:


Yeah dude you grew her beautifully. Can’t wait to see what you think. The bud makes me so floaty and spacey and chill. Great to have in the arsenal when I want a head change.


@LegsMahoney grew the Blue Dream? Where? I missed that log for sure. And for that, I apologize haha.

I just looked at your page, Legs, didn’t see anything BD-related in your “topics” thing. Link, or…?


Here it is More Legroom: SC Blue Dream, Purple Urkle, Old Soul, Super Yahmba - #39 by LegsMahoney


Looking forward to those Niwashi cuts of Juicee J and SLM. I’m sure they’ll be tasty if nothing else.

And I’ve been thinking lately just how lucky I am to have this much variety of quality smoke. I remember digging through a dumpster for an hour to find a bag of brick weed I accidentally threw away. My how things have changed. Now I’m at a point where I could smoke a different strain each day for almost a month straight lol. The hardest part now is too much choice. Just like trying to find a movie on Netflix.


High praise man, thank you! I’m super stoked on her so far, I think I can do a better job though if she gets her own Earthbox next time!

Don’t apologize man, I’m realizing now I don’t think I linked to it on any of my other threads or anything. I’ve been struggling to keep to a high standard of posting for grow logs lately, just life shit, so it’s a pretty shorty grow thread with somewhat infrequent posts from me, but I am super stoked on things right now, warts and all. Gonna clean it up and shoot for a higher standard on the next run!


I wasn’t “apologizing” apologizing haha, I was just sayin’… Anyway, I didn’t click on the “more topics” thing on your page, but it’s there. And schmarm posting a link to it helped, as well haha. I’m gonna check it out.


It’s a short read :joy::joy::joy:


That’s why I keep the Blue Dream around. It’s a nice change of pace. And she can definitely throw the weight down!


Trying to get better at logs myself. See if I can actually document a whole grow.


Damn I’m sad I lost those deadhead OG cuts. Only ones that didn’t make it. I did order some hormex #8 powder. Maybe I should have gone with the #16. :wink: I’m using root tech gel right now. It’s worked great for everything for the most part.

You’re buds are looking fire as usual. Hope you get that romulan into flower soon. It’s my subconsciously go-to bud. :joy:


I’m honoring my New Year’s resolution of getting back to seeds and I’ve culled 11 clones from my mom tent. It feels so good! Granted, I still have 19 moms remaining but it’s a huge step in the right direction.

I then immediately went to the fridge and grabbed some beans to soak. :heart: I usually take days to finally pick some seeds but this time I didn’t even care. Anything would do lol. Ended up choosing Anunnaki’s Black Cherry Soda BX2 (7 beans). Then I popped two more of my oldest seed packs to see if they’re still viable (unlikely). From 2009, DNA Sour Kush and Nirvana White Widow.


Nice, excited to see how the Bank of Stank Seedz unfolds!

Hope those BCS pop for you, would love to see a few more of those around. Are you strictly looking for girls, or will there be pollen makings too?


Thanks, I’ll be looking at the boys and the girls in most cases. Those BCS were chosen to hopefully F2 and find a nice guy. I ran some of this pack years ago and I really liked the bud I got from it.

I think I’ll be making lots of crosses with my favorite moms. Look mah, I’m a pro breeder now with all my elites! Hahah, no but for example, I’ve realized that I often prefer TK crosses to TK herself, so why not make a bunch of badass crosses with her for the Bank? Or Lemon G x BCS sounds like a match made in heaven. Bank of Stank Seedz, Schmarm’s Charms, It’s the Pits. There’s got to be a good brand name in here somewhere.